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Character Sheet

NAME                                                   HOMELAND
Ledaal Kebok Senan                                     The Impereal City
CASTE                                                  ANIMA POWER
Air                                                    No damage from falls, triple leap
NATURE                                                 EXPERIANCE
PHYSICAL                        SOCIAL                          MENTAL
Strength    * *                 Charisma        * *             Perception      * * *
Dexterity   * * *               Manipulation    * *             Intelligence    * * * *
Stamina     * *                 Appearance      * * * * *       Wits            * * * *

--AIR --                              --EARTH--                             --FIRE--
■Linguistics   * * *            □Awareness     * *              □Athletics     * *
■Lore          * * *            ■Craft         * * *            □Dodge         * * *
■Occult        * * * *          □Endurance     *                □Melee         * *
■Stealth       *                □Martial Arts  * *              ■Presence      * *
■Thrown        * * *            □Resistance    *                □Socialize     * *

--WATER--                             --WOOD--                   --SPECIALTIES--

□Brawl                         □Archery       *      
□Bureaucracy                   □Medicine      
■Investigation * *             □Performance   * *
□Larceny                       □Ride          * *
□Sail                          □Survival      *

Languages known: Native: High Realm, Low Realm, Old Realm, Rivertongue
Crafts: Jeweler (Jade cutting, Design, Glass work)
TEMPERS                         ESSENCE         * *             VIRTUES
Willpower:                      Personal:       13:13           Compassion         * * *
* * * * * *                     Committed:      00              Conviction         * * 
                                Peripheral:     28:31           Temperance         * * *
                                Committed:      03              Valor              * *
BACKGROUND                      DESCRIPTION

Breeding     * * * * *
Family       * * * * 
Artifact     * * *              
Resources    * * 
Manse        * *

Initiative:     7               Soak (L/B):    (1L/2B)          Mobility:          0
ARMOR:  Jade Breastplate        w/Armor:       (5L/9B)          Fatigue:          -0

   -0   -1          -2                -4    Incapacitated    Negative
    O    O O O       O O O             O    O                O O 

MELEE                   SPEED      ACCURACY    DAMAGE   DEFENSE
Fist                    +0         5(+0)       4B(+2B)  5(+0)
Slashing Sword (excep)  11(+4)     7(+2)       5L(+3)   6(+1)

RANGED                  RATE       ACCURACY    DAMAGE   RANGE
Chakram(excep)          3          7(+1)       4L(+2L)  20

Dodge                   4

CHARM                          COST        DURRATION  TYPE       EFFECT

Whirlwind Shield Form          3 Motes     One Scene  Simple     Counts Essence as auto
(Air)                          +1/Person                         successes to defend from
                                                                 ranged attacks

Ox-Body Technique              None        Permanent  Special    Grants bonus -1 and -2
(Earth)                                                          health levels

Flaw-Finding Examination       1 Mote or   One Minute Simple     Find any flaw in crafted
(Earth)                        3 Motes                           items.  Attacks against
                                                                 checked items do double
                                                                 damage.  Fix items with
                                                                 1 Will and crafts+ int

Minding the Dragons’ Eggs      2 Motes     One Scene  Simple     Find aspect jade within
(Air)                                                            200*Essence yards.  Roll
                                                                 to find other jade + Qty

Elemental Bolt Attack          1 Mote      Instant    Simple     Blasts aspect element at
(Air)                          /2L                               enemy.  Spend up to sta
                                                                 motes on charm.

Elemental Concentration        5 Motes     One Day    Simple     Weeks study in one day
Trance (Air)                   1 Will

Indisputable Physical          1 Mote      Instant    Supp.      Buy investication dice
(Water)                        /2 Dice                           up to investigation


Sorcery Trapping Cord, Emerald (Artifact Rating: 3)\\ No commitment\\ Traps spells of the terrestrial circle\\ Currently contains 3 unidentified spells\\

Jade Breastplate (Atrifact Rating: 2)\\ Commitment: 2\\ Soaks: 4L/6B, Mobility Penalty: -0, Fatigue: 0,\\ (Contains a single Hearthstone setting)\\

Hearthstone Amulet (Artifact Rating: 1)\\ Commitment: 1\\ (Contains a single Hearthstone setting)\\