From Exalted - Unofficial Wiki
This page summarizes the associations that the various exalted caste have, and speculates on their meaning.
[hide]Castes by Association
- black - Twilight, Water, Daybreak, Entertainer, Soulsteel
- blue - Air, Diplomat, Artisan Mountain Folk, No Moon, Serenity, Starmetal
- cobalt blue - Zenith, Midnight
- crimson - Warrior Mountain Folk, Battles
- gold - Zenith, Orichalcum
- green - Wood, Secrets, Jade
- grey - Night, Day
- indigo - Day
- lavender - Dawn
- orange - Twilight, Daybreak
- purple - Dusk, Changing Moon
- red - Fire, Warrior, Battles
- saffron - Dawn
- silver - Eclipse, Moonshadow, Moonsilver
- violet - Night, Endings
- white - Earth, Dusk, Worker, Full Moon, Moonsilver
- yellow - Midnight, Worker Mountain Folk, Journeys, Orichalcum
- east - Dawn, Wood, Dusk
- south - Zenith, Fire, Midnight, Warrior
- west - Twilight, Water, Daybreak, Entertainer
- north - Night, Air, Day, Diplomat
- center - Eclipse, Earth, Moonshadow, Worker
Elements & Materials
- air - Eclipse, Air, Changing Moon, Journeys
- earth - Zenith, Earth, Endings
- fire - Dawn, Fire, Full Moon, Battles
- water - Night, Water, No Moon, Secrets
- wood - Twilight, Wood, Serenity
- ghost flame - Dusk
- jade - Midnight, Jade
- bone - Daybreak
- blood - Day
- prayer - Moonshadow
- iron - Worker Mountain Folk, Soulsteel
- granite - Worker Mountain Folk
- bronze - Warrior Mountain Folk
- steel - Warrior Mountain Folk, Starmetal
- precious metals - Artisan Mountain Folk
- gems - Artisan Mountain Folk
- orichalcum - Orichalcum
- moonsilver - Moonsilver
- starmetal - Starmetal
- soulsteel - Soulsteel
- lightning - Orichalcum
- oil - Moonsilver
- smoke - Soulsteel
- metal - Jade
- Battles - Dawn, Earth, Battles
- Endings - Night, Wood, Endings
- Journeys - Eclipse, Fire, Journeys
- Secrets - Twilight, Water, Secrets
- Serenity - Zenith, Air, Serenity
Phase of the Moon
- full - Dawn, Dusk, Full Moon
- gibbous - Eclipse, Moonshadow, Changing Moon
- half - Zenith, Midnight, Changing Moon
- crescent - Twilight, Daybreak, Changing Moon
- new - Night, Day, No Moon
- "Spring" - Dawn
- "Summer" - Eclipse
- "Autumn" - Twilight
- "Winter" - Night
- Calibration - Eclipse, Casteless Lunars
- Air - Air, Journeys
- Earth - Earth, Endings
- Fire - Fire, Full Moon, Battles
- Water - Water, No Moon, Secrets
- Wood - Wood, Changing Moon, Serenity
Associations by Caste
- Dusk - The season of spring, the colors white and purple, the eastern direction, the corpse-element of ghost flame, the full moon
- Midnight - The season of summer, the colors yellow and cobalt, the southern direction, the ghost-element of jade and the half moon
- Daybreak - The season of autumn, the colors of orange and black, the western direction, the corpse-element of bone and the crescent moon
- Day - The season of winter, the colors indigo and gray, the northern direction, the corpse element of blood and the new moon
- Moonshadow - The period of Calibration, the color silver, the center direction, the corpse-element of prayer and the gibbous moon
- Orichalcum - The color yellow, gold, orichalcum, the element of lightning, illumination, inspiration, leadership, excellence
- Moonsilver - The color white, silver, moonsilver, the element of oil, innovation, secrets, guile
- Jade - The color green, jade, the element of metal, truth, unity
- Starmetal - The color blue, steel, starmetal, the element of crystal, half-truths
- Soulsteel - The color black, iron, soulsteel, the element of smoke, violence, callousness, enforcement
Fair Folk
- Diplomat - The northern direction, the color blue, the place between, the shinma Nirvikalpa, the social world and unity.
- Entertainer - The western direction, the color black, the place inside, the shinma Dharma, the mind's eye and dissolution.
- Warrior - The southern direction, the color red, the place outside, the shinma Nishkriya, the physical world and greatness.
- Worker - The inward direction, the color white, the place nearby, the shinma Nirvishesha, creation and insight.
- Worker Mountain Folk - Dim and dusty colors, Temperance, hammers and pickaxes, pillars, heavy architecture, granite, iron, a plain yellow gear (official symbol)
- Warrior Mountain Folk - Vivid colors, Valor, weapons and armor, gates, fortresses, basalt and obsidian, bronze and steel, a crimson gear with spiked teeth (official symbol)
- Artisan Mountain Folk - Luminous hues and jewel tones, Conviction, chisels, splayed hands, palaces, tall architecture, precious metals and gems, a blue gear wreathed in stylized flame (official symbol)
- Full Moon - The season and the element of fire, the color white
- Changing Moon - The season of wood, the element of air, the color purple
- No Moon - The season and element of water, the color blue
- Journeys - The color yellow, the element and season of air, the astrological house of the Golden Barque of the Heavens
- Serenity - The color blue, the element and season of wood, the astrological house of Cerulean Lute of Harmony
- Battles - The color red, the element and season of fire, the astrological house of the Crimson Panoply of Victory
- Secrets - The color green, the element and season of water, the astrological house of the Forbidding Manse of Ivy
- Endings - The color violet, the element and season of earth, the astrological house of the Violet Bier of Sorrows
- Dawn - The season of spring, the colors of saffron and lavender, the eastern direction, the element of fire, the full moon and the Maiden of Battles
- Zenith - The season of summer, the colors of gold and cobalt blue, the southern direction, the element of earth, the half moon and the Maiden of Serenity
- Twilight - The season of autumn, the colors of orange and black, the western direction, the element of wood, the crescent moon and the Maiden of Secrets
- Night - The season of winter, the colors of violet and gray, the northern direction, the element of water, the new moon and the Maiden of Endings
- Eclipse - The period of Calibration, the color silver, the center direction, the element of air, the gibbous moon and the Maiden of Journeys
- Air - The color blue, the Maiden of Serenity, the season of Air and the northern direction
- Earth - The color white, the Maiden of Battles, the season of Earth and the central direction
- Fire - The color red, the Maiden of Journeys, the season of Fire and the southern direction
- Water - The color black, the Maiden of Secrets, the season of Water and the western direction
- Wood - The color green, the Maiden of Endings, the season of Wood and the eastern direction
The abyssal associations above are what's in the book, but are at little wonky. Dawn is associated with the east. Surely then, Dusk should be associated with the west, for example. - Wordman
- Maybe the Underworld is upside down. - willows
- Yeah but by that logic Dusks should be non-fighters if you want to go the reverse angle. - BogMod
- You could also go with the thought that the dark starburst on their forehead doesn't represent the setting sun so much as the onrushing darkness. -- Mockery