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I'm starting Project Gezlak (named after a type of metal elemental that roams Autochthonia) to try to automatically fix the links that were broken during the process of converting to MediaWiki. This would probably be a lot easier with direct access to the server, but I don't have that.

The idea is to use the Python wikipedia robot framework to examine page content, detect certain kinds of damaged links, and repair them. The script is not perfect, so now that it has been run, there may be things that are either still damaged or got damaged by the script.

How You Can Help

Usually, when a link gets damaged, the result winds up pointing to a page that doesn't exist. MediaWiki has a special page that lists pages that are being linked to, but don't exist. Many of the entries on this pages are legitimate pages that no one got around to writing. Some, however, are page names that were never supposed to exist, are being linked to because the links got screwed up. So...

  1. Go to this special page
  2. If you see a link that looks a little weird, click on it.
  3. You will get taken to the editing page for that link. Do not actually edit or save anything. Instead, on the lower left should be a link that says "What links here". Click that.
  4. You will be taken to a page that shows all of the real pages that contain this bad link.
  5. Go into them and clean them up.


If you notice the script had errors, list them here.

  • error


# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
This is not a complete bot; rather, it is a template from which simple
bots can be made. You can rename it to mybot.py, then edit it in
whatever way you want.

The following parameters are supported:


-dry           If given, doesn't do any real changes, but only shows
              what would have been changed.

All other parameters will be regarded as part of the title of a single page,
and the bot will only work on that single page.
# (C) Pywikipedia bot team, 2006-2010
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__ = '$Id: basic.py 8240 2010-06-03 07:19:33Z xqt $'

import wikipedia as pywikibot
import pagegenerators
import re
import time

# This is required for the text that is shown when you run this script
# with the parameter -help.
docuReplacements = {
   '&params;': pagegenerators.parameterHelp

class AllPagesBot:
   def __init__(self, generator, dry):
      Constructor. Parameters:
         * generator - The page generator that determines on which pages
                    to work on.
         * dry      - If True, doesn't do any real changes, but only shows
                    what would have been changed.
      #self.generator = pagegenerators.AllpagesPageGenerator()
      self.generator = pagegenerators.TextfilePageGenerator('exaltedall.txt')
      self.dry = dry
      self.pages = {}
   def run(self):
      while True:
           page = self.generator.next()
           if page is None:
           aslink = page.aslink()
           aslink = aslink.replace('[[','')
           aslink = aslink.replace(']]','')
           self.pages[aslink] = page
      #for link in self.pages.keys():
      #   print "\"%s\"," % (link)
class ExaltedRepairBot:
   # Edit summary message that should be used.
   # NOTE: Put a good description here, and add translations, if possible!
   msg = {
      'en': u'Script: fix links messed up in conversion'

   def __init__(self, generator, dry, quiet, allpages):
      Constructor. Parameters:
         * generator - The page generator that determines on which pages
                    to work on.
         * dry      - If True, doesn't do any real changes, but only shows
                    what would have been changed.
      self.allpages = allpages
      self.generator = generator
      self.dry = dry
      self.quiet = quiet
      # Set the edit summary message
      self.summary = pywikibot.translate(pywikibot.getSite(), self.msg)
      self.linkPat = re.compile(r'\[\[(.+?)\]\]')
      self.splitPat = re.compile(r'\s*\|\s*')
      self.levelPat = re.compile(r'\s*/\s*')

   def run(self):
      for page in self.generator:
         except Exception, err:
            print "   ERROR: Failed to process page %s when examining link %s: %s\n     %s" % (page.aslink(), self.curLink, err, self.curLine)
   def treat(self, page):
      Loads the given page, does some changes, and saves it.
      print ""
      print "Processing page %s..." % (page.aslink())
         # Load the page
         text = page.get()
      except pywikibot.NoPage:
         pywikibot.output(u"Page %s does not exist; skipping."
                      % page.aslink())
      except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage:
         pywikibot.output(u"Page %s is a redirect; skipping."
                      % page.aslink())

      # NOTE: Here you can modify the text in whatever way you want. #

      # If you find out that you do not want to edit this page, just return.
      # Example: This puts the text 'Test' at the beginning of the page.
      lines = text.splitlines(1)
      newlines = [];
      for line in lines:
         newline = self.treatLine(line)
      text = "".join(newlines)

      # only save if something was changed
      if text != page.get():
         if not self.quiet:
            # Show the title of the page we're working on.
            # Highlight the title in purple.
            pywikibot.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<"
                         % page.title())
            # show what was changed
            pywikibot.showDiff(page.get(), text)
         if not self.dry:
            if self.quiet:
               choice = 'y'
               choice = pywikibot.inputChoice(u'Do you want to accept these changes?', ['Yes', 'No'], ['y', 'N'], 'N')
            if choice == 'y':
                  # Save the page
                  page.put(text, comment=self.summary)
               except pywikibot.LockedPage:
                  pywikibot.output(u"Page %s is locked; skipping."
                               % page.aslink())
               except pywikibot.EditConflict:
                     u'Skipping %s because of edit conflict'
                     % (page.title()))
               except pywikibot.SpamfilterError, error:
                  pywikibot.output(u'Cannot change %s because of spam blacklist entry %s'
                     % (page.title(), error.url))
         print "   ...no changes."

   def treatLine(self, line):
      str_list = []
      lastPos = 0
      matches = self.linkPat.finditer(line)
      for match in matches:
         fulllink = match.group(0)
         link = match.group(1)
         end = match.end(1)
            (newLink, end) = self.treatLink(line, link, end)
         except Exception, err:
            print "   ERROR: Failed to process link %s: %s\n     %s\n     Continuing leaving link unaltered" % (self.curLink, err, self.curLine)
            newLink = link
         start = match.start(1)
         if (newLink[0] == '|'):
            #The link is now empty, which means to strip it out entirely, including brackets
            text = line[lastPos:start-2]
            text = line[lastPos:start]
         lastPos = end
         if not self.quiet and link != newLink:
            print "   %s -> %s" % (link,newLink)
      return ''.join(str_list)

   def treatLink(self, line, link, end):
      self.curLink = link
      self.curLine = line
      sourceLast = end
      theSplit = self.splitPat.split(link)
      link = theSplit[0]
      label = None
      if len(theSplit) > 1:
         label = theSplit[1]
      if not self.pageExists(link):
         (link,label,sourceLast) = self.repairMissingLink(line, link, label, sourceLast)
      if self.pageExists(link):
         (link,label,sourceLast) = self.repairExistingLink(line, link, label, sourceLast)
         print "   Warning: after repairs, link %s still not found. Using anyway." % (link)
      treated = link
      if label:
         treated += '|' + label
      return (treated,sourceLast)

   def pageExists(self, link):
      if len(link) == 0:
         return False
      cleanLink = link.replace('_',' ')
      cleanLink = cleanLink[0].capitalize() + cleanLink[1:]
      return self.allpages.has_key(cleanLink)

   def repairExistingLink(self, line, link, label, end):
      # "Pretify links starting with 'Lexicon'
      if link.startswith('Lexicon') and not label:
         levels = self.levelPat.split(link)
         if len(levels) > 1:
            mainpage = levels[0]
            subpage = levels[1]
            name = self.space_out_camel_case(subpage).strip()
            label = name
      return (link, label, end)

   def repairMissingLink(self, line, link, label, end):
      if link.startswith('['):
         (link, label, end) = self.repairBadLabeledLink(line, link, label, end)
      levels = self.levelPat.split(link)
      if len(levels) > 2:
         (link, label, end) = self.repairMultiLevelLink(line, link, label, end, levels)
         justPastLink = line[end+2]
         endOfLink = link[-2:]
         if justPastLink == '>' and (endOfLink == '/B' or endOfLink == '/I'):
            (link, label, end) = self.repairCorruptHtmlLink(line, link, label, end, levels)
      return (link, label, end)

   def repairBadLabeledLink(self, line, link, label, end):
      # First, get rid of the leading brackets in the link
      link = link.replace('[','')
      # Becuase of the pattern matching that got us this far, we know that the characters
      # at line[end] are two closing brackets. Skip past them, then get everything until
      # the next two closing brackets, which should be an attempt at a label that got corrupted.
      assumption = line[end:end+2]
      if assumption != ']]':
         raise AssertionError 
      end += 2
      remainder = line[end:]
      index = remainder.find(']]')
      if index == -1:
         raise AssertionError
      remainder = remainder[:index]
      if index < 2:
         # In this case, it looks like there might be a link like [[[[link]]]] or
         # [[[link]] ]], so eliminate the extra brackets
      elif remainder.startswith('\''):
         # In this case, there is a link with an apostrophe that got scrambled,
         # like [[[page/sub]]'page]]. Append the remainder to the link.
         link += remainder
         end += index
         # Probably a label, like [[[link]] | label]]
         (nothing,newlabel) = self.splitPat.split(remainder)
         label = newlabel.strip()
         # Tell the caller to ignore the extra line source we just consumed
         end += index
      return (link, label, end)

   def repairMultiLevelLink(self, line, link, label, end, levels):
      # In this case, the problem is usually that the name of and a/b page was just
      # prepended blindly, rather than just the a. So, build a link from the first
      # and last level.
      testlink = levels[0] + '/' + levels[-1]
      # If this link exists, use it
      link = testlink;
      return (link, label, end)

   def repairCorruptHtmlLink(self, line, link, label, end, levels):
      # In this case, the original script really hosed pages that used HTML 
      # encoding with capital letters, turning something like <B>code</B>
      # in to <B>code[[PageName/B]]>. Convert it back to HTML.
      label = "</" + link[-1]
      link = "";
      return (link, label, end+2)

   def space_out_camel_case(self, str, delimiter=' '):
      """Adds spaces to a camel case string.  Failure to space out string returns the original string.
      >>> space_out_camel_case('DMLSServicesOtherBSTextLLC')
      'DMLS Services Other BS Text LLC'
      text = re.sub('((?=[A-Z][a-z])|(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z]))', delimiter, str).strip()
      if text != str:
         # Uncapitalize articles
         text = text.replace(' Of ', ' of ')
         text = text.replace(' In ', ' in ')
         text = text.replace(' To ', ' to ')
         text = text.replace(' At ', ' at ')
         text = text.replace(' The ', ' the ')
         text = text.replace(' And ', ' and ')
      return text

def main():
   # This factory is responsible for processing command line arguments
   # that are also used by other scripts and that determine on which pages
   # to work on.
   genFactory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()
   # The generator gives the pages that should be worked upon.
   gen = None
   # This temporary array is used to read the page title if one single
   # page to work on is specified by the arguments.
   pageTitleParts = []
   # If dry is True, doesn't do any real changes, but only show
   # what would have been changed.
   dry = False
   quiet = False

   # Parse command line arguments
   for arg in pywikibot.handleArgs():
      if arg.startswith("-dry"):
         dry = True
      elif arg.startswith("-quiet"):
         quiet = True
         # check if a standard argument like
         # -start:XYZ or -ref:Asdf was given.
         if not genFactory.handleArg(arg):

   if pageTitleParts != []:
      # We will only work on a single page.
      pageTitle = ' '.join(pageTitleParts)
      page = pywikibot.Page(pywikibot.getSite(), pageTitle)
      gen = iter([page])

   if not gen:
      gen = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator()
   if gen:
      # The preloading generator is responsible for downloading multiple
      # pages from the wiki simultaneously.
      gen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(gen)
      allbot = AllPagesBot(gen, dry)
      bot = ExaltedRepairBot(gen, dry, quiet, allbot.pages)

if __name__ == "__main__":


Great! I look forward to seeing the results. Thankyou! :) nikink

Screw it. Script running now. I probably could have done this better as an export/alter/import, but the hell with it. - Wordman

Seems to have worked a treat, as far as I can tell on my pages anyway. :) Thanks again! nikink Saved me a lot of work!