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=== Session One ===
=== Session One ===
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Five Pillars gets to the inn first, and exactly on time. Where, pray tell, is his host? He half expects a trap.
Five Pillars gets to the inn first, and exactly on time. Where, pray tell, is his host? He half expects a trap.
Scarab stops in front of the doorway to the place, looking it over skeptically. .o( Well, might as well see what this [[Zack/NPCSoran|Soran]] guy is all about. )
Scarab stops in front of the doorway to the place, looking it over skeptically. .o( Well, might as well see what this [[Zack/NPCSoran|Soran]] guy is all about. )
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Diamond stands as well, and with another deft twist, his chair is front-forwards and tucked under the table. He gives a quick wink to Scarab and smiles at Soran. "I'll see you after sunfall. I'm going to recruit a bit of help for our diversion."
Diamond stands as well, and with another deft twist, his chair is front-forwards and tucked under the table. He gives a quick wink to Scarab and smiles at Soran. "I'll see you after sunfall. I'm going to recruit a bit of help for our diversion."
~ * ~
>> And so, with the plan set and beginning to move forward, you four move to do as you will before push comes to shove.
>> And so, with the plan set and beginning to move forward, you four move to do as you will before push comes to shove.
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=== Comments ===
=== Comments ===

Revision as of 22:13, 1 May 2005

<< Back to Pillar's Intro | Campaign Home | Onward to Session 2>>

Session One

>> And the Unconquered Sun declared, "Let's get this party started."

>> It is a bright and cheerful day today in The Lap. One might say that the spirits themselves are showing a bit of favor towards the town. Others would say it would be some other godlike being or whatnot. Either damn way, it is a nice day out there.

>> Of course, today might become one of the more memorable days, as the date for a gathering in a simple inn a ways into town rolls in.

Five Pillars walks in, exactly as he expected, on the day of the appointed meeting, and spends the barest fraction of his power to ascertain the time. Then he nods, and makes his way to the inn. From the side of town furthest from the Immaculate Cloister here.

Number Ten Camel rides into town at a slow easy pace, stopping to refill his waterskins, and purchase a few more trail rations before arriving at the Halfway inn. He looks about for a stable, or somesuch

Scarab is strolling carefully down one of the many side streets near the Half Past Inn, whistling a tune as she does so. Her blonde hair and tan skin catches the day's light, while the travel-worn cotton cloak about her body reflects much of it away. In her hands is a small piece of paper with directions, which she glances at every now and then. The other times her eyes wander about the mulling crowds.

>> Number Ten Camel does indeed spot a stable, next to the Half Past Inn itself. Convinent, that. There's a sign posted next to it saying to stable your animal there and then pay for it inside. With the warning that they do check.

Diamond smiles, as he walks up the 'leg' of the city dressed in his still clean and unworn clothes. It's remarkable, for those who know his story, for the sand has not worn them and the sun has not bleached them; he is as clean today as he was when he entered the Southern desert two months ago. To most everyone, though, he is just another (admittedly handsome) face in the crowd.

Number Ten Camel hands off the Camel to the stableboy, with a brief admonishment not to cause too much trouble. To the mount that is. Checking his sword is loose and free in it's sheath, he strolls into the inn, purple eyes searching.

Five Pillars gets to the inn first, and exactly on time. Where, pray tell, is his host? He half expects a trap. Scarab stops in front of the doorway to the place, looking it over skeptically. .o( Well, might as well see what this Soran guy is all about. )

>> As you walk in, you notice that the room seems pretty empty, all things considered. There's a counter on the far side of the room, with a lovely young lady tending to it and also serving drinks to the few people that are in there. There are a few tables scattered about, and a set of stairs leading up to the right of the counter. Five Pillars walks up the bartender. "I'm looking for Soran."

Scarab enters the common room and immediately finds a seat at a table in some slighlty shadowed corner. She scans the people, wondering exactly what Soran might look like. His letter unfortunately wasn't so specific.

>> The woman points over to the corner with a raised eyebrow.

>> For a moment an odd breeze blows, and you /swear/ you hear someone giggling, before someone waves from one of the corner tables. He is a tall man with short blond hair, blue eyes, the typical tanned skin for a Southern, and is dressed in a blue tunic, black pants and boots. You might spot the sword leaning against his chair as well.

>> He's waving you over as well, Scarab.

Five Pillars sighs. "Wind Spirits." He heads over to the table though, at the same time as someone else does.

Scarab looks a bit surprised, but quickly realizes this guy has certainly done his homework about her. She flips the chair back to it's place and steps over with quick, light steps. In a flash, she's now in the opposite corner of the room right next to Soran.

Diamond steps in, a few moments later. His eyes fixate on the waitress for only a moment, before he notices the Immaculate. Haha!

Diamond gives the waitress a winning smile, then turns right around, expecting to see a formation of troops in platemail.

Scarab extends a black gloved hand from beneath her cloak to wave curtly at her benefactor.

>> Diamond sees only the same scene he saw when he walked in. The man waves towards Diamond and Number Ten Camels as well, grinning slightly. There's another breeze and giggle.

Scarab says, "So.. you're Soran?"

Number Ten Camel approaches Soran, looking at the others warily. "Well met, Soran."

Five Pillars says "And Syla, of course."

>> The man grins as he nods. "I am, Miss Scarab. A pleasure to meet you." He shifts his gaze over to Number Ten Camels and Five Pillars, nodding again. "Greetings to you as well, sirs. I trust you had a safe journey, Number Ten Camel?" He grins at Five Pillars. "She's quite interested in you, I hear."

Scarab glances a bit contemptuously at the old man in Immaculate garb not far away from her.

Five Pillars shrugs. "Spirits of the Air are known for their effortless decisions about people."

Diamond inhales deeply, his grin not quite faltering. Taking comfort in his destiny, his power, and most importantly, his considerable running speed, Diamond braves the presence of someone he'd really rather not get to know. He walks up, and immediately bows, although not too deeply, in Scarab's general direction. Looking Soran in the eyes, then, he says, "So Obsidian was right--you have managed to survive."

Diamond breaks into a jocular smile.

Number Ten Camel says, "There is little native to the sands this far North I fear."

Scarab also notices she's not the only one meeting Soran today it seems, as Diamond bows to her. She stares at him a moment then awkwardly loweres her head once.

>> Another giggle, before someone seems to take shape next to Soran. After a few moments the shape of a beautiful young woman form. She has long brown hair, green eyes, and is clothed in a simple black tunic, pants, and boots as well. She raises an eyebrow at Five Pillars. "So you say." She glances at the others, giggling at Diamond's bow.

Diamond is used to women staring at him--he doesn't mention it.

Scarab asks, "Hey.. nobody told me this was going to be a little get together? You're all his friends or somethin'?"

Five Pillars says "That remains to be seen."

Number Ten Camel asks, "Is it safe to talk openly here, or have you arranged another room?"

Number Ten Camel bows curtly to the spirit, while making a sign against the evil eye under his cloak

>> Soran nods. "I try, Diamond." He glances at Number Ten Camels. "It is safe. One moment, though." He grabs his sword and taps it against the floor twice. The other men in the room quickly move, shutting the way out of the inn and standing next to it while another stands near the stairs. The bartender, meanwhile, begins pulling various papers out from under the counter. "Now it should be safe." The woman nods as well.

>> "I already made sure any other nosy psirits were otherwise occupied."

>> Soran smiles. "Now, if you'll all have a seat? Anything to drink?"

Scarab tenses up somewhat visibly as the exit is sealed. It's more habit than a sign of disrespect for Soran's hospitality. Even still...

Diamond grabs a nearby chair by the back, and with a deft twist spins it right around. He sits, then, backwards, elbows resting on the support. Noticing but not turning to look at the commotion behind him, he instead locks eyes with Syla and says, "Yes, you /do/ seem rather discerning in your company."

Number Ten Camel smiles, more with his eyes than his lips, and says softly "Thank you. Some wine, I think."

Five Pillars says "Water will suffice." He stands, patiently.

Number Ten Camel pulls up a chair and sits, rubbing some of the soreness out of his legs

Scarab shrugs once to herself and has a seat, crossing her legs and arms.

Diamond echoes Five's sentiments, although a bit more cheerfully, "Water would be splendid, yes. Thank you."

>> Soran nods, and in a few moments the woman comes over with the requested drinks, also setting a few rolled up pieces of paper on the table as well. Syla raises an eyebrow slightly at Diamond before shaking her head and smiling. "Yes, Sun Blessed?"

Scarab says, "Just some of the usual draught, if you're buyin'."

>> Scarab's drink arrives after a few moments as well!

>> Soran grins slightly. "Now then. Diamond, I'm guessing Obsidian did in fact give you the gem? And did you bring the one I asked you to obtain, Scarab?"

Number Ten Camel sips delicately at his wine with a sigh of relief.

Scarab thanks the waitstaff with a grin and has a sip, hoping to loosen up. It's bitter of course, but she seems to like it that way. "I've got the goods, Soran. I have to hand it to you for picking the target."

Five Pillars idly wonders what sort of criminal gang he's found himself enmeshed in.

Diamond takes note, and says, "Why yes," before looking around to meet everyone in the eyes briefly. "I am, by the way, Diamond of Summer. While it seems that Soran knows us, I'm afraid I don't recognize any of you."

Five Pillars takes a seat, with his water, and sips at it, observing the others curiously.

Diamond thinks nothing ill of such a lovely woman, on the other hand.

Scarab coughs once. "Diamonds, huh? I like the sound of that. The name's Surreptitious Scarab... but just call me Scarab. Easier that way for both of us."

>> Soran nods as he grins at Scarab. "I thought you'd appreciate that, yes." He glances at the others, nodding. "Diamond has a point. Not everyone here knows everyone else." Syla smiles as she glances around. "I'm Syla. As you've probably guessed, I'm also a wind spirit."

Number Ten Camel closes his eyes in thought for a moment. "My name.. I am called Number Ten Camel. I used to walk the Borderland sands with my parents, who were gem hunters."

Scarab says, "A wind spirit, eh...? You've got some interesting associates there..."

Five Pillars says "I'm a friend of Syla's." He looks around. "And I'm not entirely sure /why/ I've been asked here." Scarab gives Number Ten camel a once over. "That's a rough life. I prefer to hunt my gems a different way..."

Scarab smirks once as she says this.

Diamond flashes Scarab and Syla a benevolent smile as they give their introductions, and turns to Soran. "Yes, one wonders why you invited an Immaculate Monk to this... particular meeting?"

Number Ten Camel raises an eyebrow. "Each to their own, I suppose. Are all here Chosen, or whatever you called us, or just we four, or what?"

Diamond winces, his composure cracking and the hand below the table shifting from a grip on the Rainbow Jewel to the hilt of his weapon, and his eyes dart to Five Pillars.

>> Soran grins as he eyes Five Pillars. "Things aren't always as they appear to be. You all were assembled because from what I found out and what Syla observed, you are exactly what is needed." He glances at Number Ten Camel. "Most of my men are not Solars. It'd be a different story here if they were. You four are it as far as those Exalted by the gods go, besides myself."

Scarab casually sips her drink a few more times, though her eyes are assuredly on Number Ten Camel as he mentions 'Chosen".

"Are you of a mind to reveal your own identity, Soran?" Number Ten Camel says this in an uncaring tone.

Scarab says, "...guh, is that the deal?"

Five Pillars says "Yes, friend Soran. In the ancient days, and still yet in the realm, an anima flare is considered a sign of one's own honestly."

Scarab looks skeptically at the faces assembled at the table.

>> Soran shrugs. "I am Soran. An Anathema not unlike the rest of you, and one trying to free this town, and eventually more, from the Realm." He glances at Five Pillars. "So you say. If you insist, then." He closes his eyes, concentrating for a few moments. Then he suddenly erupts in golden light as his anima flares and a castemark appears on his forehead. Syla meanwhile watches the display with a nonimpressed look, as if she's seen this all before. And for those in the know, the castemark is one of the Forsaken.

Diamond blinks, silent for a moment. Wait... a Solar Imma--ah. Wow, now that's a cunning disguise--why didn't he think of it?

>> He opens his eyes. "Satisfied, sir?"

Five Pillars says "Indeed." He flares his own anima, and the setting sun of the Unclean is branded there. Number Ten Camel lifts the front of his hood, and concentrates for a moment, causing his own Forsaken brand to shine.

Diamond restores the happy expression to his face, and says, "Funny, I imagined you an Eclipse for whatever reason." He responds in like, and the bright, shining circle of the Blasphemous burns through his headband and the slow, unburning golden fire of his own anima.

Scarab sighs once, not liking this, but going along since proof speaks for itself. With a bit of concentration, an empty glowing circle inscribes itself upon her brow. The mark of the Night... The Wretched... whatever you choose to call it, it is authentic.

Five Pillars says "Let us hopse we remain uninterrupted."

>> Syla stands there, watching the light show. Soran meanwhile relaxes, his anima fading back into nothingness as does his castemark. "Now then. If those who were not assured are satisfied down, shall we get down to business? Diamond, Scarab, the gems if you please?"

>> Syla smiles at Five Pillars. "We've got more than enough look outs."

Diamond sweeps his hand over the table smoothly, a gem the size of a child's palm left in its wake. "Certainly. I must admit... a certain curiousity as to what exactly this is."

Scarab quickly douses the display, obviously not liking to showboat her recently acquired godliness. She nods to Soran, and reaches into the depths of her cloak. After some fiddling in a secure pack strapped to her waist, she produces a glittering, multifaceted gem. It reflects the light in a multitude of colors. "I risked my life for this thing twice now. Just what is so special about it?"

Five Pillars observes the gems closely, but holds his own council.

>> Soran nods, reaching out with both hands to touch each gem. He concentrates for a few moments as a few flickers of golden light flow from his hands into the gems, causing them to shine brightly for just a moment before he nods. He smiles at Diamond and Scarabs. "Besides the large monetary sum most would pay for them, they have another purpose. One that will show itself in due time. That is neither here or now however."

>> He slides Diamond's gem back over towards him. "At the moment, I must ask you four this. Are you indeed willing to help me and the rest of us in our attempt to remove the Realm's oppresion from here? As I said, I will do what I can to assist you each in turn, or reward you as you please."

Five Pillars considers, slowly.

Scarab hmms to herself, keeping a firm grip on her gem as Soran retracts his touch.

Number Ten Camel nods sharply. "My agreement stands"

Diamond smiles happily, although his tone quickly becomes critical. "Mysterious beginnings then, mm? Such things make for interesting childrens' tales, but this is no game. Lives are at stake, more than our own, so I must request more information than you've given before making any decision on the matter. You say you wish to remove the Realm..."

Diamond questions, "... why? There are a number of reasons, not all of them benevolent. I will do what's best for the common man."

Five Pillars says "Until the Fey come, or Death take me, or you betray my trust, I will keep your secrets as you keep mine, and treasure your cause as you treasure my contribution."

Five Pillars stands, and extends a hand.

Scarab says, "I'm no friend of the Realm, but you're sure aiming a bit high there, Soran..."

>> Soran glances at Diamond. "The Realm, maybe once in the past, was what we needed. In this time, however, it has dissolved into infighting and corruption. All are out for power. I merely wish to free this town from this curse of the Realm's oppresion, and perhaps establish a haven for others such as ourselves." He nods to Five PIllars, standing and taking his hand.

Five Pillars clasps it firmly. "Pasiap Preserve."

Diamond frowns, now, and his discontent becomes evident. "Forgive me for being so backwards--politics were never a large part of my upbringing. I do know, however, that there are no bloodless revolutions, and that people rarely fight for ideals. By what power or authority do you intend to hold the Realm's own breadbasket against it? I would not distrust you if this did not seem like such an unlikely story."

Scarab puts the rainbow jewel away in it's safe spot in her pack, and adopts a pensive look.

Five Pillars takes a seat again, having said his piece.

>> Soran nods to Five Pillars before turning to face Diamond, releasing Five Pillar's hand. "Everyone who has joined are those who have suffered under the way things are now. This wouldn't be possible if the Realm was united, not by any stretch of the imagination. However, at this moment, most of the Realm's efforts are busy focused on working to take the reins. Me and my men fight to free this town, and any other areas that are being smothered by the Realm. If the people do not wish to have our help, we will leave them in peace. We are not out for power or conquest, only freedom."

Five Pillars says "The realm grows excedingly fractious and self absorbed."

Diamond smiles, strainingly, "As you have said before. You still have not answered why, and towards what end. The Realm may fall, for a time, but when they come back in numbers, who can hold such an important city against them? Furthermore, the Realm is the only means by which this town is protected against the far greater dangers in the world. When the fey, the dead, the pirates, the bandits come, what then?"

Scarab is now twirling a sharp throwing shuriken in her left hand, the other on her daught's handle.

Five Pillars says "I doubt the Lord Soran intends to lead us in a frontal assault on the garisson"

Diamond smiles at him and replies, "It does not matter--no matter the means, taking a city is far easier than keeping it."

Scarab wisely comments, "That Diamond fella's got a point. This isn't going to be simple, by a long shot. Do you have the resources to back up your big words, Soran?"

>> Soran keeps his gaze focused on Diamond. "I'm sure Obsidian has told you a bit about me, and how I spoke out in Gem. Syla has promised her aid in the process of freeing this city, and keeping it safe. I intend to stay here to help safeguard it as well." He glances at Scarab, smiling slightly. "Syla can bring to bear plenty of her kindred if needed, and her own considerable powers. I also have various contacts in this city and in the surrounding areas. It wasn't by mere luck that you are here, now."

Five Pillars considers. "The Lap. The Realm will not standly idly by."

Five Pillars says "Thousand Forged Dragons will consume your manses. Immaculates will subdue your spirits. And the legions will come. Tepet may have fallen, bu that wa to the bull of the north, with a nation at his back, and a sorceror at his side."

Five Pillars says "I will cleave to your trust. But mayhaps you should begin with smaller goals, upon which sucesses we can build."

Diamond's sad smile persists, "Yes, I must admit that's what worries me, most of all, Soran. I will hear your plan, though--perhaps by the knowledge of your means we can perceive your intent. I will not pledge my support, and I will not pledge blood. As it is, though, I will help you insomuch as I feel it wise to do so."

>> Soran tilts his head, ever so slightly. "We will be starting small, of course. I do not intend to suddenly rise up and challenge the entire force garrisoned here. We will chip at the already crumbling pillar that is the Realm here, and it will topple."

Scarab throws the star into the table in front of her with a slight grin. "...ah what the hell. I was getting bored anyway."

Five Pillars nods.

>> Soran nods to Scarab. "The Realm cannot provide a united force against us. Every army marching will be watching their backs for the next one, since without a doubt they will realize that they will have a fair amount of clout if they own here. They will fight each other as they gather, approach, and attempt to move."

Scarab leans back and takes another sip. "I owe you you a favor, so I'll cooperate for now. Just tell me where to hit 'em and consider it done."

Number Ten Camel finishes his glass of wine. "What first then? Do we go after another one of those gems?"

Diamond shakes his head and sighs. "I still think it foolish--whether out of overzealous ideal, or a calculated betrayal, I do not know. I will aid you for a time, though, to find out. What, exactly, is the plan which requires us?"

Five Pillars considers. "Or perhaps some lost first age ruins in which to deiscover knowledge and resources long since thought lost?"

Number Ten Camel says, "For now, I am assuming you are dealing with gathering allies, and such, Soran."

>> Soran nods slightly, reaching for one of the papers and unfurling it. It appears to be a map of the city, with two points marked. He smiles slightly. "Nothing quite so drastic. The other gems are already accounted for." He nods to Number Ten Camel. "Exactly. Reclaiming allies, in this case. One of the groups that are assisting with this effort were sold out by one who followed the call of jade."

Number Ten Camel curls his lip. "Scum."

>> "They were ambushed, captured, and imprisoned here." He points to one of the locations marked on the map of The Lap, appearing to be on the left knee. "Syla and her spirits have managed to figure out where they are being held, and questioned by soldiers." He points to the other marked location. "This is where we are at the moment. I would ask of you four to go and free my men from the prison tonight."

Scarab frowns at the mention of this. "I know all too well what you mean."

Five Pillars says "I happen to be familar with that particular stretch of the mountain." He clears his throat. "The camp however, is new. How many guards, Soran? And how many of them Princes of the Earth?"

Scarab shifts her weight to get a closer look at the map of the Lap and the waypoints he indicated.

>> Soran nods. "None of them are Dragon Blooded, thankfully. From what I've heard... about twenty to thirty guards. Some have been stationed elsewhere for a bit, trying to dig out the rest of my groups. Furthermore, going during the night will catch them in their beds or on some of the most boring shifts in this town."

Scarab says, "That's the way to do it alright. With the guards occupied, no mortal lock can stand up to my skill! Your boys will be as good as free by morning."

Five Pillars considers a moment. "30 guards. That's nearly 8 of them for each of us."

Diamond arches an eyebrow. "A dozen sleepy mortal guards, perhaps a dozen more in bed... tell me, why do you want us to do this? A few good men could accomplish the same task. Is there some trick to this, some danger, or is this simply a test?"

>> Soran glances at Diamond. "My men are tied up repairing the damage done by the traitor. There also some among you that are still learning the ropes of your newfound abilities. I will caution you to try not to give away your true natures, since the Wyld Hunt will change the equation in a horrible way for us."

Five Pillars says "You expect four men to defeat ten times their number, and not reveal themselves as more than human? Or you expect us to leave no survivors?"

Diamond nods, looking pensive for a moment. He smiles, at length, genuine encouragement in his voice, "Alright then, this should be no problem for us! In and out, as little noise as possible and no lightshows? I've got no problem freeing some political prisoners, an--" He stops, mid-sentence, as Five's words penetrate. His mood deflates instantly, "You know, he has a point. We'll need to find a non-violent solution."

Scarab winks. "Me, be that sloppy? Psh. There's no need to turn this into a slaughter. We could create a diversion nearby. Perhaps a fire in the barracks would do..."

>> Soran nods slightly. "Scarab has a point. Also, you could merely incapacitate them. If needed, we can hold them as we continue once this is done, or perhaps convice them to assist us. Not every guard is a willing recruit, after all."

Diamond says, evenly, "I never intended to kill a mortal guard for merely doing his duty."

Five Pillars says "He will kill you."

Diamond remarks to Five, "That is why he is mortal--and I am not."

>> Soran nods. "As you will, then."

Five Pillars says "Indeed." He considers. "In point of fact, they'll be getting all their water from a single ancient well nearby."

Five Pillars says "I do not know how many among you may have acess to the pharmacopia of the guild, but it may provide a less violent alternative."

Scarab says, "Pharma-what? Oh... I get it. Poison the waters..."

Diamond considers, for a moment, and says, "That could work to our favor, even should it come to violence. A single mortal man can take out a prison full of guards if the guards are all retching uncontrollably. We just need something suitable."

Number Ten Camel says, "Poisoning a well is a crime against all who would drink from it. How many would you have suffer from this act?"

Five Pillars says "Poison? I would not so casually defile a well. But the Lady of Burning Feathers is welcomed by soliders, when they can afford it."

Diamond says to Camel, "I'm willing to make a hundred sick, for a time, if it would save a dozen lives."

Number Ten Camel frowns, obviously not agreeing, but remaining silent.

Diamond muses, "Of course, the prisoners would drink the same water--removing them would be a problem."

>> Soran nods slightly. "This is possible. Ten Camel has a point, and I'm also unsure about how fast we can obtain and dose the well with whatever you choose. There is a limit to how long we can take, since sooner or later they will kill the prisoners once they are done having their fun."

>> Soran nods to Diamond. "Also true."

>> Syla speaks up after remaining silent for so long. "If you need a distraction, I can probably arrange for one of some sort with a few friends of mine." She grins.

>> You /swear/ you hear more giggling as the wind blows again.

Number Ten Camel says, "With a bit of luck, we could sneak in, pummel the guards directly in our path, and take the prisoners out the same way."

Five Pillars says "Perhaps. It appears to be the best option, on such short notice."

Scarab says, "Well, in that case... there's still that one well for water. If I could start a small fire, they'd all have to use that one spot to douse it. It would set them up for a wonderful ambush."

Five Pillars says "I cannot skulk and sneak about. But I will position myself in the camp to await your arrivals, if you wish."

Diamond considers again, and says, "If you had access to the proper regalia, I could pose as a Dragon-Blooded officer--it would work, with the aid of an 'Immaculate'. If you do not, then we may simply resort to trusting our distraction to remove as many of them as possible."

>> Soran glances at Diamond. "If I had more time, it would be a simple matter, and I probably wouldn't be presenting this to you as a task. They are forcing me to respond with some amount of speed, however."

Diamond frowns, and sighs, "Well, I will try anyway. People have a tendency to follow orders from those who speak with authority--those that do not go, will simply have to meet the flats of my blades."

Number Ten Camel says, "A distraction should reduce the number of guards sufficently to allow myself and Scarab to release the prisoners, if I judge the lady's career correctly.

Scarab says, "Heh heh.. flattery will get you everywhere, Camel. I'm always up for a bit of mischief for a good cause."

Number Ten Camel says, "May our footsteps be like the mouse, then."

Scarab smirks. "I prefer to be like the spider, actually."

>> Soran grins slightly. "I leave the planning to you, friends. I will try to provide aid where I can." Syla grins widely. "Just let me know when and you'll have your distraction, kids."

Five Pillars considers a moment. "This very night?"

Number Ten Camel says, "No time like the present."

>> Soran nods slightly. "Speed is of the essence."

Five Pillars nods. "Very well." He stands. "I will make my into their midst, and wait for the Distraction Syla promises."

Number Ten Camel jabs his finger at a point on the map. "If we approach from here, it seems like a suitable place to lead them back out through. Try to at least distract them away from there."

Diamond nods. "That would be wisest. Five Pillars, you should probably familiarize yourself with the camp as much as your appearance will allow. I will move to lend some credit to our distraction."

Diamond remarks, "We do, however, need a signal."

Five Pillars says, "I must be off soon, If I'm to arrive before dusk." He looks at the map. "It looks good to me, though I am not of military mind." He considers. "Syla. One wonders if a fire butterfly is numbered among your entourage?"

Scarab, "Hey, that'd be excellent if you had one of those puppies handy. I've heard they can start fires just by landing on something, though I've never seen one myself."

>> Syla nods. "A fair few, yes. Why?" She glances at Diamond. "I can make the weather do something quite odd as a signal if you want."

>> "Lightning, rain, gusts of wind, a huge happy face..."

Diamond considers. "That would work, but it is perhaps not wise. I'll arrange for something more... mundane, though, as not to arouse too much suspicion. I've got an excellent idea, in fact."

>> Syla tilts her head slightly. "Oh, Diamond?"

>> Soran smiles as he watches you four and Syla plot and plan.

Five Pillars shrugs. "Very well. Syla, if you would do me a favor."

Five Pillars begins to speak in old realm, as he courteously phrases a request.

Five Pillars says, "If you, oh queen of the winds, and lady of the weather, would do us the favor of a cloudy night, and swift winds to collapse tents on sleeping soldiers."

>> Syla glances at Five Pillars, grinning from ear to ear before she responds in the same language. "I will, you who are blessed by the Unconquered Sun."

Number Ten Camel says, "Spirits should not interfere too much in the lives of men. We do not want to attract too much attention. After all, don't the Realm have their own ways of dealing with spirits?"

Five Pillars nods. "Yes. Overt intervertion will bring immaculates. Subtlety is the key."

Scarab nods to Camel, considering the situation.

Five Pillars says "And now, I must be off. I will see you after the sun sets, my friends."

>> Syla switches back to Flametounge. "The forecast today is cloudy. Perfect for your work, sweethearts."

Diamond begins pointing out locations for the various Solars, and says, "You'll know my signal when you hear it. I'll approach from the front, and try to send as many soldiers as possible away. Then you two..."

Diamond cues planning montage.

Number Ten Camel says, "I think a light tan would be the best colour for this, do you agree Scarab?"

Five Pillars is already gone by this time, headed for the mountain. He knows the way well, and travels swift and light.

"No doubt about it, friend." Scarab salutes the wind spirit with her half-empty flagon. "I'll leave the distraction to you, Syla. I'd like to see what you can do for myself!" With that she plants the container on the table and arises.

>> Syla grins. "Apparently I'm just setting the stage for your grand debut. If Diamond needs my help with his plan, he's got it."

Diamond rubs his chin, thoughtfully. "Sudden fire, collapsed tents, confused guards? I think this may just work."

>> Syla nods to Diamond. "Fire and wind I can provide."

Diamond flashes her a winning smile. "Just have those fire butterflies handy. With luck, they won't even know someone came to rescue them."

Scarab yoinks the embedded huriken from the wooden table and slips it back into a concealed belt, one of many that you catch a glimpse of now and then starting from her waist. She must pack some interesting artillery beneath the unassuming mantle of a traveler.

Number Ten Camel stands, bowing to the others. "I will be back in a little while. I have a few personal matters to attend to."

>> Syla giggles a bit as she nods, speaking to what appears to be plain air. That is, before there is a giggle and a breeze.

Diamond stands as well, and with another deft twist, his chair is front-forwards and tucked under the table. He gives a quick wink to Scarab and smiles at Soran. "I'll see you after sunfall. I'm going to recruit a bit of help for our diversion."

>> And so, with the plan set and beginning to move forward, you four move to do as you will before push comes to shove.

Five Pillars raises his voice and his arms as he gathers around the fire that sunset. He speaks of the valor of the dragons, of their flashing claws, and slashing talons, and of the speed and effortless destruction they wreak. And of course, for such loyal soldiers of the Dragons, he will bless their blades. And return them in the morning, with such minor enchantments as he can weave on behalf of the dragons.

Five Pillars collects their baldes, from all but the ones on duty, and their bows besides. He is after all, staying in this very camp tonight, and they have nothing to fear.

Five Pillars appropriates a hammer, and a few tent pegs, and goes to wait for the signal.

Diamond meets a sweet young thing with a playful streak in her, and after a bit of casual necking he convinces her to go along with a little game. An hour after sunset, she'll be screaming her lungs out about a fire, to put the scare into that grumpy old guard who always complains about boring shifts. Of course, she's also told to run straight away afterwards--wouldn't do for someone to catch her.

>> She agrees breathlessly, still starry eyed.

Diamond leads her through the night to her position, and, with a wink, moves to take his. All that's left for him, now, is a bit of patience and the execution.

Scarab carefully lurks not far away from the base camp, reconnoitering the area near where Camel and herself will press the assault and noting all useful features & paths of escape towards the heart of the city...

Number Ten Camel catches Scarab's eye, and says quietly.. "So. What is our priority? Stealth, or mercy?"

>> And so, with preparations complete, all you can do is wait and make sure you are set. Clouds roll in as the sun sets, as the wind begins to howl some. As the final rays of daylight are suppressed by the cloud and the horizon, the wind continues to howl even more. The moon's light also cannot be seen, for the cloud cover is too thick.

Scarab whispers to her compatriot. "Let's just do this as quickly as possible. We've only got one chance, so make it count. If everyone does their job, we shouldn't have to make too much of a mess."

>> Time ticks by as the sun has set. Finally, the cries of "Fire! Fire!" can be heard as a hysterical woman runs through the streets by the prison. The two guards at the door blink in surprise, moving to follow as one more comes out to take their place. An abandoned building is indeed aflame, and the wind /howls/, causing a few shouted curses from both there and where a few soldiers' tents are set up, not far from the prison.

Five Pillars spikes the door to the guard's quarters closed. And then he assumes the water dragon form, and waits.

Number Ten Camel nods, pulling cloth across her face, and scuttling low to the ground, bow ready. Scarab wraps her flowing cotton scarf around her head with the skill of a southerner. You only can make out her green eyes and a few strands of blonde hair that poke out here and there.

Diamond runs up, straight into the cap and past whatever entrance sentries remain. He dashes through the night, trusting the dark to conceal his features, as he approaches the nearest guard and says, "Quick, get your commander! Everyone, come now!" He lets urgency fill his voice and points in the direction of their diversion, "Go, now! Help douse the flames before they spread!"

>> The guard blinks a couple of times before he just nods, turning to follow the other two guards heading out. The entrance is now unguarded...

Scarab chuckles lowly to herself, and the peace is shattered, and none too soon. With a free hand she waves Camel forward. "Now!"

Diamond rushes in, and shouts for every guard he sees to head out to help fight the rapidly spreading flames!

Number Ten Camel sneaks foward, in quick shuffling bursts from cover to cover, looking out for guards still around. Scarab slinks out from behind her leafy cover and starts dashing for the untended entranceway, zigzagging into the shadows she can find along the path.

>> Diamond rushes in to see stairs leading up to the second floor and down to the basement. There is one guard there, who looks quite confused now. "Erm, sir..."

~ * ~

Meanwhile, upstairs, the door to the Warden's office begins to open. "What is all the racket about now?"

>> His other two guards are right behind him.

Five Pillars bullrushes the door closed, and then spikes it as well.

>> Five Pillars manages to bar the door closed. Angry shouts are heard from the other side, before there begins to be thuds against the door. Is wood supposed to splinter like that normally? However, we focus on Diamond now!

~ * ~

Diamond pants, letting sweat drip down his face. He speaks earnestly, and points back towards the direction from which he came. Harrowing disaster bleeds through his voice, a scratching grate of terrible urgency that erupts with precise effort from his mouth to answer, "Quickly... fire spreading... you need to help us!" Collecting himself, he commands, "Get your men and go aid them, before it burns its way here!"

>> The guard blinks a few times in confusion. He honestly looks torn between his duty to guarding and his duty to the people.

Diamond senses his hesitation and shouts, "This is a prison, they're under lock and key! They're not going anywhere, but we must! Come, hurry!"

>> The man blinks a few more times before nodding. "FOR THE LAP!" Out the door he charges.

>> Action switching to Scarab and Camel. You are almost to the door as you see the last guy rush out and towards the fire.

Number Ten Camel quickly ducks behind an arid shrub, waiting for him to pass.

>> He's gone in seconds. Quite the recruit.

Scarab takes cover as well, figuring the panic is setting in nicely now.

>> The wind continues to blow, as Scarab and Camel hear a giggle as the soldier runs.

Scarab whispers, "Clear. Let's move."

Number Ten Camel nods, moving on.

Scarab leaps back to her feat and slips into the entrance, alert for the passage leading to the prisons.

>> Camel and Scarab make it to the room where Diamond is, facing the stairs up and the stairs down. There are no guards in the room itself, but none have emerged from either staircase. Odd that.

Number Ten Camel points down.

Diamond says under his breath, "Hold this location, quietly," as he makes his way towards the stairs. "Try to stay out of the way, and behind the stairs."

Scarab mutters as she draws up behind Diamond, "Wow, you're better than I thought."

Diamond rushes downstairs to see if he can find the cells!

~ * ~

>> And now we switch to Five Pillars.

>> The door finally breaks from repeated blows from the Warden's axe and his two guards' blades. They spot Five Pillar as the Warden growls. "What are you doing?!"

Five Pillars says "Nothing." And then, he explodes into a blur of motion. He attacks three times, each stroke falling like wind and rain, with the power of the earth itself, and burning destructive nature of fire. Like the waves on the shore, he washes up onto the warden, striking once, twice, and then three times, with the terrible ice cold claws of frost.

Five Pillars standa above the corpse, the blood-ice a red-white of roses, or peaches in spring, as he beckons to the guards. "Come, and in your next life, fare better."

>> The guards blink as the Warden gets absolutely wasted in seconds. They, however, see that it is either fight and hpoe to survive, or just die. They attack with their blades!

>> The blades find their mark, drawing blood as they grin! They have a chance!

>> They don't realize that they are wide open in their europhia though.

Five Pillars says "Entreat the dragons on my behalf for your souls, friends. You fight well, if in futility." He spins, lashing out with the claws, their icy curfaces now the color of cherry blossoms with blood, as he seeks their throats with one sweeping strike of his right arm, while his left remains to protect him.

>> They do down without even the chance to scream in pain.

~ * ~

>> And now we shift to Diamond!

Diamond rushes down the stairs, to see..?

>> Running down the stairs, you find a hallway with a set of steel doors on the far end. In the hallway itself there are three guards, all eyeing the way you just came in warily. "Who the hell are you?!"

Diamond shouts once more, and points up the stairs. "Quickly, you must help us!" he commands, more than pleads, "There's a fire, and it's spreading this way!"

>> The guards raise an eyebrow as one with an mean lookin great sword speaks. "Jack, you go with him," He motions to Diamond, "and help. We'll stay."

>> A kid who looks to be not past the age of fifteen nods, looking both scared and excited as he turns to Diamond. "Lead the way!"

Number Ten Camel meanwhile picks up a plate from a nearby table.

Diamond points up the stairs, "You'll see it when you leave! Go, now!" He turns to the others, once he has patted the kid towards the stairs, "Come with us! If not for the Lap, then for your own lives!"

>> The other two look unconviced. Meanwhile, we go back to the first room, as the kid runs out. Have Scarab and Camel gotten out of sight or whatnot?

Scarab hides behind the stairs, as instructed, trying not to be seen by anyone running up them.

Number Ten Camel flips the plate at the kid's face, using it to blow his view of the fist that slams through the plate into the poor boy's face!

>> The kid gets utterly sucker punched as he reaches the top of the stairs, crying out as he stumbles back... and goes down the stairs again.

>> Except a lot more painfully than when he went up.

Number Ten Camel says, "Oh snakeshit."

>> Meanwhile, downstairs.

Diamond sighs, and his demanding demeanor fades into an amused smile. He draws the twin hooked swords at his side, and with a simple twirl assumes the stance of the Mantis. "Very well, then," he says with a cocky grin, "let us see how well they trained you." He hears the commotion behind him, but doesn't let concern infect his smile.

Scarab urks a bit as Camel decides to nail the hapless young guard, hissing at him, "Camel... control yourself for the Sun's sake..."

>> The kid lands in a brusied and battered heap on the ground behind Diamond. This prompts the two guards drawing their weapons as Diamond does the same.

Number Ten Camel shrugs. "He caught be off-guard."

Diamond 's lip curls a bit, the beginnings of a snarl, before he springs forward with the speed gifted to him by the very gods. He steps up, against the wall, once, twice, three times in his charge, and for a short while runs parallel to the ground, at head level. With a cry of "Whoop!" he lands a punch on the first guard in passing, then leaps off the wall into a vicious axe kick that catches his friend in the head.

Diamond lands against the opposite wall, then falls down to the ground between them, swords raised.

>> The first guard manages deflect the blow to the point that he is merely nicked, while the man with the great sword gets a nice kick to the head and a headache to boot. He however manages to move forward and swing with his massive blade at Diamond!

Diamond ducks to the side and brings his own blade down, driving the overanxious swing straight into the floor. "You two aren't bad! Why, in a few years, you might put a scratch or two on me!" He laughs, and it's a cheerful, irritating sound that grates on the nerves like an incessant spring rainfall.

Diamond spins, and his blades flash in the flickering torchlight, colliding with those of his opponent. In one smooth motion, he snags at them both with the hooks of his blades, and propels them back, down the hallway from which he came.

Diamond sends them flying, and they land harmlessly just short of the kid passed out at the bottom of the stairs, in a neatly crossed formation. Diamond smirks, and says, "If you surrender, I promise you'll live."

>> The other subordinate takes off for the stairs, scared shitless. The other guy meanwhile drops to the ground begging for mercy.

>> And as we go back to Camel and Scarab...

>> Another kid is running up the stairs!

Number Ten Camel whips out a leg at his shins in a ducking spin, catching himself on one hand to twirl his other foot at the guy's head.

Scarab slips out a heavy blunt throwing baton, like one a city guard would use. Camel's already ruined the cover so it makes no sense to hold back...

>> The kid eats floor. And that's about it.

Scarab runs from her hiding place behind the stairs, leaping into the air and puncing upon her prone target like her namesake! The wooden baton braced against her right hand seeks out the vulenrable point of his jaw!

>> The kid manages to go with the blow as he gets back to his feet and makes for the door, screaming!

Scarab through some cruel twist of fate catches nothing but the stone floor for her efforts. Number Ten Camel grabs a chair, and throws it into buddy's path, in the moment the kid has to pause to avoid it, he leaps and grabs at him trying to plant a hand over his mouth!

>> The kid stumbles over it. Crap!

>> Camel manages to grab him!

~ * ~

>> As the kid is held down, we go back to Five Pillars

>> Who is standing above three corpses, all alone. WHAT DOES HE DO?

>> There's a door before the cell blocks up here.

Five Pillars siezes the keys, and makes his way through the door.

>> As you enter the door, the five guards inside turn to look at you from the prisoner they were kicking around. There are two other ones, chained like the first, who also look quite frankly beat to all hell.

>> One of the guards blinks. "Who the hell are you?"

Five Pillars says "I'm here to make sure these cursed souls are left to rot in the underworld like they belong, and never recieve the surcease of the Dragons." And then, he spins like a whirlpool, his claws seeking the water they are kin to, in the blood of these guards, as one claws swweps right and another left, reaping the bloody wheat of necessity.

>> One goes down in a spray of blood, but the other expertly deflects Five Pillars' attack with his blade!

>> The guards move in to try to take out the intruder!

>> All of them are deflected.

>> The swing, again!

>> The man who deflected Five's blood manages to put another cut into him!

Five Pillars winces, even as his powers fail to stop the blow.

>> The man grins as he goes for it once again!

>> Then the others swing.

>> Then some of them notice something. "ANATHEMA!"

~ * ~

Diamond stands tall over the prostrate guard before him, his noble stature indominitable and framed with the flickering shadows of torchlight. His polished sword points down at the poor man, and he commands in a voice a thousand years too old for his mortal frame, "Rise, and aid me. You will be spared and rewarded for your efforts and courage!" He glows not with the golden flicker of essence, but the raw aura of command and charisma.

>> The guard rises. "Yessir! What do you need sir?!"

Number Ten Camel before this has been keeping Buddy still.. "Come on Scarab!"

>> Buddy cries. ;_______;

Diamond motions towards the doors, "We need these open--we're making an escape in the confusion."

>> He shakes his head. "No can do sir! Warden has the keys sir!"

Diamond hears the shout. "Er. In that case, stay here and wait for my return!" He turns, and sees the extent of the damage on the poor kid. "Try and make sure he's okay, too!"

>> The man nods, saluting. "YES SIR!"

>> He tends to the kid.

Diamond dashes down the corridor, leaping over the swords and zonked out kid in his way. For some reason, he actually trusts the guard he left behind!

Scarab gets up grumbling and moves to land a silencing blow on the back of Buddy's skull. "Persistent tyke."

>> Buddy's out.

~ * ~


Five Pillars calls on the spirits of his weapons as he lashes out four times with his dragon claws. Handmade by him with fire from his forge, metal from the bones of the earth, infused by his sorcery with air, and now, used with the essence of water to strike home, they strike, with the speed of the tornado, the persistance of the waves, the supple swings of saplings, the burning passion of fire, and the strength of mountains behind them. He lunges forward and brings his claws around in a sweeping arc through the foes before him on either side. There can be no failure, now. And to run, or to strike out in anger would, perhaps be wiser, but he strikes with calm, aiming for the greater good of his friends, in their quest here tonight.

>> All four collapse. In pieces.

>> The prisioners just stare.

Five Pillars sighs, and pants, as he bleeds, in the center of the room, for one moment, before he stands, slowly, from his knee. He reaches for a scrap of the guard's bllody uniforms, and ties it around his head.

Scarab looks up as she hears a yell from the stairway leading to the top floor. "Aw cripes... he better have downed those witnesses."

Number Ten Camel waves Scarab up the stairs "I'll keep an eye on the door."

Scarab nods and sprints upwards to join Five Pillars.

Number Ten Camel puts buddy in the chair he tripped him with, resting him up against the wall.

Diamond jets up the stairs, and points at Camel, "Keep an eye on the door!" before following Scarab.

>> In the hallway that the stairs lead up to you see three bodies. Further on you probably can see Five PIllars in the next room, with five bodies near him. The other door in the hallway appears to be spiked shut.

Scarab reaches the land and stares at the handiwork of the old Immaculate Monk.

Number Ten Camel chuckles dryly, pulling the cloth in front of his face down for a moment for a breath of fresh air. He flips the table over with his foot and leans it against the door.

>> The chained prisoners in the room Five's in are still staring before one finally speaks. "D-Did Soran send y-you?"

Scarab remarks, "...well, I guess we don't have to worry about the screaming."

Diamond stumbles right into her, not expecting her sudden stop. They don't quite fall down, but he's left gaping too.

Five Pillars turns. "Free the prisoners." He tosses Scarab a set of keys. "I need a moment."

Five Pillars staggers to a window, and retches.

Scarab swipes the keys with quick fingers and starts undoing the shackles. "Yeah.. just give me a minute and you're outta here."

>> The man nods. "Thank the heavens. Did you get the others in the basement?"

Diamond 's eyes spark, and a fire deep within begins to smoulder against his stomach, the bitter acrid taste of smoke all but tangible in his mouth. Through the wretched taste, he spits, "THIS is mercy?"

Diamond turns to Scarab, barely remembering, but saying, "The guard downstairs is on our side," before she leaves.

Five Pillars sighs, as he turns from the window. "Take care of the poor man they were torturing." He sighs. "And hurry, before the dozen guards or so whose lives I saved before this battle even began become involved."

>> As if on cue, a whispered word of warning that time's almost up carried by the wind can be heard.

Scarab nods. "More downstairs? Got it."

Scarab finishes up with the captives here and then without another word jets downstairs for the lower levels.

>> When Scarab reaches the basement, the guard tending to the kid Camel knocked down glances up. "Hello ma'am. What are you doing here?"

Scarab answers, "I'm a friend of the guy who just befriended you. Are there more prisoners here?"

>> Upstairs, the three freed men meanwhile stand, rubbing their wrists as they glance around. "Are you all..?"

Five Pillars says "Take the weapons and armor in the hall. And /go/."

Diamond drops to his knees, and closes his eyes, hands assuming the ritual position of prayer taught in his little village. He murmers an appeal to the Unconquered Sun, short and swift before once more rising to deal with the dead. With a sad look, he reaches out to touch the five corpses within the torture chamber, and they disappear in a sudden kindling of flames. Looking up, his eyes catch the light, and he says, "Yes, we are," without emotion.

Number Ten Camel shifts the table from the door, to look out and see if anyone's coming back yet.

>> The guard nods to Scarab. "Yes. There are also four guards in there. Crack soldiers they brought in."

>> Camel sees that the fire is mostly controled, by the wind is not helping one bit. Syla's handiwork, probably.

Diamond adds, "Hurry," before he takes the man who had suffered beatings upon his shoulder, walking with him.

Five Pillars removes his makeshift headband, and scrathes a slight line across his forehead, then re-affixes the bloody piece of cloth.

Number Ten Camel unslings his bow, nocking an arrow ready.

Scarab curses to herself, nodding to the guard. "Wait right here."

>> He salutes.

Scarab ascends the steps, checking to see if the others are coming into the hallway yet.

Number Ten Camel says, "Time's running low, Scarab."

>> Camel's at the door, watching for people coming. Diamond is coming down the stairs with the prisoners by now, more than likely.

Diamond leaves the bloody mess of the warden behind, the others sent to the Sun's eternal mercy.

Scarab says, "Bad news. The sentry says there is a squad of 4 elite troops guarding the basement prisons."

Number Ten Camel says, "Hmpf. What a pain. If only we had some firedust."

Five Pillars comes allong behind, slowly down the stirs, blood staining his armor, and his immaculate robes.

Scarab waves her companions over, relaying the information as they do so.

>> Buddy remains knocked out. Poor kid.

Diamond sets the man down, gently, and takes up his swords. "We'll set a trap."

Five Pillars says "If you can handle it, then." He looks toward the door. "I'll try to buy you some time." Diamond points at his newest friend, the bigass sword guard guy. "Go down there and knock on the door, before opening it. Tell them the warden sent you, and that there's an escape in progress upstairs."

"And take him with you when you go." Five Pillars lurches off for the tents, to sow conufsion and inhibit effective command.

~ * ~

Five Pillars staggers towards the tents. "Lets get these fires out!" Rargara Miln is here, now. And he's a prince of the earth. Accustomed to being obeyed.

>> As you approach the tents where the six guards you disarmed before were bunked, you see that they are /still/ trying to disentangle themselves from the tent cloths, as a few others who try to run get various items blow into their faces. A whispered surprise near you in Syla's voice can also be heard. What guards aren't getting done by the wind salute and nod, moving to help put out the last of the flames.

Five Pillars says "The Warden betrayed us! He and assassins attacked me, to free the prisoners!"

>> That gets attention fast. Everyone turns and stares.

Five Pillars coughs and then straightens, obviously wounded, in both body and in heart. Such sad, sad, news he brings.

~ * ~

Diamond points at his newest friend, the bigass sword guard guy. "Go down there and knock on the door, before opening it. Tell them the warden sent you, and that there's an escape in progress upstairs."

Diamond motions towards Scarab, "Give him the keys."

Scarab nods curtly, and hands the keyring to the guardsman.

Diamond nods to the man, "The security and well being of all your friends and loved ones rests on your shoulders--you do not yet know how, but know that this is the truth! Go, and leave the rest to us!"

Number Ten Camel draws his sword, it's curves and flared tip glinting in the lanternlight. It's shaped like the tail of a camel.

Scarab meanwhile, leaps onto the cieling, hanging there in a gravity defying manner. She reaches for her shurikens, intent on raining poiny death onto the soldiers's backs from above...

>> The guard salutes, standing before he walks over to the door, unlocking it and nodding. "We've got an escape upstairs! The leaders are breaking out! They already got the Warden!" That's all it takes, as the four guards rush out of the room, through the hallway, and up the stairs. They so aren't expecting three Solars to be up there.

Diamond shouts a wordless battlecry, not even waiting for the other two to react. He dives down the stairs as they storm up, his blades crossed before him, determination, not essence, blazing in his eyes. "KYAAAA!"

>> Blink blink is all they manage.

>> Three go tumbling down in a tangle of weapons, armor, and limbs. The other guy is in semi shock.

>> One yells.

Diamond crashes into all of them, the flats of his blades smashed against some poor fool's face, And upon landing, pulls off a neat backflip that lands him in front of their collapsed forms. He remains in the crouched pose for only a moment, before he turns, again in stance.

Diamond charges the one still standing, shouting, "Attack them now!" as he launches into a wicked combination attack. Ducking down as he approaches the man, he springs up with a foot held high, to catch him under the jaw, leaping all the way up to the ceiling. There, he lodges his swords into the ceiling, and his feet clap down upon the poor man's head once more, heels down to strike his temples.

>> He staggers back... stumbles... down the stairs and joining the heap.

Diamond raises his feet to the walls, and with their support pulls his swords from the ceiling and slips into a defensive stance.

>> He then passes out, while there are a few more shouts.

Number Ten Camel leaps down the stairs, feints a slash down and across, before flipping the sword into the air, spinning on one foot and catching it with his other hand, using his gathered speed to let rip an awesomely fast throatripper.

>> A guard dies. A throatrippin death.

Number Ten Camel grunts as his sword almost gets caught on the gorget.

>> One battered one left, one healthy one left. Scarab!

Scarab grins from her position, stuck to the cieling like a fly on the wall. But this fly has some very potent stingers, as two barbs fly from her hands with fluid grace for each of the bewildered guardsmen. One of them seethes with a yellow aura, hungry for it's prey!

>> The last two die in two instants.

Diamond is taken aback, as shuriken land in their throats, "Haven't you people ever heard of mercy?!"

Scarab says, "Diamond, we don't have time for that... we're going to be spotted if we don't hurry!"

Diamond mutters a quick prayer, and three more corpses join the heavens. He shouts to the guard, "Free the prisoners, and come on!"

Number Ten Camel wipes his sword on his cloak. "We were told elite troops. Can't take chances."

>> The guard salutes and rushes to do so. In record time, he return, eight mostly healthy men and women following.

Number Ten Camel asks, "Is that everyone?"

>> The guard nods.

Diamond takes the remaining elite troop, and slings him over his shoulders, seemingly unaware of the few hundreds of pounds it burdens him.

>> The eight reunite with their three leaders, exchanging grins and all that. Meanwhile, Buddy groans as he begins to come to.

Number Ten Camel says, "Diamond, lead the out. Scarab and I have the best chance of sneaking out if we have to."

Diamond raises a sword towards the door, and says, "Come now, let's go! Quietly, and quickly!"

Scarab does a reverse handstand on the cieling and lands with a graceful plant on the floor once more.

>> Buddy glances around, blinking. "..er...um...oh god." ;_;

Diamond motions towards Buddy, and the torture victim. "Take them, too! I'll be out in ten seconds!"

>> Everyone, including Buddy, move to follow Diamond.

Diamond springs up the stairs, where a body suddenly disappears, before he runs back down--a full grown man in armor on his back the whole while.

Number Ten Camel orders the released prisoners to arm themselves and bring Buddy and the beaten leader with them, if they lack that initiative.

>> The prisoners have already armed themselves. Two keep the leader up, while the guard stays with Buddy. Scarab heads for the entranceway and spies the scene outside...

>> A whisper and a breeze. 'HURRY"

>> Scarab sees that the fires are just about done, but no one is near.

Number Ten Camel says, "Quickly, Diamond. I'll cover your retreat.

Diamond says, in the fleeting moments between his presence and departure, "Meet us, tomorrow!" to the guards they spared, naming an inn and a time.

Diamond is gone.

Number Ten Camel grabs a lantern and throws it upstairs. "Hopefully that'll give another fire for them to fight."

Scarab says, "Exit clear. Hustle, hustle!"

>> Buddy and the guard salute. Then everyone moves the hell out.

>> The kid at the bottom of the stairs also joins them.

~ * ~

>> The elite guards being distracted by Five Pillars blink a few more times. "It can't be..." Meanwhile, another strong gust. An a whisper in Five's ears. 'What are you /doing/'?

Five Pillars coughs, and takes a moment in old realm, hidden below the cough "Stalling."

>> 'Oh.' Another gust as the flames begin to pick up since everyone's staring at you in disbelief.

Five Pillars stands stright and tall. "Get the fires /out/. Worry about gossip later. Move it or lose it." Hopefully, these troops are used to listening to a Dragonblooded bark orders.

>> That they are. MOVE OUT.

>> In an orderly fashion, no less. While Syla whispers. 'Not bad.'

Five Pillars continues to harrangue and harass them, making sure all the fires get put out. He keeps them busy, and not thinking, for as long as the fires are around, buying his friends some time.

>> Syla does her best to make fire fighting a pain, as plenty of time is bought. They make progress though.

Five Pillars says "Once all these fires are out, I want you in some armor! This is not a picnic, boys." His old wounds lend some credence to this claim. After all, he's a trained combat master, this immaculate.

>> A whisper once again. 'They are leaving. Get going you silly old man!'

Five Pillars coughs. "Meet me tomorrow" He breathes deeply, then has another coughing fit. "One mile east."

Five Pillars straightens, as he looks over his ragtag assemblage.

>> The winds begin to die down.

>> The fires soon begin to follow suit.

Five Pillars turns, ans sees a fire burning int he top window. "Another fire! To the building, men!"

>> They salute and make for the burning prison.

Five Pillars leads his men towards the building, and, at great personal risk helps keep the fires under control, and then organizes the men, putting the seniormost in charge. Another story for the Wandering Immaculate.

>> And all is good.

>> Besides you getting cut up nicely.

>> But hey, that's life. You've got a date with a wind spirit soon, too.

And the next day, as he came, Five Pillars leaves, with strict admonishments to the men to choose better leaders, and to wait for re-inforcements from the Lap.

~ * ~

Scarab heads out into the fort environs, preparing to cover the prisoner's retreat to the gate...

Diamond, uh, runs for it? According to the plan, of course, and heeding the guidance of the whispers in the wind.

Number Ten Camel sneaks at the back of the prisoner's trail, ready to shoot anyone who tries to follow.

>> The prisoners seem quite well trained, really, motioning for you to move ahead as they split into groups and make for various directions. The ways are clear, as everyone is distracted by the fires. The three guards make their own way.

>> The winds begin to die down.

Scarab is also attempting to search for Five Pillars' location in the confusion. .o( Where the hell did he go? )

>> One final whisper from Syla makes it though. "He's gonna meet me later. Get going!"

Scarab blinks, looking at the air, and shrugs. "If you say so." She then withdraws, leapfrogging towards the camp's wall and soon over it like a fleeting shadow.

Diamond makes it to the rendezvous, unless something interrupts him leading the prisoners in their flight.

>> The rendezvous being the Inn, and the prisoners are unharried. They are /quite/ good.

Number Ten Camel gets back to the Inn, having changed back into his white cloak enroute.

Diamond sets his burden down on a table, and points at him, "Strip him and bind him! Make sure he's unable to escape when he wakes--and do NOT harm him! I will personally see to his debriefing!"

Diamond surveys his company. Is Soran among them?

>> Soran is there, talking a few other people. He turns as you all come in. He nods once to Diamond. "As you say, friend." He motions over, and two men quickly do as Diamond instructs, and bring the knocked out man upstairs.

Diamond quickly summarizes, as his companions continue to trickle in. "Eleven dead, one captured, three swore conversion and aided in our cause--I am meeting them tomorrow, accross town. It may be an ambush." He makes sure to catch Soran in the eyes, and says, "We're not going in so quick, unprepaired, and violently, ever again."

Scarab files in behind everyone by a good bit, plopping down in a table. "Ugh... well, a little sloppy. But the prisoners are saved."

Number Ten Camel finds a seat near Scarab, and sits, waiting for important things to get sorted.

>> Soran nods once, frowning. "Eleven dead? Son of a... right." He nods once. "And I'm not letting another leak get out. Are you all alright? And where's Five Pillars?"

>> The bartender comes around with water and wine for the new arrivals.

Scarab shrugs in response to Soran's query. "Syla said somethin' about meeting him afterwards."

Diamond spits, realizes he's inside, and catches it by quickly drawing his blade. He wipes it on his pants, "Sorry."

Diamond says, "He said he went to buy us time--if it's anything like the last time he 'bought time', eleven may be a conservative estimate."

Number Ten Camel thanks the bartender with smile.

>> Soran nods towards Scarab. "Alright..." He blinks before glancing at Diamond. "Why do you say that?"

Number Ten Camel says, "It's a harsh world. He might not have had a lot of choice."

Diamond frowns, and moves to the bar. He needs a drink. "We'll discuss it in detail, later. I'm feeling a little heady." His quick, impersonal tone fades to one of tiredness and no small amount of remorse. He takes a seat, and with elbows on the bar, puts his hands to his temples and tries to will the adrenaline to stop pumping through his veins. It's hard to relax, after fighting for your life and others'.

Scarab says, "Well, don't think I'm happy that we put the hurt on the garrison... I just did what I had to do for the mission."

>> Soran nods. "Tomorrow will be fine. For now, rest." He glances at another one of his men. "Find out who was killed, and have reparations sent to their families." The man salutes before heading out.

Number Ten Camel says, "Can we afford that? Even if we have the funds, it's another lead to us."

Diamond says, "It will be done," in a tone that allows no argument.

>> Soran nods in agreement with Diamond. "It is what we've done, and what we'll continue to do."

Scarab manages a wry smile. "You're a pretty decent guy there, Soran. Maybe you do have what it takes."

Number Ten Camel says, "I suppose without such prinicples, this whole affair is rather selfish."

Diamond takes a very, very long drink, his eyes already casually searching for the prettiest girl in sight. "I still think your goals are foolish--but I'll help you until a better alternative presents itself."

>> Soran manages a faint grin. "I'll take what I can get, friend. You four are definitetly a step towards making this work."

Number Ten Camel drinks his wine, and puts his feet up on the table.

>> And eventually you all get some rest. And Diamond gets a pretty lady to make him forget his woes for a bit.

~ * ~

Five Pillars heads for his meeting point, out of sight of the tower, his eyes open for spirits.

>> Five doesn't need to keep his eyes open, as he sees Syla, manifested, leaning against a helpful building. She looks exhausted.

Five Pillars frowns. He's not looking so hot either, a tad bit on the limping side, but better than last night. "We owe you one." He considers, for a moment. "If you're up for a bit of a walk with an old man, I'll see what I can do towards repaying it."

>> She glances at you raising an eyebrow as she brushes from hair from her face. "You have no idea what you owe me and my friends at the moment. I think I can still walk though, silly old man."

>> She straightens, walking over towards you.

He nods, and leans on his stick. "Well then. Let me show you something. And you alone. Not that I don't trust Soran, but he wasn't out there making soldiers chase their skivies around all night, now was he?" He winks, and makes his way, carefully, with the girl to the exact cave that ... there it is. And about time, too. He didn;t remember the mountain being this big, before he was wounded.

>> Syla follows, looking curious and tired as she does so. She giggles at bit at your comment though.

Five Pillars finds the right rock to move and the doorway opens, and he moves forard through the darkness with an ease born of comign this way many times, especially in the past few years.

>> Syla blinks a couple of times in surprise. "What the..." She continues to follow, though.

The door closes behind him, softly, leaving no trace. "Mind you don't stub your toes, and sorry about the dark. Just a little further."

>> She nods in the darkness, reaching out to grab your shoulder so she doesn't lose you.

Five Pillars leans on his staff, as he leads Syla onward, and through the tunnel, and into the Manse itself, faint light from the walls and celing shining on him, as he enters it's bounds.

Five Pillars says "And here we are." He sighs, heavily. "And it's good to be back."

>> Syla lets out a low whistle. "And you made it sound like this wasn't here."

"Like what wasn't here?" He grins. "Allow an old man his secrets."

>> She eyerolls.

He says "Otherwise it wouldn't be here, or there'd be some fancy-pants dragonblooded fool sitting here.

>> She frowns. "Hey! You can trust me with a secret!"

He leads her into the central chamber, and takes the pendant from his neck. "That's why I brought you here, isn;t it?"

>> She blinks before blushing. "Erm, right. So what else did you want to do besides show me this place?"

Five Pillars holds the hearthstone, concentrating, as he opnes up the pathays to the hearthstone chamber, and Attunes Slya. "Oh, you know. Give you someplace where you can go, and relax, and draw essence. It's the least I can do, but I do ask, you keep this just between us. You can use the Manse as much as you like, but please, don't hold court here."

>> She blinks a few more times in surprise before grinning. "You've got it. I think we're /almost/ even now." She giggles a bit as she winks.

Five Pillars nods. "And now, I'm going to go get something to eat, and drink, and then sleep for a bit, and work on getting myself back up to par. And then we need to make contact with the others."

>> Syla nods. "I'll pass word on to Soran then to let him know you are in fact in one piece."

Five Pillars nods. "Sure." He goes to eat one of the flat white flakebreads, and drink some spring water, before sleeping.

>> And eventually, you recover and head back down with a very happy wind spirit.

~ * ~

>> At in the afternoon or so, when you three are in the common, as is Soran, Syla and Five walk in!

Diamond gives him a momentary glare. It's nothing more than a look, an expression in the eyes, a shadow over his face. But when he catches Five's gaze with his own, there is no doubt left that his disapproval remains this following day. And it will come to resolution, one way or the other.

Scarab is in a chair with her feet on the floor, rocking it to and fro a little impatiently.

Number Ten Camel is dozing with his head on the table.

Scarab stops, looking up and almost feeling the palpable tension as Diamond stares through Five Pillars.

Five Pillars is still injured. But he's holding up well enough. "Go ahead, boy. Get it out before you pickle your face. I'm the wrinkly one here."

>> Soran is at one of the tables, drinking some water as he goes through various papers and talks with a few other people. He stops as Five and Syla walk in though. Syla glances at Five before moving to join Soran, smiling at the others as a whispered 'You did good' is heard.

Diamond says, off-handedly, "Despite any sense of justice in this world, yes, you have survived a very long time. We will have a length discussion over the meaning of the word 'mercy', old man. Later."

Scarab says, "H.. hey there you are, old man! What took you so long?"

>> Syla and Soran engage in discussion with the others.

Number Ten Camel comments in a jesting tone "Must have been chasing little boys. You know these monks."

Five Pillars responds, "My mercy kept almost a dozen men unarmed, and out of the fight, while you swashed and buckled, boy. And my mercy put out the fire you started while there were still people trapped in that tower, long after you fled.

Five Pillars harumphs. "If you want to know if I regret the blood shed, I do. But it was necessary, as much as it pains me. It was me, and the 5 of them. And I was already bleeding."

Five Pillars looks around conspicuously, the only one who was injured.

Number Ten Camel opens his eyes, turning to face Five.

Number Ten Camel rambles tiredly "Looks nasty. You should get someone to check on those. Might get infected. My thanks for your hard work."

>> Soran and Syla continue speaking, but you can tell they are listening.

Scarab glances at the camel rider and finds it hard to resist a chuckle. "Ah, be nice. He saved our bacons back there... and from the loks of it, took the brunt of those guards anger."

Diamond responds to Five evenly, "I saw what you did to those men, and I well remember the Twilight of the lost age. If your mercy extends only to those who do not raise arms against you, your bloodshed will be the stuff of legends. We WILL talk, in private. Later."

Five Pillars says "I will stand in the judgement of my peers, as has been the way since the ancient deliberatives. It is not given to you to be the sole arbiter of justice. We are five, and one, different and the same."

Diamond just responds, "As you say. We will still talk."

>> The bartender comes around to bring a drink for Five Pillars.

Number Ten Camel raises an eyebrow to Diamond. "Oh great. Now we have someone who thinks he remembers the distant past."

Diamond eyes Camel with honest surprise. "Bits and pieces. You don't? My past life was terrible enough, that some fragments remain."

Number Ten Camel says, "No memories. Just dreams that fade in the sunlight."

>> Soran and Syla finish speaking, and she walks over to lead Five over to a seat gently. Soran meanwhile goes back to studying papers while a few men move out and a few more into the inn.

Five Pillars takes a seat, and has his water.

>> After a few moments, Soran speaks. "I can't condone what you did, Five Pillars, but I can understand why it had to be done. Reparations have finished being sent to those who died. I also have to thank you for helping put out the fire that we had to start."

Diamond thinks but does not say that if he had been sent in Five Pillar's place, eight men would have gone to put out that fire, and eight families would still have their sons and fathers.

Five Pillars shrugs. "I don't condone it either. Condoning things is a pretty way of saying atrocity is alright. It's never right, but it's sometimes just, and other times necessary."

Scarab sighs to herself.

Five Pillars says "But. That's all I'm going to say about that."

>> Soran nods once. "For now, however, rest and recover. They are on alert now, so we will have some time before our next move. All in all, good job."

Scarab says, "Hey... what happens happens. You win some, you lose some... but as long as you keep winning, eh?"

Diamond says, rather emphatically, "No."

>> Soran raises an eyebrow. "There's a point where winning isn't worth it."

Diamond nods towards Soran, "As he says."

>> He continues. "If this place has to be burnt to free it, then the evil outweighs the good by a wide margin."

Five Pillars shrugs. "Unless it's plagued."

Scarab looks a bit miffed, not expecting to have this thrown back in her face quite. "That's not exactly what I... er.. oh, forget it."

Diamond smirks, his serious face leaving as quickly as it came, and he winks at Scarab, "Don't sweat it--I know what you mean, but some things have to be said. Even when everyone knows them already."

Scarab puts her head in her hands, mumbling, "Point."

Number Ten Camel says, "Speaking of burning, are we arranging any offerings for the spirits who helped us?

>> One of the men standing near Soran nods as Soran speaks. "Also being done as we speak."

Five Pillars nods. "You know how to reach me, if you need me. If I'm to put my reputation to any use for you at all, I can't linger with the resistance too much."

>> Syla meanwhile sits next to Five, tilting her head. "Stay here for a bit though, alright?"

Five Pillars frowns. "Oh, at least till I feel a bit better. My old bones don't heal like they used to."

>> Syla just giggles, nodding.

Diamond stands, and with a tilt of his head cracks the vertebrae of his neck. He loosens his shoulders a little, and says, "On a happier note! I've got some gems to sell and an entire town to explore. Anyone coming with?"

>> Soran grins as he goes back to his work. Ah, youth.

>> And on that pleasant note, we leave the newly formed Circle, shining as bright as a new day on the fate of this movement and the town itself.


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Running time: 5:56:43. That's right. Five hours, fifty-six minutes, forty-three seconds of goon-smashing fun.
Words: 14,018, in 567 emotes. That's 55 pages in Microsoft Word. -Ketrus