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Mavren Tempest


Mavren stands just over six feet tall, an imposing man in gleaming black and golden armor. His hair is short and pale, swept back from his face, and his eyes are dark. He stands like a man who owns the world, although there is caution that suggests the pose for what it is.


Mavren was born in the town of Fivedales, in the small kingdom of Narran - a Realm tributary just west of the Scavenger Lands, on the Inner Sea. His father was the town thaumaturge, and it was expected that Mavren would grow to replace his father and keep the town protected. It was not fully explained who his mother was. Mavren, however, was always more interested in the infinitely more interesting idea of fighting. He even learned to play Gateway, and he and his father had constant arguments about what the proper path for him was. While Mavren studied, he did so more for tactical knowledge and general curiousity than for his path in life.

Mavren went to the Fivedales inn frequently, in order to flirt with the innkeeper's daughter, Melissa. One day, however, a Dragon-Blooded sorcerer stopped by. He took a fancy to Melissa, and refused to leave her alone. When she tried to depart, he angrily unleashed his bodyguard - a blood ape - to tear the inn apart in retaliation. Mavren was present, and tried vainly to stand in the path of the beast as it charged his sweetheart. As he did so, he felt the power of the Sun coursing through him, and, grabbing a sharp serving knife, slashed at it wildly. His blow sent it staggering backwards, and the resulting fight between Mavren, the blood ape, and the shocked sorcerer destroyed half the inn. The sorcerer managed to flee, summoning a Stormwind Rider as the blood ape stood in Mavren's path, and Mavren was left standing in the ruins of his life.

Mavren's townsmates reacted with horror and revulsion at his transformation, even his father. Melissa did not stand with him, but neither did she come to Mavren's side. Stung by the rejection, he left the town before the Hunt could arrive and travelled eastwards. He joined a merchant caravan, but was cheated out of the money that he had brought with him and abandoned when the caravan was near its destination. Penniless, he joined a small mercenary company, the only one that would accept an untested youth. The captain was a vicious man, and Mavren eventually fought him in a duel and killed him, as part of a general mutiny. He took the reins of the company and began seeking his own fortune...

Character Sheet

Name: Mavren Tempest
Caste: Dawn
Anima: Soaring Strix
Concept: Sorcerer-General
Motivation: Find his place in the world.
Intimacies: Controlling Others, Those Loyal To Me

Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3


  • Archery, *Martial Arts 1, *Melee 4, *War 3 |
  • Integrity 3 (Loyalty +1), *Presence 3 (Leadership +1), Performance, Resistance 1, Survival 1 |

Crafts, Investigation, Lore 2, Medicine, *Occult 4 |

  • Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Dodge 2, Larceny, Stealth |
  • Buerocracy 2, Linguistics, Ride, Sail, Socialize 1

Backgrounds: Artifact 2 (Thornblade - Reaver Daiklave)
Artifact 1 (Orichalcum Breastplate)
Followers 3 (Mercenaries)
Resources 3

Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valor 3
Virtue Flaw: Heart of Flint (Conviction)

Willpower: 7
Health: -0,-1,-1,-2,-2,-4,Incap
Essence: 3
Essence pool: Personal 16/16, Peripheral 32/32 (7 committed)


  • Melee

Second Melee Excellency
Dipping Swallow Defense
Solar Counterattack

  • War

Second War Excellency
Rout-Stemming Gesture

  • Integrity

Second Integrity Excellency
Temptation-Resiting Stance

  • Occult

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
Summon Elemental
Death of Obsidian Butterflies