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Killed: <-- uses avoidance kata
Killed: oh hi dave
d0x: Hmm.
d0x: *foot trapping* Hi.
Killed: <--dodges ze foot trapping
Killed: so aggressive today
d0x: How will ze dode ze foot trapping if zyou zare zdead?
Killed: um... zombie?
Killed: dave if you make a horse lunar i'm so making the ape lunar with a red jade tie that has his intials on it
d0x: I'll rape it off of you with my detestable beastcock transformation.
Killed: *note to self make self a master of dodge ape lunar with a red jade tie which has his initals on it*
d0x: Haha.
d0x: I learned that abyssal tentacle charm.
Killed: i'll use running through the herd so you hit sam's charcter instead
d0x: And I also have an artifact that makes you a young japanese girl.
Killed: i'm a tatooed lunar, you can't shapechange me
d0x: Ahh, but I am not.
d0x: I am switching your consciousness into another body.
d0x: Specially preparred for the occasion.
Killed: i think that would also go against the idea behind a tatooed lunar
d0x: Nope
d0x: It's like, Solar Circle Sorcery, baby!
Killed: but aren't you the horse lunar?
d0x: Mantle of brigit.
d0x: Err brigid.
d0x: With a huge hole cut out the front.
Killed: fine if you get mantle of brigid than chejop kejak is so hopping out of your breakfast cereal and stabbing you in the face
d0x: Too bad he can't.
d0x: I use Solar Circle Sorcery to prevent gutting.
Killed: bs
Killed: he uses sidereal kung fu to destroy it
Killed: cause i mean sidereal kung fu can undo anything just ask the forumites who didn't like the sidereal book
d0x: Shit.
d0x: Umm, I let Thinker rewrite the solar charms and GoldenH rewrite the Sidereal charms, then have dragonladyflame proclaim that those are the actual rules (unless he could possibly be wrong, in which case they are house rules that EVERYONE uses or is stupid).
d0x: Now I win. Bitch.
d0x: Kame
d0x: Hame
d0x: Ha.
Killed: i use summon Neph from the underworld of the forum to distract everyone with uber posts of coolness
d0x: Oh yeah?
d0x: I summon Unexpected to be such a bitch that everyone stops reading that thread.
Killed: than i have rebecca j borgstrom release another sidereal ma that only chejop has specifically designed to fuck u over, and when you try to argue about i have her say somethign like "with this hat on chejop pwnz you, what hat will i have on tomorrow?"
d0x: Hahah