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Working Together For Exalts

This page is almost just a placeholder at the moment, since I'm posting when haren's not around to remind me of all that was discussed, but anyway.

In the Abyssals game we're currently playing in, there's been some discussion of using our powers to build off of one another in interesting new ways, which led to me thinking of the idea of Multi Person Combo attacks. I'm sketching in the skeleton as I go here, so be kind, since this is very much a work in progress.

The basic idea is this: Suppose, once upon a time, that the Celestial Exalts had developed manners of extending their Animas and Charm effects to build on one another, producing unique and doubly beneficial effects, similar to how the Dragon Blooded can bolster their allies in a more basic fashion? For instance, a Dusk Caste Abyssal might channel her anima power, causing terror to those who behold her, at the same time a Midnight Caste flares their anima, touching it to the Dusk and channeling a Presence Charm into the effect, producing a terror reaction that is both far stronger than usual, and enveloping both Exalts within it.

Another example might be of a Dawn flaring his anima as he activates Accuracy Without Distance, while coming in contact with his Night Caste associate, who is using a Stealth Charm to remain invisible; in effect, both Exalts would be dimmed, while the Night Caste may make his attack regardless of the range.

And yet a third possibility is that a Zenith or Midnight might somehow make another Exalt the focus for their "damage dealing" effects; a Midnight grants the Blessing of the Void to his Day Caste companion, and if somehow someone manages to see him, they suffer the wrath of the Malfeans as if the Midnight had spent the motes against them directly. Thank haren for this example.

Possible Mechanical Things

I think that there should probably be a minimum Essence required, and some form of bond between any and all Exalts sharing abilities in this fashion. I'd suggest a minimum Essence be rated at the Charm's Minimum rating +2, or Essence 4 for Anima Powers. Exactly what the bond is would need to be decided on by the individual ST, but being part of a Circle for a goodish length of time - a month? 2? - sounds reasonable to me.

I would also suggest an experience point cost. Perhaps an Exalt has to spend the Charm's Minimum Essence worth of XP (or 2 XP for Anima Powers) to make it "comboable"? And perhaps this cost would have to be paid as well by any Exalts who wish to participate in combos involving that Charm or power... don't know yet, there.

Using Charms and Powers in this fashion would require both or all of the Exalts involved to flare their animas - even if only slightly - and touch them together; the animas would then twist into a new, unique appearance, reflecting the natures of all Exalts involved. The expenditure of a Willpower point - or perhaps a Willpower roll, or both - doesn't seem out of the question for requirements. All costs for the Charm or Power must be paid by the Exalt using it, of course.

After some further discussion, it was decided that perhaps only anima powers and Charms with an Instant Duration could be used in this fashion; that might change, when I think of a system, but for now, just a thought. Because of this, any combined Charms or powers must go off at the same initiative tick, so the faster character is going to have to hold action until the slower one goes.

I can't think of anything else to put here yet. Perhaps when haren returns she can elaborate, and comments and suggestions are also always welcome.


Fire at will! (But wait, what did Will do to you?)