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Go back to DariusSolluman's page.

These are projects I started and then stopped. They always seemed like such a good idea at the time... While occusionally interesting, I don't pay much thought to them now a days.

DariusSolluman/Tinalion - The Violet Coast of Tinalion, the setting for my previous Exalted Series.
DariusSolluman/CreepyFae - A few thoughts on making the Fae more creepy and alien, stolen from the Nobilis Mailing list
DariusSolluman/StandardExtras - Extras beyond the kung fu. Farmers, bureaucrats, merchants- Some basic Attribute and Ability spreads. DariusSolluman/HeavenlyResources - A scale, akin to the Resources System as presented in the Core Rule Book, for making purchases in Heaven with a Salary.
DariusSolluman/ExaltedDiceless - A mental experiment- how to turn Exalted into a Diceless, resource management game
DariusSolluman/AlternateLittleGods - Alternate rules for Little Gods in Exalted
DariusSolluman/MorgulBlades - Inspired by Lord of the Rings, the Eyeless, and Abyssal Archery Charms
DariusSolluman/MassGovernance - Several of my players have expressed interest in running Kingdoms. Time to break out Sun Tzu and Machavelli...
DariusSolluman/DragonBloodedCharmsRevised - An idle notion in my head; to go through the DB trees and systamatically reconfigure them to use Synergy (as described in the Outcastes).

Go back to DariusSolluman's page.