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Infinite Arsenal Gemstone
Type:</b> Any

The Infinite Arsenal Gemstone takes the shape of faceted sphere with uncountable edges. Refracting within the sphere is a faint light which corresponds to the type of manse which formed the stone: Red for fire, pale yellow for earth, blue for air, aqua for water, green for wood, rainbow hues for Sidereal, pale white for Lunar, a purple so dark it is almost black for Abyssal, and a rich gold for Solar.

Exalts wielding this stone are capable rapdidly shifting their attunement between a variety of artifacts. Once an exalt has attuned an artifact, he may attune it to the Gemstone. This process takes as long as a standard attunment, and the process may only be attempted with artifacts forged of a magical material which corresponds to the stone's manse of origin. Completing the harmonization uses up one of the artifact's hearthstone settings. Once the harmonization is completed, the exalt may reflexively 'withdraw' or 'reinstate' his attunement and motes from the artifact, which remains harmonized to the stone. He may execute such attunement shuffling only once a turn. The stone may harmonize with a number of artifacts equal to its rating (in this case four, though there are rumors of stones of other levels). The exalt must set aside motes into a special pool to allow the stone to reinstate attunements. Filling or emptying this pool is a simple charm action. As an ancillary benefit, the stone will add a number of motes to the pool equal to its rating.

The stone may only be set in an artifact forged of a magical material which corresponds to the stone's manse of origin. Once set, the stone will spend the next 24 hours aligning itself with the anima of the exalt attuned to its setting. Once this alignment is completed, the hearthstone's effects may be utilized. Savants claim that it may be possible to create a stone that will work with all artifacts, regardless of their contruction. No such stone has yet been found or created, however.

An example of the stone in use: Clarion Asbury is an eccentric duelist who likes to match his blade to the fight at hand. As a result he will often carry four daiklaves at a time. These daiklave's have attunements costs of 5, 5, 6, and 8. Normally this would require 24 motes to keep all four daiklaves attuned, however Clarion possesses an Infinite Arsenal Stone. He stores four motes in the stone, which provides a pool of 8 when combined with the motes already provided by the stone. Once a turn he may reflexively swap his active attunment from one daiklave to another, the 8 motes within the pool are enough to attune any of the daiklaives. If he adds another 2 motes and brings the pool to 10 motes, he may swap between using both attunement 5 daiklaives or using either the 6 or the 8.


The text for this stone is really bulky and may be downright confusing. If anyone has any suggestions on a way to clear it up, you're more than welcome to edit the text itself. Just put the changes in bold for easy reference. - Ambisinister

What happens to the stone? Does it teleport between artifacts, or are you supposed to shove it in a bracer or amulet and then it just creates a phantom glowy thing to occupy the used hearthstone sockets in the various weapons?
-- Darloth

The stone doesn't move. I was going for the phantom glowy placeholder. Whatever artifact you put the stone in you have to be attuned to all the time, so it would make the most sense to slap it in an amulet, but you could put it wherever you want.-Ambisinister