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Burning Ember

For ScrollAndSwordCircle

Aspect: Terrestrial, Fire
Nature: Bravo
Concept: Overeager Assistant
XP: 1 unspent, 50 total
Player: NPC


Bright Ember always wanted to be more than the other women in her tribe; the strict patriarchal structure coupled with the fact that men protected the tribe while women did little more than bear children grated her the wrong way. From a young age, she constantly begged to go on hunts, and was constantly refused. She was the black sheep of her family, due to her unabashed ambition and insistance that her destiny was greater than this.

One day she decided to do as the young men did, and went on a quest of fire, to prove her manhood. Unfortunately, however, she was not privvy to the location of the usual testing grounds, and found herself lost and without enough water to get back home. She stumbled upon a fire demense, thinking it an oasis, and was near death when she Exalted. Forge stumbled upon her soonafter.


Dark skin, cropped copper hair, hazel eyes.


  • Arkadi:
  • Malic: Burning Ember feels intensely greatful to Malic for his support and his caring treatment of her. The duties he asks of her are, in her mind, helping prepare her for dealing with spirits and help teach her how to manage her new life as an Exalted. She sometimes gets the feeling he's a little distant from her, but he is kind and indulgent in most respects.


Strength: 4, Dexterity: 3, Stamina: 4
Charisma: 2, Manipulation: 2, Appearance: 4
Perception: 3, Intelligence: 3, Wits: 3


  • Air
    • Lore 2
    • Lingusistics 2
    • Occult 2
    • Stealth 2
  • Earth
    • Awareness 3
    • Craft 2
    • Endurance 3
    • Resistance 3
  • Fire
    • Athletics 3
    • Dodge 4
    • Melee 2
    • Presence 3
    • Socialize 3
  • Water
    • Bureaucracy 2
  • Wood
    • Survival 4

Languages: Old Realm, Flametongue (native), High Realm
Crafts: Carving, Smithing Melee: Swords, Spears


Essence: 2
Fu: 2
Willpower: 8/8

Compassion: 2, Conviction: 3, Temperance: 1, Valor 5.

Essence pool:
12 Personal | 20 Peripheral | Committed 0

Health Levels:



Effortlessly Rising Flame		Reflexive	1 mote
Falling Star Maneuver			Supplemental	1 mote per 2 dice
Flickering Candle Meditation		Reflexive	1 mote per 2 dice
Stoking Bonfire Style			Supplemental	1 mote per 2 dice
Phantom Fire-Warrior Horde              Supplemental    1 mote per 2 dice
Loquacious Courtier Technique           Simple          1 mote per 2 dice

Spirit Detecting Mirror Glance	        Simple		2 motes
Precision Observation Method	        Reflexive	1 mote per 2 dice
Ox-Body Technique			Special		NA


None Learned


  • Manse 2
  • Resources 3

Expanded Backgrounds

  • Manse 2: You have ‘claimed’ the Ocean of Firey Sands as your own. This level 3 Demense is in the far reaches of the Southern Desert and is highly inaccessable, so your claim goes mostly undisputed. The Furnace Rhinos often gather at your Demense to feed, a fact that saved your life when Forge found you there and took you back to Heaven. The Demense itself is a roiling expanse of burning sand that acts like water, complete with tides and unknown sand-dwelling fish. Sometimes Red Jade comes to the surface of the sand-lake, drawing the Rhinos.
  • Resources 3: Malic is able to provide you with any amount of money you desire, but he limits your spending in accordance with Heavenly Mandate.


Malic has given you both fine clothes and fine tools to work with. You can dress as well as any Heavenly functionary and have a Perfect breastplate and sword of your own. Malic can generally be convinced to get you anything else you need, as long as it isn’t too extraneous or expensive.

Quick Combat Stats

Init: 6
Dodge: 7
Soak: 9/12
Accuracy 9
Melee Rate 3
Melee Def 7
