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The Idea

Our group - based on a bunch of jokes people made in a thread on RPGnet - decided to play an Exalted game for laughs, following the adventures of a group of J-Pop-singing Solar prettyboys through a series of musical contests against other boy bands. Well, okay, I decided to run it and inflict it on my friends. But they signed up willingly!

The canon is being folded and spindled but not quite mutilated, here. It's a comedy game, so a lot of the elements of the setting are just kind of glossed over to focus on the really important stuff - the cute boys and the J-Pop! We've also altered a few Charms here and there and adapted the combat system (with help from several other posters at RPGnet, thanks folks!) to work with the performance-based nature of the challenges.

All the "enemy" bands are based on real-life J-Pop groups, and appropriate musical accompaniment is used in-session to help set the mood. If, as you're reading along, you feel the urge to listen to the songs mentioned and have trouble, er, finding them, let me know and I might be able to help. ^_^

Dramatis Personae -- The Boys in the Band

Episode One -- "The Night the Lights Went On in Gethamane" -- The secret origin of WA HA HA. Loud J-pop mp3s. An entirely overmatched trio. And a concert Gethamane will never forget.

Episode Two -- "The Dead Hate the Living's Singing" -- Sexy dancing. Home-baked cookies. An attempt at subtlety. And a hunger for brainssss. Guest-starring Angus Scrimm.

Episode Three -- "We Killed a Band in Coral Just to Watch Them Die" -- A tribute to the Village People. A literal band of pirates. And why Joshi should never be sober.

Episode Four -- Ancient magitech force fields, an introduction to The First Age, a visit by a mysterious stranger in a blue robe, and flesh-eating monsters. Oh, and singing dinosaurs.

Soundtrack -- Music from and inspiring the series. Heh.

Quotes -- Memorable quotes from the cast.


More! More! Please? :)

Falcon - Man, that's beautiful. :) I especially love the quotes. My last Exalted group kept threatening to organise a Perfect Circle Pizza game along similar lines, but it never happened.

Check back with the quotes page soon. We have a LOT of great quotes from the most recent session - JasonHinds

Done. - Torawashi

Incidentally, I highly recommend you give the series "Macross 7" a view. It's a space-opera setting rather than high fantasy, but it's a top-notch action-rock-band series and the climax is essentially defeating the Malfeans by teaching them to sing. (Trust me, better than it sounds. Even if it sounds good.) -Ben-San

This is the best thing since my mom who is the best thing since central heating which is the best thing since Exalted. Congratulations, you are more awesome than Chuck Norris. - Han'ya

Because this is on a computer you cant tell im giving a massive 'I APPROVE' face. This rocks! (no pun intended)-Nkolos