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Jade Hands - or - Are you ready to cut your arm off yet?

What is twinking all about? Maximum output for minimal effort. Preferrably no effort at all, but most Storytellers won't go for that, so we get what we can. What does that mean in Exalted? Mote efficency. Making sure that you not only get the most bang for your buck, but that it's a really big bang on top of that for as few motes as possible. Today we're going to be discussing the Jade Hand from the sidebar on page 89 of Blood and Salt a handy little item that makes sure your Dragon-Blooded can do more with less.

Now, to anyone who's read the artifact description, it's not really suprising that it really helps out with mote efficiency. Certainly, it seems useful right off, but how useful really? We had a character in a game I ran with a high-level (four, I think) Jade Hand, and, as it turns out, it's much more useful that you think. Or than I thought anyway. It was flippin' rediculous. Ludirous even. Now since it really doesn't twist rules in new, unexpected and novel ways like protocols do I'm going to focus more on it's ability to augment a normal character and less on the rediculous awesomeness of it for those of us with maxed out stats.

Most of this is going to focus on the Dragon-Blooded as these hands are, well, Jade. The last couple lines the the sidebar do imply hands of other magical materials for the other exalted, but that's storyteller discretion if they even exist, which is usually murky waters I try and stay away from. At least when it's been printed and statted in a book somewhere you have a better chance of convincing your ST to let you have it since you never really know what bit of custom material they'll let you have.

For our purposes today we're going to assume our character mentioned has an Essence of 3, Willpower 6, and 11 virutes, which puts one at 4, one at 3, and two at 2. For the Dragon-Bloods I'm also going to throw in Breeding 2. This give the lucky DB 11 personal motes, and 28 peripheral, or 39 total. Not a wholly unreasonable looking character. I'm sure he's got plenty of points going toward being "fleshed out" and having a "personality" or something. Maybe even some... social charms.

Now, since were talking about mote effeicency we're going to be talking numbers and percentages of use. Please, if I mess any of these up correct me. Luckily, Windows has a calculator so I should be good, but sometimes I get the logic behind the math wrong, if you catch my drift.

First off, lets review what exactly the artifact does that's pertinent to the article:

1. It reduces the mote cost of any in-Aspect Charms by it's level to a minimum of one. 2. It reduces the artifact attunment cost of jade artifacts that are the same jade color as the hand itself. Again by the level of the hand to a minimum of one.

Most DB Charms tend to be in the low mote cost range to begin with, so this is most effective for the Charms that scale. Most of the DB charms with a set cost are under the 6 mote range except those that are on the very tops of the trees. However, knocking 5 motes of the 6 you spent powering Flickering Candle Meditation (1 mote per 2 dice to dodge with) means you spent 1 mote for 12 dice, most of which you probably can't actually use. But if our DB has Dodge 4, he spent 2.6% of his total motes rather than 5.1%. While it's only a small benefit so far, it gets bigger. You dodge 3 times in a turn? 3 motes as oppsed to 6. 7.7% rather than 15.4%. It's nearly doubling your staying power. And it really, really shows it's effectiveness in combos.

An Example Character

Let's start off with an example character. Let's go with a Fire Aspect, shall we? It's the Aspect we used in our game so I've got a little experience with it, any I think they also have the best ability set for total rediculousness. So we've got Athletics, Melee, Dodge, Socialize, and Presence that we're getting discounts on. A very, very powerful set of abilities there. You'll be a fearsome force both on the battlefield and in court.

In fact, looking through the Charms, every printed Fire Aspect Charm (In the DB fatsplat, don't have the Aspectbook yet)other than Ringing Anvil Onslaught and Warlord's Convocation will cost you one mote, except for the charms that have variable costs, but most of those you'll max out on for one mote anyway as you'll see below. Also, keep in mind that the hand also helps out with artifact attunement. Let's arm up our Fire Aspect and give him a name. Let's call him Cathak Example. How're you doing Cathack Example?

Cathack Example: "The Dragons smile on me this day. My Example Circle and I have tracked down a foul anathema to his lair and today we shall engage him in battle."

How very heroic and nice. Well, let's get to making you more powerful. I'm gonna give you an artifact that rocks your socks, but first we need to lose on of those pesky arms you've got. Are you right or left handed?

Cathack Example: "Well, I did take the ambidextrous merit so I guess it doesn't... what do you mean lose an ar- Oh sweet Immaculate Hesiesh the pain! My arm! My f*#$*&g arm, you bastard! What in Malfeas is wrong with you!?"

Peleps Example: "Cathack! Are you okay? Great Elemental Dragons what happened to your arm? We leave you on watch for five minues-"

Okay Peleps boy, this is the Fire Aspect example. Go back to what you were doing and play with your brawl charms, he'll be fine. Now let's get this arm stitched on... There we go. How's that feel?

Cathack Example: "The pain's gone at least. I feel my essence stores need to be refilled. All this for a bigger essence pool?"

Not quite. Lemme explain what happened. Now, you've got a red jade reaper daiklaive and a red jade thunderbolt shield. That's 10 motes to commit both of those. I see you've got 39 motes total. 10 motes is 25.6% of you total pool. Over a fourth of your essence pool for two artifacts! That's horrible!

Cathack Example: "Well, I didn't really have much to start with."

Exactly, and that's why you've got to be more mote efficient. What the jade hand does is reduce the cost of your other red jade artifacts by it's own level, to a minimum of one. Now since you've got a level 5 jade hand there that means your artifacts now cost one mote each to attune. The hand itself requires it's level in motes to commit, meaning now you've only got seven motes committed. That's why it feels like you've got extra. Technically a larger percentage of your pool is now open to you. Now you've only got 17.9% of your pool committed. Less than a fifth, and for three artifacts.

Cathack Example: "Well, that's fantastic! Why didn't I do this before?"

The pain, I'd guess.

Cathack Example: "Yes there was that terrible, burning pain."

But wait, there's more! Let's say later on you pick up some red jade hearthstone bracers and some red jade articulated plate, normally four and six motes to commit respectivly. It'll cost you an additional two for a total of nine motes committed. Still less than the 10 you had initially. But wait, it does more than just reduce attunement costs! It reduces charm costs too! Let's go get that vile anathema and kick it's ass for less!

Cathack Example: "But what of the rest of my circle?"

This is running long with just one Aspect getting covered. I'll leave the other Aspects to the imaginations of the readers. Everyone out there, think Earth Aspects and martial arts charms! Let the fun begin! Onto the lair!

Cathack Example: "Uhhh... hello? Anathema? I'm here to slay you!"

Generic, the Dawn Caste: "Your circle cannot hope to defeat me!"

Cathack Example: "Well, actually it's just me. And my new arm."

Generic, the Dawn Caste: "Is this all you have to offer? Come then! Roll initiative and die!"

...And pause. Alright my friend, lets take a closer look at the fire aspect charms.

Generic, the Dawn Caste: "We're doing combat here! It's slow enough even with power combat!"

You haven't actually rolled init yet. I'm trying to show him how powerful this friggin' arifact is.

Generic, the Dawn Caste: "You're helping him? That's not fair!"

No more interuptions! For the rest on this example, you have no mouth.

Generic, the Dawn Caste: "Mmmmph mmm mmm mmmph!"

Yes, very good. Now, the fire abilities have a lot of die adders in them. In fact, there's a basic die adder for each of them. And Athletics has a damage and environmental soak die adder as well. Each of them is 1 mote per 2 dice. Meaning, for Cathack Example, 6 motes is really 1 mote, meaning he maxes out for 1 mote every time. Even at Essence 7, Socialize 7 and 3 specialties, you can still only add 10 dice max. 1 mote spent still tries to add 12 dice, so 2 still go unused. The only difference is Falling Star Maneuver (1 mote per 2 dice of damage) which you can only spend motes equal to your permanant essence, so once you hit Essence 7, you'll have to spend that second mote.

Then comes the other Charms that scale, but with other people. They don't really matter since our example doesn't have any allies with him, but they're here for completeness. 1 mote into Deadly Wildfire Legion lets Cathak Example give 6 melee dice to three people. 1 mote into Threshing Floor Technique is four allies. 1 mote into Blazing Courageous Swordsman Technique is 6 subjects. 1 mote into Swift Legion Tech three allies. Smoke Obscuring Effect is three allies maxing out on the available dodge bonus.

Those dots spent on the command background suddenly get much more effective.

And a simpe combo example our little friend has on his charater sheet, which he meets the requirments for(Athletics 2, Dodge 2, Melee 5) Ringing Anvil Onslaught, extra action. Stoking Bonfire Style, supplemental. Falling Star Maneuver, supplemental.

Go on buddy. Use that combo. Max it out. I deem you have the initiative. Go go go!

Cathack Example: "But that costs 1 willpower, 26 motes to do that! That's far too much! I'll need to save something for the rest of the fight! Besides, he's probably got all sortsa defenses ready. It's not worth busing out a combo I can only use once on the first turn! It's madness!"

It's shows him you mean business... Okay, it's a crap idea but I need it done for the example. Without the jade hand, maxing it out does cost that much. That's 66.7% of your total pool. Draining two thirds of your pool in one turn. Way too much investment in one turn if you ask me. But consider the mote-reducing effect of your jade hand.

To activate the combo, 1 willpower is spent. Ringing Anvil Onslaught(now 3 motes) gives variable extra actions, but we'll assume it garners 2,(5 melee rolled, average 2 successes when rounding down.) for three attacks total in the turn.

To max out Stoking Bonfire Style, one mote is spent per attack(3 total). This adds +5 dice to every attack. To max out Falling Star Maneuver, one mote is spent per attack(3 total). This adds +6 damage dice to every attack.

Three attacks, extra accuracy and damage on top of the Reaper's damage. 1 Willpower, 9 motes. 23.1% of total pool. That's 43.6% less of your total mote pool. Now rather than maxing out the combo once and totally draining yourself you can max it out three times and still have 12.8% of your pool left. And whipping out a combo should provide plenty of stunt opportunities, hopefully letting you bust it out a fourth time. And adding specialties to get more benefit out of Stoking Bonfire wouldn't actually cost more motes, but would add more dice for more ass-kicking power.

Generic, the Dawn Caste: "Mmph phmm."

Yes my friend, "Oh shit" is right. Well, I hope I've helped show you all how this nifty little sidebar artifact can help you get your Dragon-Blooded on par with being able to spend motes willy-nilly and still have some left to spend. Think of all those free reflexives you'll actually be able to activate now! Suprise your anathema foes by constantly using charms and watch their confused faces when it seems your essence pools are limitless! Those motes you get back from stunting now have awesome potential! Just remember to keep it in-Aspect and everything'll be fine and cheap. See you next time on Twinkin' Out With Mnemosynis.


Huh. ::goes out to buy a machete and a Jade Hand...:: - willows

They always did seem stunningly, unimaginably overpowered... However, I should point out that a starting character with one vitue at 4 and one at 3 cannot possibly have 6 willpower, since they have 7 by default.
-- Darloth

So - Suppose one was a Solar, and got an Orichalcum one - would it do all abilities? No, that'd be insane. But there's only one color of Orichalcum, not five, so something's gotta change. I'm thinking caste-specific arms, with sigils on them, or some such. Even stranger, since Jade Alchies can use Jade, what if one tried to use one of these things? He has no caste abilities per se, nor does he have any charms based on abilities at all - would it instead be charms that he's got in Caste? (Stamina, Cha, Per, if I recall correctly)... There's a lot of weirdness to be mentioned about one of these things.

On a similar note, if your ST is not thinking, you can grab a 5-point artifact that's actuall a 4 point one of these and a 1 point one of a different color, forged together. Get your cake and eat it too, all while still having insane die pools for one die...
-- GregLink

I don't tend to think that prostheses work on Alchemicals. It's like trying to plug Playstation controllers into an Xbox. No good. - willows

Why not, Willows? This are Alchemicals we're talking about. If anything they most likely DO have artifact arms and whatnot... BUT it most likely be more cheaper to just have a normal alchemical arm chock full of charms. Remember, a 'jade' arm doesn't allow charms installed in it, as far as I know.

If it did happen, I would say that an Orichalcum arm would only give the discount cost to the Solar's caste ability, ditto with the other celestial exalted. As for Lunars and Alchemicals, it would be whatever attributes their caste is, naturally.
~ Haku
I'll give you a hint. I did not choose the Xbox analogy at random. - willows
You mean Alchies run...!!! OMYGODMYEYES!!!! ;) I think the point is they are based on different tech. Normally Alchies seem to work sorta like cyberwear(so you gotta plug stuff in with vats), this something completly different. You might be able to make a custom socket thing to allow usage of this though. -FlowsLikeBits,well hey, aliens use Macs...