Thus Spake Zaraborgstrom/DuckFate
From Exalted - Unofficial Wiki
rebeccaborgstrom - 02/08/2004 04:01:00
> Raindoll > Can a Sidereal use Duck Fate to avoid Pattern Bite? "Avoids any undesirable effect" seems pretty clear, but something feels wrong about this.
Sure, but I agree that this probably won't satisfy the spiders.
- In my campaign, I had a player try this. So he got the flaw from the Player's Guide that equals pattern spider censure. He was the only one to make that mistake. And, after a long while, he eventually (after lots of offerings to the Pattern Spiders and abstinence from astrology) got it removed. And was very, very cautious in the future.
- Scrollreader with his two koku.