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Maitreyi has an easy time of going unnoticed. Her snub nose, small stature, stout figure, and light-lashed brown eyes are decidedly plain, and her thin blonde hair is woven always into braids atop her head. She dresses in woolen blouses and high-waisted skirts of white, and a fur-lined hooded duster. The staff she carries could easily be mistaken for a walking stick, as it is plain, and looks unthreatening in the hands of such an unassuming woman.

Few are aware of the danger she poses: Maitreyi is a Solar, Twilight caste. She has managed to keep her exaltation under wraps, which allows her to continue to exploit her position in Icehome's upper class. Having been a controversial and compelling teacher at Icehome's primary school, she is known to many of the city's nobles and notables and their up-and-coming children. In fact, she is rather intimately linked to this class: She bore a son to a minor Dragon-Blood official who then adopted the boy as his own. The pain of this separation and a long history of other unhappinesses have given her a hard, haunted look that only softens when she interacts with children, or when she loses all sense of herself in study.

She is committed above all other things to truth and knowledge. Her students were used to hearing her say, "Understanding is the key to success, and questions are the key to understanding." Upon her exaltation, Maireyi discovered how little true understanding she possessed, and how many new questions she had now to ask: What really happened in the First Age? What is the true nature of the Solars? Why must they be hunted and destroyed? Why are they returning now in greater numbers than ever? The true answers, Maitreyi believes, must be revealed to all Creation, for any world based on lies is destined to crumble.

Though Maitreyi doesn't consider herself particularly brave, she doesn't shirk from confrontation, even physical battle. She had little martial training as a mortal — only what her parents thought would keep her body fit enough to support her mind — but as First-Age memories have come flooding back to her, so has knowledge of a formidable Celestial martial art, Resplendent Crane Style. She can defend herself well enough and fears neither injury nor death; when she sets her jaw, she often says, "When I die, it won't be the worst thing that's happened to me."

To interact with Maitreyi on a daily basis, however, is to have little sense of this wellspring of strength and despair. She keeps to herself, preferring to listen and observe over being seen and heard. This is especially true when she is around adults, whom she tends to mistrust and dislike; they strike her as given to willful ignorance and uncuriousness. She has no taste for finery and might, if not for her fastidious grooming, conform to the dusty-scholar stereotype. Romance is quite far from her mind, and she expects never to find an enduring love. She dreams idly of wandering First-Age ruins, hand-in-hand with her son, opening his eyes to the truth and beauty of the silent past.

Caste: Twilight
Nature: Savant
Anima: Whirling, sunset-colored storm of words
Concept: Teacher and scholar

Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3

Martial Arts* 3, Thrown 1
Awareness 3, Dodge 1
Endurance 1, Presence* 2, Resistance 1
Bureaucracy* 2, Linguistics* 3, Socialize* 3
Investigation* 4, Lore* 4, Medicine* 2, Occult* 1

Investigation - Research 1
Lore - History 2
Linguistics - Composition 1
Presence - Children and Youth 2

High Realm, Skytongue, Old Realm

Resources 1: She has little money of her own, but can ask Rakesh for meager support when she needs it.
Influence 1: Because of her teaching experience and the unorthodox nature of her instructional style, she is known to and respected by many upper-class parents and youths in Icehome, some of whom are Dragon-Bloods.
Allies 2: Rakesh, amber merchant and narcotics dealer; husband of Maitreyi's late sister, Shalini; a tortured man who became addicted to drugs in despair over his wife's death. Uttam Bindiya, young Dragon-Blood upstart; was among Maitreyi's most promising students; the two bonded over a shared interest in the First Age and have maintained a friendship since.
Contacts 3: Uttam Dinesh, ouctcaste Dragon-Blood oligarch of the Haslanti League; he is a minor official; Maitreyi's former lover, the father of her son Jagan. Waman, chief librarian of Icehome's modest archives; networked with scholars throughout the North; knew of her parents, who were prominent scholars in Gethamane. Various upper-class parents and youths, some of whom are Dragon-Bloods. (Another coming soon.)

Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperence 3, Valor 2

Virtue Flaw:
Pedantic Wrath: As Deliberate Cruelty, but directed against perceived or exhibited ignorance and stupidity. She is convinced, alternately, that people are playing dumb to deceive her, or simply lack any intellectual worth whatsoever and are thus expendable. She will either excoriate insufficiently intelligent individuals or inflict casual violence upon them.
Limit Break Condition: Frustrated by people's willful ignorance and lack of curiosity.

Willpower: 6
Essence: 2
Essence Pools: 12/30
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incap

Ox-Body Technique
Wading in the Rushes (Martial Arts: Resplendent Crane Style)
Shedding Water Step (Martial Arts: Resplendent Crane Style)
Essence-Gathering Temper
Durability of Oak Meditation
Swift Sage's Eye
Ten Magistrate's Eyes
Judge's Ear Technique
Wise-Eyed Courtier Method
Body Mending Meditation
Sensory Acuity Prana
Spirit-Detecting Glance

Harnessing the Faulty Blow: Essence-Gathering Temper + Shedding Water Step

Base initative: 6
Soak: 4B/2L
Dodge: 6
Punch: Spd 6, Acc 7, Dmg 2B, Def 8, Rate 5
Kick: Spd 6, Acc 7, Dmg 5B, Def 3, Rate 3
Staff: Spd 14, Acc 9, Dmg 9B, Def 8, Rate 2
Throwing Knife: Spd 6, Acc 4, Dmg 4L, Rate 3



    • I hope you dont mind the comment but i like this character, the story is very interesting, she is obviously a youg exalt and it will be interesting to see how she developes and how you keep her exaltation under wraps as she becomes more powerfull. It is refreshing to se a Twighlight with no sorcery.... it is often assumed that all twighlights have to start the game with sorcery. keep up the good work. Eldmar