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Dragon Kings: Rulings

Dragon Kings and New Paths

  • Dragon Kings may create new paths only if they are essence 6; these paths will be created through total focus, leaving room for little else in their lives. These paths will tend to be 'lesser', with more requirements for less benefit, unless the Dragon King is joined with a spirit of significant power (note: have yet to decide what constitutes 'significant power') who helps him in this task.

Dragon King Paths and Eclipse / Moonshadow Caste Exalts

  • Paths may be learned by Eclips and Moonshadow caste Exalts, but may only be taught to them by highly civilised Dragon Kings; essence 4+. Younger Dragon Kings lack the true understanding of the paths needed to teach them to non-Dragon King individuals. This is probably not even remotely correct in the canonical setting: I would imagine learning of Dragon King paths is probably impossible, generally. However, for the purposes of my game....

Dragon Kings and Martial Arts

  • No Martial Arts are currently practiced by Dragon Kings. Only the involvement of a god or the re-awakening of an ancient Dragon King with knowlege of Dragon King Martial Arts styles could re-introduce them. Essence 6 Dragon Kings may attempt to design Martial Arts styles, but the work will be at least as all-consuming as Path Design; possibly more so.

Dark Paths

I need help with Dark Paths. Lots of help. Inspiration has totally failed me as to what Dark Paths other than the single one detailed in Rathess could entail, beyond:

  • The need for input of something beyond motes of essence (following the example of the Dark Path mentioned before, where flesh of an intelligent being must be consumed before benefits can be gained).
  • Lack of elemental association.
  • Association with death & decay, or similar things. Obviously. Or they wouldn't be dark paths, they'd be happy shiny paths, or something.

But really, I'm drawing a blank on this one.

Dragon King Stats


Rala Wisdom-Seeker A Dragon King PC in Visions of Glory. Linked to on Quilone's site because he's Quilone's character, and putting the stats up twice is uber-redundant.



Qual-Raka Qual-Raka, the Mighty Fire Mountain. An Ancient Dragon-King of huge power. (An example of a high-level Dragon King.)


Anatar : An Ancient Pterok who was awakened at the same time as Rala.


Krovyx : A Mosok who lived in Rathess as one of the aquatic stalkers until, through some fluke or chance, he became aware that he was an individual... (A PC in Visions of Glory)
