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Session Eleven

Descending Earth 25, 768

Back in Celeren, plan to infiltrate Thorns army by claiming to have Solar weapons as trophies.

Tazo interrupts, takes Shizaru off. Grace leaves to meditate in Manse, regain Essence.

Having captured scouts with Mists of Eventide, strip them of equipment and uniform and interrogate them for additional information; Lumo intimidates (dressed as Thorns officer), Anaba persuades. Only learn name of CO - Capt. Blackwood. One pees on Shizaru's carpet, upsets Shizaru's majordomo.

Lapis and Anaba go to investigate Wotis' death. Find Umaos, who gives them note: "Five. Celeren Manse. Immediately. Grandmother." Lapis learns that note's author intended to conceal the true purpose of the mission from the recipient. Lapis searches rooms of two new servants (late 40s man - cook, late 30s/early 40s man - housekeeper) while Anaba interrogates them; learn that cook lost job at inn and got hired on, housekeeper got new employer and did not get along with her, and has lover in the city against the rules; nothing else. Lapis asks Umaos to attempt to collect data on activities on night of Wotis' death from trustworthy guards.

Sanura spends pleasant 45 minutes or so with Beodan, her wolf.

Lumo speaks to Ezo and Tza, learns that they have been somewhat ostracized by other Lookshy soldiers. Lumo doesn't know if they will be able to fight with him in the battle, but they hope they will.

All discover riders suddenly heading toward command tents and return to Shizaru's tent to find out why. Shizaru says rangers are reporting new magical protections on the Tower and that the Mask's troops will be there in just a few hours, double-timing it. Lapis points out that only they and Shizaru knew their plans, Shizaru nods. Tazo intrudes with soldiers, announces that the Cirle is to be arrested on suspicion of espionage.

Beodan attacks Tazo, is thrown aside by soldiers. Tazo doesn't bleed. Lapis, suddenly suspicious, channels Essence to learn that Tazo's greatest desire is to kill Sanura. Tazo says "Damn dog" and leaps for Sanura, sword out. Runs into Anaba's spear, and Sanura activates anima to finish him off. Anaba attempts to persuade soldiers not to attack them, but Lumo's shout to Shizaru is more effective - the kazei orders the guards to halt. Circle explains about nemissary possibility, Shizaru sends for Lespa and occultist, discovers fatal neck wound on corpse (no strike hit him on the neck). Grace finds soulsteel-bound snake skeleton, takes it. Lespa arrives and sneers at suggestion of nemissary at first; when Shizaru points out wound, tells thaumaturge to investigate. Thuamturge says body was very recently possessed. Anaba requests that suspicion be redirected from Circle to Tazo's "associates." Lespa leaves.

Shizaru sends Circle to Manse to plan their attack on Tower. Grace plays with skeleton, discovers it fires blasts of black Essence strong enough to damage Manse walls very slightly. Circle considers stealthy approach, then Lo asks "Why don't you cut a path?" Circle decides this is best option - will use Obsidian Butterflies and a cavalry charge to reach Tower, bolstered by Dawn and Zenith animas. Sanura prays to the Sun, Anaba finds statue of Mayhiros and prays to Hiparkes. Juggernaut and the rest of the Mask's army arrive from the east, remain out of cannon or implosion blow range - presumably waiting for sunset. Circle considers riding out now to attack Tower, but decides not to as they will come under heavy Essence-weapon fire and have no cover; they have to wait until the battle begins to start the attack. They settle in to wait for nightfall.

(10 xp)
