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[[Shallows/TheEndoftheWorld|The End of the World]] | [[Shallows/EotWIntroduction| Introduction]] | [[Shallows/EotWCharacters|Characters]] | [[Shallows/EotWHouserules|House Rules]] | [[Shallows/EotWMissions|Missions]] | [[Shallows/EotWPlayernotes|Player Notes]] | [[Shallows/EotWdispositionofSiderealShards|Disposition of the Sidereal Shards]] | [[Shallows/EotWStoryteller|Storyteller notes]]
[[Shallows/TheEndoftheWorld|The End of the World]] | [[Shallows/EotWIntroduction|Introduction]] | [[Shallows/EotWCharacters|Characters]] | [[Shallows/EotWHouserules|House Rules]] | [[Shallows/EotWMissions|Missions]] | [[Shallows/EotWPlayernotes|Player Notes]] | [[Shallows/EotWdispositionofSiderealShards|Disposition of the Sidereal Shards]] | [[Shallows/EotWStoryteller|Storyteller notes]]
== Divinities ==
== Divinities ==

Latest revision as of 01:42, 9 June 2010

The End of the World | Introduction | Characters | House Rules | Missions | Player Notes | Disposition of the Sidereal Shards | Storyteller notes


Walls of Granite ("WG" to his friends. "Brain Stew" to Arcus.): Walls of Granite, the war god, is a very sociable guy. He's a lot like Dream and Death's kid brother, Destruction... ie: He's a big, grinning, gray-haired teddybear of a god... Who can shatter mountains with his fists. He's popular with mercenaries and enlisted soldiers, and has something of their outlook on making merry whenever the opportunity arises...

After an especially good century of strife in the Threshold, he bought himself a big "country house" out on one of the canals, and sooner or later just about everybody who's the least bit interesting ends up at one of his parties... Either because he met them somewhere and thought that they were entertaining, or by coming along with someone else who was given an invitation.

WG's parties aren't see-and-be-seen diva-approved events, by any means. He serves ambrosial hot-wings and beer, not fancy wine and peaches of immortality.... and a true social diva would *never* want to be seen in such mixed company... But juicy gossip about WG's parties is always welcome by the upper crust, and a few have been known to attend on the sly or in diguise. They would just never admit it.

Most beings "in the know" (Which may include WG himself. Every soldier knows that it's good to have friends in a variety of places-) look at them as an opportunity for interesting members of Heaven's different social strata and various factions to meet and network and have a good time on relatively neutral ground. *ANYBODY* could end up at one of WG's parties... and the host being who and what he is, everyone knows it's a bad idea to start a fight. (WG has been known to toss people into the canal for "Disrespecting the Bing"... Whatever that means...)

To that end... enter the PCs. Each of whom has met WG and each of whom has a standing invitation to at least one of his parties. The only trick is figuring out how each of us met him, and what each of us did to warrent being interesting enough to secure their invitation.

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Doyo Tan Suni ("Buzzing Temper"): One of Suyu's former strays. Currently one of the lesser administrators of Li Ho, the Second Celestial Censor of the Blessed Isle. He's related to one of the Celestial Lioness who guards the Meru gate.

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Gurrid: A Sidereal familiar. (His master is one of the Chosen of Jupiter with connections to the Wyld Hunt) He appears to be a very energetic, furry man about three feet high.

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Lin Jun Po: God of New-Bristled Calligraphy Brushes. His shop is in the market square of the District of the Boundless North. He looks like a wizened old man with a very bushy moustache.

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Coils of Silk: A goddess in the Division of Serenity's Department of Extra-ordinary Circumstances, in charge of the arrangement of Pre-Destined Reunions. (Her specialty is engineering the "chance meeting" of formerly paired Exalts.) She's also the chair-being of the Most Auspicious Glory of Beauteous Radiance contest's planning committee. She appears to be an opulently over-dressed human female made entirely of satin ribbon, silk cloth, and multicolored pearl buttons.

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Harmony of Greetings: Goddess of Invitations, and soical Diva. Formerly the Steward of Ink-Stones. She inherited her current position from Cordial Word, who made the mistake of angering Mnemon. (Poor Cordial's current where-abouts are unknown.) She prefers polar behemoth bristles for her calligraphy brushes.

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Afaldinada, Prince of the Pangolin: Homeowner of dubious taste.
"A little over a century ago, Afaldinada, Prince of the Pangolin, had taken a serene and sensible six-tiered pagoda that had stood unchanged for a good thousand years (For, indeed, the residents who made up the Boundless North’s neighborhood association were notoriously strict-) and, without so much as a nod to the wishes of his neighbors, had painted it nineteen shades of pink and festooned it with garlands of fire-flowers. Some said he had done it to spite a rival… a functionary of the Department of Landscape Appropriations who lived next-door. Others claimed it was dream-stone induced insanity. Either way, the structure and its owner had become the focus of a fierce debate which had yet to reach a conclusion. Did the Association have any control over a neighbor who refused to listen to its proclamations?… Looking at the notorious Pink Pagoda in the wan light of both the sun and the moon Suyu certainly hoped that it did. “That has got to be the single *ugliest* dwelling in Yu Shan.”

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Silver Waves: Dock-master of the District of the Boundless North's eastern-most harbor. He appears to be a column of silvery water.

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Ubu: Suyu's boatman. A skelatal figure wearing robes of scarlet and orange, leaning on a thin pole. His voice sounds like bones snapping in a fire.

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The Eyes In Darkness: Whisper's gang of disenfranchised gods

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Lumin: Once the god of free-standing rocks and monoliths in the East, Lumin was tricked out of his position by the pebble-god Bronnick. Lumin now works for Blood-Choked Whisper as a guard and godservant. Likes keeping little gods as pets.

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Sympasia: Goddess who leads neighbouring gang to Whisper's Eyes In Darkness gang.

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The Motley Gang: Another neighbouring gang. Known for their cruelty.

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Tierromarch: Gatekeeper at Whisper's warehouse-fortress. Once the god of childhood tears, when the Contagion destroyed nine-tenths of humanity, his position was folded into that of the god of tears as a cost-cutting exercise. Sneaky, ambitious but essentially weak.

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Lily Blessing: "She stood only three feet from bare, ivory skinned foot to bald, black-patched head but was a ferocious combatent, respected throughout the House after hitting a Western tree god who patronised her so hard his essence pattern had still not reformed. Originally she had been goddess to a tribe of the Djala Panda People, left jobless when they were eradicated to the last man, woman and child by Gem slavers who worked them to death in the narrow passages of the deep mines. Whisper had earned her respect by offering her respect of his own, as well as a place to live where she would not need to defend herself against those who misjudged her lack of bulk for weakness."

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The Budget Committee:

Ryzala: Lady of Bureaucracy and Paperwork Ayizan: Goddess of Markets. Daimyo of the Division of Celestial Trade and Commerce
Parsai: Psychopomp of Prayer. Daimyo of the Division of Resource Management and Quintessence Distribution
Dyer Rhessh: Chief Steward of the Loom (Destiny)
Janus: Traveler on the Wind (Journeys) Has golen fingernails.
Quey Lynn: Lady of Peaceful Negotiations (Serenity)
Unknown Mandate: Shogun of Advantageous Knowledge (Secrets) Difficult to make out.
Chui Sy Rinn: Closer of the Deal (Endings)
Payt P'tar: Counter of Raindrops, Quartermaster General of the Aerial Legion, Samurai of Resource Allocation for the Bureau of Seasons. Drips water everywhere he goes.
Dutiful Sentinel: Liason with the Bureau of Heaven, Preserver of Human Dignity (Humanity)
Marik One-Eye: Grand Marshall of Nature's Bounty Put to Use, Liason with the Bureau of Heaven from the Bureau of Nature. An avian of some sort.
Adym S'm'th: Exchequer of records of the Sun (aka 'The Invisible Hand') A large, invisible human hand. That still manages to cast a shadow.

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Mikilala: Chili pepper goddesses of the River Province, runs a cafe in the Center City known for its kabobs. -"Suyu considered for a moment, and then ordered a variety of kabob that involved four red peppers and one green. The goddess called the thing the 'Pole of the East'. It's cousin , the 'Pole of Fire' was tempting, but the tiny, fiery bird-peppers that gave it it's name made the things difficult to eat gracefully."

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The Lotus Sisters: A trio of long-finned orange spirit carp who inhabit the pond in the formal garden of Winter Jade House. They're fond of tiny brown rice balls and crickets.

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Varue: Suyu's cook. Formerly a goddess of automated rice-steamers.

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Six Gods' Bakery: A bustling business run by the daughters of six members of the Aromatic Council of Splendid Culinary Spices… Ginger, Anise, and Clove, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, and Sesame. Their biscuits (Made from a dizzying array of ingredients… material, quintessential, and even ambrosial-) attracted patrons from all over the city. Ginger often mans the front in the evenings.

"As brown and plump as her namesake root, Ginger was a matronly sort of spirit. Like the other five, she’d been a god-blooded mortal until her father blessed her with divinity. She’d never lost her motherly affection for the young and troubled."

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"Louie": The uniformed doorman of #60, an old building at the corner of The Street of Stained-Glass Peacocks and the Boulevard of Nine Hounds and One Hunter, at the very edge of the Boundless North neighborhood's market district. (Dellasander & Herrod's office is #606)

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Dellasander: (aka "Eyes") One of the two detectives who make up the team of Dellasander & Herrod, Private Agents of Inquiry. He's married, and his brother is one of Suyu's former strays who's currently working in Creation.

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Herrod: The Hound of Galantha (aka "Nose") The other memeber of Dellasander & Herrod, Private Agents of Inquiry. A god formerly assigned to the Lunar city of Ilsan-Bystal. Think of him an as Anubis cast in the role of Humphrey Bogart's Sam Spade.

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Elesstadra the Story-teller: A clever divinity who loves to spread "lost civilization" myths among the tribes of the East.

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Bez-Ra: Suyu's butler. A stinkbug-like being.

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Linolino: God of Gracefulness. "Across Yu Shan Linolino, God of Gracefulness, was performing the dance of a thousand unveilings when he tripped and fell into a stage light setting his feathered coat alight."

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Garaint Neverlost: "While in the Hall of All Certainies, Garaint Neverlost lost his train of thought and a decades negotiation went to waste."

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Guembah Blue-Foot: Proprietor of 'Blue-Foot's Fine Comusibles'. A minor divinity of upscale winesellers. His shop is popular with members of the Department of Serenity.

"Suyu’s destination was a brightly lit little establishment some distance down the row, situated between a green-awninged pub whose sign featured a smiling cat eating a pickle and a cobblestone alley that lead to one of the district’s countless artisan breweries. The shop’s sign proclaimed both its ownership and its occupation. 'Blue-Foot's Fine Comusibles'. The front window was a riot of colorful fruit liqueurs, glass bottles, and countless corks, but Suyu knew the real treasures were kept deep within, where sunlight never reached, to preserve their sublime flavors and aromas."

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Habbu: Guembah's shop assistant. A lanky spirit who resembles an unkind cross between a gibbon and a hare.

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Ashen Grace of Sorrows: "She recognized one of the two gods debating a pale golden vintage that smelled vaguely of honeysuckle and oak as Ashen Grace of Sorrows, a constant thorn in Coils of Silk’s side. Her division (A liaison team from the Department of Endings, The Heavenly Orchestration of Loves Lost and Forgotten to Time-) often worked in direct opposition to Silk’s own Department of Pre-Destined Reunions."

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Death of Glory: Ashen Grace's rather sinister companion. "The other spirit didn’t seem familiar, but he had a distinctly sinister cast to his exaggerated, angular features…"

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(Haro Kuli, the god of small group tactics) pass it to his worshippers. That might have been spiteful, but Haro Kuli often also gave support also to the Wyld Hunts, and Strife wasn't going to give him any assistance.

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I guess it would be polite to start adding some of the assorted and sundy divinities that I'm so gleefully littering the city with to this page, wouldn't it? ^_^ - Brightfires (Builder of a Cast of Thousands)