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Virtue Flaws by ArndisAsgeirsdattir

Temperance Flaws

Larcenous Impulse\\ Having been thwarted in her desire to examine an artifact, text, building, or other object of interest, the character's restraint snaps. Overwhelmed by curiosity, she will attempt to acquire or gain entry to the object of interest, using abilities (especially stealth and larceny), charms, and spells as appropriate. As well as acquiring the initial object of interest, she will liberate any other item that catches her eye. (It must be something of professional or academic interest to the character, typically magical or containing new knowledge, not merely expensive.) Her larcenous impulse drives her to be sneakier and more secretive than normal. After Temperance days, the impulse fades. If the character so wishes, liberated items may then be returned to their owners -- although especially interesting ones, or ones unlikely to be missed might be tempting enough to keep -- but if she cannot return an item subtly enough, its appearance may cause an embarassing scene.\\ Limit Break Condition: Being denied the opportunity to examine the object of interest sufficiently.

Valor Flaws

Soul of Honour\\ The character has no stomach for the cruel or dishonourable treatment of others: treachery is a blot on the traitor's soul, and if punishment or killing is necessary, it should be quick and clean. Inflicting pain or humiliation for its own sake is abhorrent to her. She feels intense guilt about episodes in her past when she did not fight against the violation of these principles. When her limit breaks, she will seek out the doer of these vile deeds and challenge him to combat. The point of the duel is to demonstrate dominance, so while the character will go all-out to gain victory, she will not deliberately kill the perpetrator. If the perpetrator survives, then the character will extract an oath from him that he will no longer commit such acts, or else his life is forfeit. If an Eclipse caste is available to seal the oath, the character will demand that it be sealed. If a sealed oath is broken by the perpetrator, he can avert the bad luck by informing the character of his lapse. This will force the character to seek him out and dispense justice, or suffer bad luck in turn. (Travel time for letters/people is an allowable delay, but deliberate lollygagging is not.) Even if the oath is not sealed, the character should return to mete out punishment, once she knows that the oath has been broken. Additionally, for the next Valor days, the character will have horrible nightmares about the times where others were treated cruelly or dishonourably and she could have fought against it, but did not. This preoccupation with her guilt will impose a -1 die pool penalty, on top of those from lack of sleep.\\ Limit Break Condition: Witnessing unacceptable (cruel or dishonourable) treatment of others, and not fighting against it.