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The child of a servant of the spirit court of Magnificent Ginkgo, Fern has known only the jungles of the East/Southeast all his life. Fern is unaware that his mother - a fallen Immaculate monk - has ever lived anywhere but in the wilds.

It was during his fourteenth year that Fern drew his second breath. For standing beside his 'great grandfather' in the face of the horde of zombies and fell beasts led by the Midnight Caste "Seven Legions' Death" he was Exalted into the Zenith Caste. A painful heat and brightness filled his entire awareness as the undead recoiled from him... a voice like thunder filled his ears and visions assailed him... it would be over a month before Fern became sensate to the world again. When he ceased to be assaulted by the visions, he was somewhere very different... The land was flat and empty, the sky grasping the sandy dunes directly, unfettered by trees. Great rocks or hills were bunched together ahead of them, strangely shaped and hard-edged. People too, bizarre, and dressed in strange alabaster apparel... not at all like the skins and foliage that Fern wore.

Arndis Asgeirsdattir

A Haslanti glider scout who was captured by Dynast privateers and later given to the villainous and decadent Sultan Ariim Fakhiir. She had planned to manipulate the guards to eventually gain access to the treasury and escape with a fortune in gems and jade. This all changed with Fern's arrival and her subsequent Exaltation...

The One True Francois's Character

Six Terns was an airship engineer who had been captured by the Guild after her airship crashed and sold into slavery. Her clear blue eyes and pale skin made her an exotic potential pleasure slave in the south, where she was sold into slavery to the nefarious Sultan, Ariim Fakhiir... With such a horrible fate ahead of her, Six Terns starts plotting on how to escape or atleast go out in a bang...

Fox's Character

Aura has been a slave virtually all of her as-yet short life. From the harems of the Cynis she's passed into the hands of everyone's favourite slimy Sultan, Ariim Fakhiir. She never submitted to her fate, but for one as evil as the Sultan, this is just one more amusement...