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== Daiklaves ==
== Daiklaves ==
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<br>Shockwave Accuracy 1, 7 Bashing, Range (ess x 10) yards, Rate 1
<br>Shockwave Accuracy 1, 7 Bashing, Range (ess x 10) yards, Rate 1
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===== Comments =====
===== Comments =====
=== Feedback welcome. Please yell at me if i do something wrong! ===
=== Feedback welcome. Please yell at me if i do something wrong! ===

Latest revision as of 15:54, 8 June 2010

BuzzChild 's Artifact Weapons

Heres the artifact weapons my friends and i have made.

All material within is 1st edition

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The Grand ~ art 4 ~ Orichalcum Grand Daiklave~ 7 committed
This grand orichalcum daiklave, affectionately called The Grand, is 12 feet long and a foot and a half wide and shaped essentially like a great sword, scaled up for a huge man it is very rugged in design, with simple decoration surrounding the 3 hearthstone sockets (1 on the pommel and 2 on the guard).

speed 0, accuracy 3, 12L with the blade, 14B with the flat, 4 Defense
After every successful attack with the flat of the blade roll strength + essence +damage dealt. Each success = 1 yard of knockback.

Note: this is a daiklave in use by one of my zeniths and it is by far my favourite daiklave.

Soulthirst ~ Art 4 ~ Soulsteel Daiklave ~ 6 committed
Every time this blade deals damage to a living opponent, it gets a taste for the targets blood and hungers for it from then on. Every time you deal damage against a living target you gain an extra accuracy dice towards attacks against the same target for the rest of the scene. Further successful attacks grant extra bonus dice bonus dice up to a maximum of five. Soulthirst has a voracious hunger for fresh souls and its bearer enters into a slight trance when he enters combat.

The nature of the trance depends on how hungry(how many bonus dice the daiklave is granting) Soulthirst is. For the 1st level there is no effect; at the 2nd level the character adds a die to his valor; at the 3rd level add 2 points to his valor and ignore -1 penalties; at the 4th level the character cannot fail valor checks and must make a willpower check to stop fighting; at the 5th level the character can ignore all wound penalties but may only attack the one target for which his daiklave thirsts most, he may make a willpower check to stop fighting but if successful he suffers an immediate aggravated damage from Soulthirst which isnt rolled or soaked and loses all bonus die .
speed 4, accuracy 3*, 9 Lethal, Defense 3

Waveklaive ~ Artifact 3 ~ Black Jade Wavecrest Daiklave ~ committed 5
This beautiful wavecrest daiklaive is elegantly decorated in stylised waves up the blade with a jewelled hearthstone socket mounted on the foreguard. When attuned the waves seem to flow back and forth along the blade hinting at the raw power of the blade. For 3 motes the wielder can summon a wave with a flowing slice of the sword from a nearby water source. The character can attack with the wave until the end of the turn, using the same stats as the daiklave, and out to a distance of (essence x 10) yards. The character treats the wave as an extension of his daiklave and so his actions with the daiklave direct the wave. Damage dealt with the wave uses the characters essence instead of strength and deals a number of levels of knockback equal to damage dealt.

Speed 7, Accuracy 4, 7 Lethal , 3 defense

Martial Arts Compatible

@$$ Kicking Boots ~ Artifact 2 ~ Moonsilver Footwear ~ committed 3
This artifact is essentially a set of moonsilver socks minus the toe and heel that sinks into the skin like the moonsilver tattoos when attuned to. They offset the penalty of a kick and even add a small bonus.

Speed 1, Accuracy 2, Damage + 2, defense 0.
note: youll have to pardon the name of this artifact thes what we have affectionately called them and if there is any problems feel free to fully censor the name or rename i dont care... you could also add small survival benefits for flavor if necssary like hides tracks or a boost to athletics.

Wind Fans ~ Art 4 ~ Blue Jade and Orichalcum War Fans ~ 4 committed

These small elegant fans come from the spirit courts of air, fondly crafted by a lonely spirit as a gift for an unrequited love. Each fan is identically crafted of the finest selection of magical materials. The ribs of the fan are slim elegantly crafted orichalcum with blu jade swirls inlaid on each side. Beautifully embroidered on each fan are ellegant swirls of blue jade, depicting the beauty of this particular spirits love, woven overtop of fluffy white clouds set in an orchalcum sunset. The fans are extremely easy to handle, feeling light and comfortable in the hand even while unattuned. These fans were the ideal gift for a beautiful spirit attending the volatile courts of the wind, as they not only kept the recipient cool, they granted various level of control over the wind, they eased discretion, and being durable enough to withstand attacks from magical weapons and essence laden attacks, afforded a great deal of protection.

When attuned the fans offer a number of boons to the wielder as they become as light as the air and easy to manipulate, as if an extension of the characters body. They become extremely easy to use granting a full die pool with each fan which can be split normally (and suffers offhand penalties like normal). A single pass with either fan cools the character to the desired temperature for a scene or creates a small gust of wind strong enough to create a small dust cloud or blow out a lantern or torch from a yard away. It becomes easy to communicate silently by using the fans to signal a target. Reduce the difficulty on rolls to gain the attention of(or to distract)a target using the fans, and on rolls to communicate with a target using the fans, down to 1. At the same time increase the difficulty for others to notice or intercept these messages by the wielders permanent essence. When used in combat the character can attack with the fan closed or with the sides of the fans to deal bashing, and can slice with the open edges of the fan to deal lethal damage. The character may also use the fans as thrown weapons(using the same accuracy and damage)without fear of losing them for they will return to the characters hand at the end of the turn on a gust of wind.

For 6 motes the character charges the fans with essence, bringing the blue jade to life causing all the symbols to glow and flow freely like the wind. This effect increases the power of the fans dramatically until the end of the scene in the following ways: The character adds their permanent essence to the damage rating of the fans. The defense rating of the fans increases by 3 as large gusts of wind help parry incoming attacks. When thrown the fans return to hand before the next attack instead of at the end of the turn. Every attack the fans make is now accompanied by a solid gust of wind adding a range element to the attack allowing the character to attack out to (permanent essence x 10) yards away using the wind. Attacks made in this fashion are rolled as normal martial arts attacks using the essence boosted stats of the fans. Slices with the wind deal lethal damage and halve the targets soak. Sweeps made with the wind affect an area around the target equal to the characters permanent essence and cannot be blocked only dodged. These sweep attacks deal no damage. Roll damage as normal including extra successes on the attack, but without applying the soak modifier. Each success on this roll is treated as 1 yard of knockback which cannot be resisted by extras. Particularly sturdy targets get a reflexive stamina + resistance roll at difficulty of the attackers permanent essence. If the target fails he is knocked off his feet and knocked back the full distance. If the target meets the difficulty on this roll he keeps his feet but is knockedback the full distance. If the target succeeds this roll every success after difficulty reduces the number of yards he gets knockedback and he keeps his feet under him. Characters who get knocked into objects by this effect take a damage accordingly and characters who cant usually get knocked down because of magical effects can still usually get knocked back by this ability but ultimately its up to the GM which magic is more powerful.

Speed 4, accuracy 2, 2 Bashing or lethal, 3 defense, Range (ess X 10 yards) thrown rate 2

note: ever since i posted the waveklaive ive had these fans in my mind it took me a few hours to fluff up my notes but i think it was worth it! also im goign to try to bullet the mechanics a little or sumthign...try to seperate the mechanics from the fluff make it easier to read what it does..make it cleaner ~Buzzchild

Riot Batons or Blast Sticks ~ art 4 ~ Orchalcom Batons ~ 6 committed

These weapons are cylindrical orchalcum rods, found in pairs, and usually around 2 feet long and an inch and half thick. They are versatile hand to hand weapons good for crowded spaces or battles. The character suffers no offhand penalties while wielding these weapons and can decide if hand to hand attacks with the batons deal lethal or bashing damage. Attacks against a single target using both of the batons simultaneosly are rolled as a single attack using the stats of both Batons.The difficulty on parry attempts from this type of attack is increased by 2; dodge as normal. Parries with both batons are rolled as one parry using both the batons defense rating. After any successful hand to hand attack with one of the riot batons the character may make another attack at the same die pool with the second baton. After the second attack the character continues his turn as normal. The batons can be thrown out to 15 yards, using the hand to hand stats, with a rate of 1.

For 2 motes the character can immediately summon his weapons. The batons appear immediately in the characters hands regardless of their previous location.

For 5 motes the character fires an unblockable shockwave from the end of the baton. This attack is rolled using martial arts, melee, or Archery, whichever seems most fitting and has a rate of 1, range of (ess x 10) yards, an accuracy of 1 and deals 7 Bashing. For each damage dealt the target is knocked back a yard. The character can also store motes within the batons to power this effect, allowing him to stockpile 3 charges in each baton. If fired simultaneously from both batons, the attack is rolled as a single attack using the stats of both batons.

hand to hand: Speed 4 Accuracy 2, 5 Bashing or Lethal, 2 Defense
Thrown: Accuracy 2, 4 Bashing or Lethal, Range 15, Rate 1
Shockwave Accuracy 1, 7 Bashing, Range (ess x 10) yards, Rate 1

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Feedback welcome. Please yell at me if i do something wrong!

The Grand seems a little underpowered. True, it has that nice knockback power, and I can see it's got several quite large accuracy and defense boosts over a standard powerless artifact 3 daiklave... But you really think it deserves to be artifact 4 because of those? I have similar concerns about the artifact 2 nature of the ass kicking boots - even with the moonsilver bonus that I assume applies, I might put them at artifact 1. Soulthirst is very nice, and I think more appropriate to what I'd call artifact 4 powerlevel (this is all opinion though, so don't change it if that's what art 4 is at in your game.)

the Wavklaive is just great, I love it and may borrow it. One final question, for stopping battle with soulthirst at the 5-die bonus level, an aggravated what? I assume level of damage, but you havn't stated, and an aggravated die of damage would be much less of a drawback than a level.

-- Darloth

My friend and i came up with the grand for my zenith in the sash game at character creation. Then i totally agreed with you, i thougth it was a little underpowered ( and i also thougth the mechanics were funny), but now....wow man i cant even begin to say how much knockback that is. it is instant death if used properly and im really beginning to think that the grand is really deserving a low lvl 4 rating( however ive been trying to talk my gm into a plotline where it gains a new ability (or i learn/ unlock).

The boots to me seem level 2 because they totally negate all the penalties of a kick and then add bonus (and im not sure if we applied the material bonus...! ty darloth lol) at any rate thats my real problem with posting artifacts by rating everyones got different rating system but maybe mines more skewed then other peoples i think the boots are still up for some debate b4 i link them.

Soulthirst is a sinfully dirty daiklave that my friends hated getting hurt with and want to duplicate in orichalcum during gameplay, when stopping battle at 5 die bonus it is an unsoakable aggravated damage( i fixed it), that isnt rolled, soulthirst just steals your life lol evil sword

The waveklaive is soooo sweet the first time one of my players used it he didnt know how it worked and he damn near sunk his ship lol so funny...heheh

at any rate i dont think im going to post anythign today so ty Darloth for feedback just wanted to reply and give my 2 cents and now im off!!!
