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Latest revision as of 16:15, 19 July 2005

Skipping Spark Movement

Cost: 1 mote 
Duration: Instant 
Type: Reflexive 
Min Athletics: 2 
Min Essence: 2 
Pre-Requisites: None 

Like a spray of sparks from a fire, a Dragon-Blood using this Charm is able to split her dice pool before her turn, in response to an attack or for other reasons. This charm may only be activated once per turn.

Flaring Fire Prana </i>

Cost: 1 mote
Duration: Instant 
Type: Reflexive 
Min Athletics: 2 
Min Essence: 2 
Pre-Requisites: Skipping Spark Movement 

Using this charm a Terrestrial adds half her Athletics to her base initiative rating, rounding down. This charm can only be used once per combat round.

<i>Flash Motion Method

Cost: 3 motes +3 per person 
Duration: Instant 
Type: Reflexive
Min Athletics: 5
Min Melee:  3
Min Essence: 2 
Pre-Requisites: Flaring Fire Prana, Threshing Floor Technique 

Flames dance and move, vanishing as quickly as they appear. With this charm, a Dragon-Blood can teleport short distances. During the turn this charm is activated an Exalt is able to move up to her maximum range, take an action normally, and return to her original position instantly. This Charm does not create an action, it simply allows the Dragon-Blooded to move to and from a point inside his normal movement radius at which point he may take his normal action or actions. For an additional 3 motes per person, the Exalt may allow others to move themselves as well, limited by her Essence.

Riding the Thermal Winds

Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant 
Type: Reflexive 
Min Athletics: 3 
Min Essence: 2 
Pre-Requisites: Effortlessly Rising Flame

Fire itself is as free as Air, able to travel anywhere without restriction. Only Earth and Water bind it to themselves, holding it down. Freed from those limitations, Fire can soar among the smokey clouds. By unleashing the pure Fire within all living things, a Terrestrial can unbind himself or an ally from the surface of Creation and the pull of heavy Earth. The beneficiary of this Charm, who need only be in the user's line of sight, suffers no damage from their next fall. Lunar Exatled can never benefit from this Charm as it partially transmutes the beneficiary into smoke and flame.

Rising Heat Strength

Cost: 1 mote per 50 pounds
Duration: Instant 
Type: Reflexive
Min Athletics: 3
Min Essence: 2 
Pre-Requisites: Fiery Prowess

Some scholars have observed the use of heated air in the Haslanti air ships, but the Dragon-Blooded have long used the power of hot air in many other ways. By summoning not only the power of his muscles but the Essence of Fire, a Dragon-Blood can lift far more then his mortal frame normally would allow. If a weight is beyond the normal capacity of the character to move, break or lift, this Charm may be activated. It may also benefit allies who are struggling with heavy burdens. Every mote spent on this Charm allows an extra 50 pounds to be lifted without effort. While there is no limit on the motes expended, this Charm can not lift objects on its own, it must be aided by physical effort or other magical means such as Air Charms which allow levitation or flight.

All Consuming Fire Diet

Cost: 2 motes per turn 
Duration: Instant 
Type: Reflexive 
Min Athletics: 3 
Min Essence: 3
Pre-Requisites: Fiery Prowess

By sending the purest Essence of Fire coursing through his opponents body, or any body he is in physical contact with, a Crimson Dragon can burn away excess nutrients and Essence reserves in moments. For each turn that physical contact is maintained, the target will "lose" one day of food from their body. After as many turns of exposure as the target's Essence, the target must begin making Stamina + Endurance rolls or suffer a -1 penalty to all pools. These penalties are cumulative. This Charm can not cause a person to starve to death, but those exposed too long will eventually resemble living skeletons and may suffer temporary loss of Appearance, Strength, Dexterity or Stamina. After as many turns of exposure to the Charm as the target has Stamina, removed 1 dot of any of the specified attributes and continue to do so at a rate of 1 dot per turn until all the Attributes reach 1. These dots are lost until the target can spent at least a week eating twice what he normally does to replenish lost bodily reserves of tissue and fat.

Comments =

Changed Melee to Athletics in Flaring Fire Prana, hope that's okay. - Darloth

ACFD looks drastically too weak to me. - willows Powered it up and cleaned up the writing - Telgar