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Wyld Flow Prana 
Cost: 25 motes, 1 Willpower 
Duration: Permanent 
Minimum Lore: 5 
Minimum Essence: 4 
Prerequisite Charms: Wyld Shaping Technique, Earth Firming Method  

Solar Exalted are the lords of Creation. As such they are empowered to deal with the Wyld. This Charm allows a Solar to effect a large area of the Wyld, making it flow to the Solars wishes. When the Exalt activates this Charm, she is able to change the level of the Wyld he is in. Roll the Exalts Essence vs. a diff of the gradation change. Add 1 to difficulty if changing to Creation side. So to make Bordermarches into Creation is diff. 2. To make Middlemarches into Deep Wyld is diff 1. To make Deep Wyld into Creation is diff 4. Note that the Exalt must be in at least the Bordermarches to invoke this Charm. She cannot use this Charm while in Creation. Also note that it can effect no more than a 25 yard radius per dot of Essence. Fair Folk are able to tell when a Solar has this Charm, and are very interested in them.

Creation Skinning Method 
Cost: 30 motes, 2 Willpower 
Duration: Instant 
Minimum Lore: 6 
Minimum Essence: 6 
Prerequisite Charms: Wyld Flow Prana

At this point the Exalts knowledge of Elsewhere and the Wyld mesh. She realises that by using Essence flows to bind Elsewhere energies, she can skin back Creation, leaving anywhere subject to the influence of the Wyld. The Exalts player makes an Essence roll, difficulty to be determined by the Storyteller. If she succeeds, she can Wyld Shape in Creation or mutate anyone in sight with Wyld energy. She determines what the Wyld mutation will be. This counts as an unblockable, undodgeable attack at anyone in sight. If the victim is immune to Wyld Emanations, no effect will happen. The difficulty of Wyld Shaping is 1 more than it would be in the Deep Wyld, due to the delicacy of the Essence flows involved.

Attunement Enhancing Technique 
Cost: None 
Duration: Permanent 
Type: Special 
Minimum Lore: 2 
Minimum Essence: 2 
Prerequisite Charns: Essence Lending Method  

Most Exalted in the First Age carried Artifacts. Some found the amount of Essence tied up in committment to be unacceptable. Thus was this Charm born. The First Age savants of Lore discovered how to weave Essence flows from Creation into their Artifacts, freeing their own Essence for other tasks. This Charm is bought just like Ox Body. It permanently alters a Solar's Essence pool, adding a Commitment Pool to the Personal and Peripheral pools. Each time the Charm is bought, it adds 10 motes to the Comittment pool. It cannot be bought more times than the Exalt has dots in Lore. The Solar cannot use this pool for anything besides Artifact comittment. Any excess not used by the Solar cannot be tapped for any other purpose. If the commitment amount is more than the pool , all further motes must be paid by either the Personal or Peripheral pool.

Quicksilver Essence Recovery 
Cost: 1 mote / multiplier 
Duration: 1 Scene 
Type: Simple 
Minimum Lore: 5 
Minimum Essence: 3 
Prerequisite Charms: Attunement Enhancing Technique

Some sagacious Solars have learned how to recover Essence more quickly than their compatriots. They do this by going through a training period in which they continually exhaust their Essence reserves. This causes their Essence to adapt, filling their pools more quickly when they comitt Essence to this Charm. When this Charm is activated, it allows for more quick Essence recovery. The Exalt commits a certain amount of Essence, and this makes a multiplier upon their Essence rate. They cannot spend more motes than their Lore Rating. So a Solar with Lore 5 could commit 2 motes and recover 8 motes per hour while at ease or 16 per hour asleep. Alternatively, he commit 5 motes and have a recovery of 20 motes at ease and 40 motes asleep. This recovery does prorate to the available time, so 15 min = 1/4 recovery,etc. to minimum of 1 mote (round down).

Virtuous Essence Distillation Technique 
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: Instant 
Type: Reflexive 
Minimum Lore: 5 
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charm: Quicksilver Essence Recovery

The ultimate mystery for Exalts is understanding the flows of Essence itself. Essence has many forms, and can be shaped into an infinite number of effects. But it's nature is fickle and not easily understood. The ultimate expression of an Exalt's understanding is their permanent Essence rating. This Charm allows a Solar to temporarily transcend their normal understanding, and so increase their Essence rating.

Upon activating Virtuous Essence Distillation Technique, the player roll's the Virtue that is linked to the Solar's Limit Break. Every success increases the characters Essence rating by 1 dot. 10's count as 2 successes for this roll. Willpower cannot be spent on this roll, either for an extra success or to channel a Virtue. You cannot more than double your Essence, or go over Essence 10.

This temporary Essence score exists for an instant (i.e. one roll/attack/defense). For that instant, any existing "static cost" effect such Ebon Shadow Form will use that score. Any mote cost that is variable gives the option to reflexively increase the existing Charm, by pumping more motes into the effect. After the instant is over, the enhanced score is gone. All Essence based effects drop to their normal stat, and any motes spent are gone.

This Charm stacks with August Enrichment method below. Please note that no combination of these two Charms will allow one to more than double an Exalt's Essence score, nor increase it over 10.

Invoking this charm increases the anima category by one, even if using Personal motes. This is besides any anima effect from spending Peripheral motes. This effect is cumulative each time you invoke the Charm in one scene. Finally, invoking this Charm increases Limit by 1.

August Essence Enrichment Meditation 
Cost: 3 motes / dot, 1 Willpower 
Duration: 1 Scene 
Type: Simple 
Minimum Lore: 5 
Minimum Essence: 4 
Prerequisite Charms: Virtous Essence Distallation, Any Other Essence 4 Charm 

Continuing on their path to Essence Mastery, this Charm allows the Solar open holes in her shard, accepting the raw Essence of the world into her anima, increasing her power.

Upon activating this Charm, the player may temporarily increase the Solar's Essence rating. This does not increase their available Essence motes, but does increase their max Essence motes. They cannot learn Charms, Spells or Ability / Attribute increases based upon their temporary Essence rating. However, all spells, Charms, etc. use the temporary score, for attack and defense. The player cannot more than double the Solar's Essence rating, nor can they go over Essence 10.

Any existing "static cost" effect such Ebon Shadow Form will use the temporary score. Any mote cost that is variable, such as Quicksilver Essence Recovery, above gives the option to reflexively increase the existing Charm, by pumping more motes into the effect.

Upon invoking this Charm, the characters anima banner immediately goes iconic, regardless of the motes spent or whether or not they were Personal. All Stealth Charms on the character fail. At each of the 7 Chakra Points, a blindingly bright glow shows the holes that the character has opened in her shard.

Infallible Air of Intuition Method
Cost: 1 mote / die
Duration: Indefinite 
Type: Simple 
Minimum Lore: 2 
Minimum Essence: 2 
Prerequisite Charms: None  

Solars are masters of skill. All of their magic flows from their mastery of skill. However, in the Age of Sorrows, Solars often are without references for their research, and as a result must trust their intuition. When under the effects of this Charm, the Solar makes intuitive connections between subjects, his mind leaping from subject to subject building on information he does not have.

When invoking this Charm, the player may add 1 die / mote spent to a Lore roll for researching a subject. They may not add more than the Solars Int + Lore. Note that the Solar should not be penalised for not having the proper research material, as long as such conclusions could be reasonably derived from them.

Example: Deresha, a Zenith Caste, is trying to research how a First Age StoneWalker (a war machine) operates. She can press levers and crystals, look at the mechanisms involved, see the hearthstone mount. She can use Infallible Air of Intuition to add dice to her Lore roll for how the machine functions, regardless of the fact that there is no manual and she does not speak Old Realm.

Example 2: Deresha, fresh from her triumph with the StoneWalker, is trying to find the true name of the First and Forsaken Lion. She has no books to help her with this. She cannot use Infallible Air of Intuition, as this could not be reasonably derived from what she has around.

Please be advised that research takes the same amount of time as it would had the Solar a proper reference. The Charm does not compress the research time in any way. The Solar can use this Charm to aid in the research phase of Artifact construction. The motes for this Charm are committed until the research is over.

Effortless Learning Method 
Cost: 6 motes
Duration: Indefinite 
Type: Simple 
Minimum Lore: 3 
Minimum Essence: 2 
Prerequisite Charms: Infallible Air of Intuition Method

All Exalted live for a very long time, compared to a mortal. But even among the most long lived of Solars, sometimes a skill or Charm must be mastered in a small amount of time. This Charm fufills that function.

While under the effects of this Charm, the Solar may learn a day's worth of knowledge in one scene (about 15 minutes, usually.) He may continue to do this for as many days as his Int + Lore. For every day's worth after that, he suffers 1 health level of bashing damage, which may not be healed as long as he is using this Charm. He may not use this Charm again for (10-his Lore rating) days without suffering health level damage.

The Solar may train Attributes, Abilities, Charms, Spells and Willpower. He may not train Virtues or Permanent Essence in this way. This Charm does not obviate the need for teachers, however any teacher wishing to teach to this student must be under the effects of this Charm or something similar to be able to follow his train of thought.

Peerless Tutoring Evocation 
Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower 
Duration: 1 Scene 
Type: Simple 
Minimum Lore: 5 
Minimum Investigation: 5 
Minimum Essence: 4 
Prerequisite Charms:Unknown Wisdom Epiphany, Effortless Learning Method

This Charm was very infrequently used in the First Age. But in today's age, Solars must often try to tutor themselves. This Charm aids in that. It allows the Solar to create a Tulku, a "memory self" of someone to teach them, made up of dust motes and captured sunbeams. The Solar needs an item that belongs to the person who they want to create a Tulku for. The Tulku has no material existence, nor is it a ghost of any kind. It is simply the memories of someone who owned the item. For as long as the Solar commits the Essence, the Tulku can tutor the Solar in any subject in which the original person was knowledgeable. This includes Charms and Sorcery. The main limitation is that the Tulku only has knowledge up to the time they owned the item. So for example, a First Age Artifact owned by Chejop Kejak may not have mastery of Citrine Poxes of Creation.


I'd be tempted to split Wyld Flow Prana into two separate Charms (Wyld-Congealing Prana and Chaos-Calling Method?). Also, the effect should be no more permanent than Wyld-Shaping Technique; Wyld in Creation will eventually solidify, while the Deep Wyld will eat away at pockets of order. - Quendalon

The problem with splitting the Wyld Flow is that it has Earth Firming Method as a prereq, which really is your Wyld Congealing Prana. It's temporary, but that's what it does. This is an Essence 4 Charm, so it does more. Good point about Permanent! It really is "Permanent until it changes", which doesn't really answer anything. Assume that the Wyld zone will flux slowly, per ST fiat. I don't know though if Wyld zones solidfy in Creation. There are many that go back to the Contagion. Is it a geologic process, or have holes permanently ripped through Creation? Have to look at Lunars for that. But Order is possible in the Deep Wyld. After all, anything else is as well... JPCardier

I reallllly like Peerless Tutoring Evocation. I'd probably make it a 'new charm', however, and make it a bit more expensive to account for that particular fact. Awesome idea, though. Question, however. Exactly how much knowledge does the Tulku possess?? Can it ask questions, or do anything other than train the person??? - CrownedSun

Thanks, Brandon. I started with this Charm, but I thought that a Solar Lore adder was needed, so I created one as a prereq. I also thought something on the order of Elemental Concentration Trance was in genre for Solars. The reason why I added Unknown Wisdom Epiphany to Peerless Tutoring was that invoked the memory of somebody from an object. So that's why I have a tree for it. Also, I would find it hard to jump straight into that with no prereqs.

Now onto your question. The Tulku is the memories of the person in question, bound by the characters Charm to answer questions and train the character. It's main purpose is teaching, but it can ask and answer questions. It's similar to Beregere's cloth that has somebodies voice in it. Does that answer your question? - JPCardier

Wow, these are cool Charms. My main thing I'd suggest though is make those Wyld ones at the beginning proably cost XP. That's how I noticed permanant effects tend to go, like the familiar Charms, or the Abyssal nuke and plague Charms. Make it Instnat, SImple, and then give a 1-3 experience point cost and it seems like it'll work pretty nicely I think.

Bunch of other cool stuff all aroudn though. Might print this and present some of the ideas to my ST. My Twilight would like a lot of these.

Stuff. -- Blaque