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A Company Memo

Re: The Incident
To: Ms. Susan H. Inma, CEO
From: Mr. E. Drake, Head of Security

Ma'am, after having interviewed everyone and investigated the situation, I think I can give you the full picture of what happened in Bio-Lab 5. It seems that Arthur finally snapped and took Gina with him. I should have known he would snap after that row he had with you over that patent. I just didn't realise that he was slipping into paranoia and delusions. If it helps I am abjectly sorry about that.

As it stands, it appears Arthur weaponized some of the germs they were working with and somehow either persuaided Gina to infect herself or infected her without her knowledge. Near as we can tell she seems to be suffering no ill effects, although a few of the lab boys think it might be stimulating her pleasure center. Why Arthur would design it that way, they have no idea. Speaking of which, Arthur seems to have used the chaos to take some things and vanish. I have people looking for him as we speak. The building has been in lock down since this happened earlyer today, so he can't have gotten out.

The final casulty numbers came in and they aren't as bad as we thought. The containment protocols held and, while several people have been infected, no-one has died yet. The infectees have been quarentined in Lab 4, but it is apperently too early to tell if Arthur wanted to kill anyone yet.

The Lab boys tell me that, until they find a cure for these bugs, Gina will have to remain quarentined in Lab 5 because, while the infectees don't appear to be very contagious, she is very much so. The good news is that a few of them think they can modify Arthur's virus into one that will attack the original. They say they should know more by the end of the week.


Exalted - morally ambiguous FTW! If you don't get it, go look around here

I get almost all of it - but I'm missing the Susan H. Inma connection? (Shinma?) -- GreenLantern

She Who Lives In Her Name? - Trithne
Having just been informed of what Shinma are, (I lack the bookage for them) I see. Makes sense. - Also Trithne

You know, reading this, I reach the conclusion that maybe Autocthon designed the exalted so they -couldn't- permanantly kill primordials. Perhaps that's something to thinkof, or at least decide on where you want to stand in your campaigns.
-- Darloth