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Kaksua Hino

Chosen of Secrets and Field Agent of YOU ZHAO

Associations: The Bureau of Destiny , The Forbidding Manse of Ivy , YOU ZHAO , Convention of Water 
Combat Abilities: Master of Ebon Shadow Style, Initiate of Righteous Devil Style, Initiate of Citron Poxes of Contagion
Favored Equipment: Fighting Chain.
Astrological Certification: The Mask, The Sorcerer, The Sword, The Corpse.

-18 : Born in the East.
-8  : The Kaksua clan and its archrival, the Haksu Clan, annihilate each other.
      During which Hino Exalts as a Chosen of Secrets; his blood enemy and archrival also Exalts as a
      Sidereal, those two being the sole survivors to their respective clans.
-6  : Gains certification as an agent of fate.
+3  : Recruited into YOU ZHAO .
      With other YOU ZHAO  agents, destroys manse of Dor Kashur  (Dawn, deceased).
      Accesses information regarding Dor Kashur 's aberrant fate from the dead Solar's manse.
      Requisitions a jade breastplate and daiklave.  Returns them, unharmed and unmarked, the same day.
+4  : Begins fact-finding mission in Underworld to learn about a rising power among the dead.
      Destroys Dor Kashur 's mansion in Meru.
      Poses as woman to become a judge while investigating Dormin's annual beauty pageant.
      Kills Genbu, corrupt head priest of Lixa, and coordinates the sacrifice to the goddess.
      Arrested with rest of agents, but eventually cleared.
+8  : Marries Sazu , after a 3 year relationship.
+9  : Has first son, Kaksua Po.
+24 : Transfered to Convention of Water
      Masters Ebon Shadow Style.
+25 : Submits application to Nuran to establish offical Intelligence Branch, which is accepted.
      Kaksua Hino made head of branch, with his son, Po as his assitant.
      Helps other agents kill two abominations made with Solar Level Sorcery and capture Havoc's daughter.
MS. OBOL 'S COMMENTS: I never seem to be able to catch him entering or leaving a room.  He's either
nowhere to be seen, or suddenly right beside me.  He is the most circumspect of our agents,
favoring canniness and subtlety to the intimidation (Wu-Go-Ma-Xa), heroics (Traveler), and
bloodshed (Havoc, of course) that our other agents are so fond of.  I'm... not sure, but I suspect
that he changes Destinies more often than the others.  I will sometimes see someone watching me in
the evenings, someone terribly familiar that I know I have never met.  Sometimes I wonder... *shiver*
NURAN 'S COMMENTS: I personally reviewed all available personnel in the Forbidding Manse of Ivy for
a viable applicant for the organization, and chose Hino.  I am a bit more comfortable with Hino
than I am with, say, Reborn Vermillion Havoc, because I feel I can rely on him to find a solution
to his problems that doesn't involve a daiklave.  It may simply be a result of cowardice, but even
so his actions tend to cause fewer headaches and less paperwork. He may not be the most powerful
Exalt in the Division, but he has tact and lacks the arrogant confidence of his mightier peers.
WU-GO-MA-XA 'S COMMENTS: Who? Just kidding. He, as the others does his job, and as the others its
done in a little odd way. It's alright though. His pure skills are unmatched in our group and I dare
say against any I have seen, or not in this case.
TRAVELLER 'S COMMENTS: Silent fellow. Sometimes that is neccessary. I admire his taste in women 
though he goes far further into his relationship than I would want or need to.
HAVOC 'S COMMENTS: I would consider him the most reliable of any among the team. I have worked with
him on countless assignments, and he has proven himself without peer in his chosen field, though
that fact has sometimes rendered him difficult to contact in times of necessity.

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