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TITLE                                                           HOMELAND
Reflection of Their Glory Undimmed                              Whitewall
CASTE                                                           ANIMA BANNER
NATURE                                                          EXPERIENCE
Savant                                                          0
PHYSICAL                        SOCIAL                          MENTAL
Strength        3               Charisma        4               Perception      4
Dexterity       3               Manipulation    3               Intelligence    5
Stamina         3               Appearance      5               Wits            4
--DUSK--                       --MIDNIGHT--                    --DAYBREAK--
*Archery        ***            *Endurance    ***               *Craft          *** 
Brawl           **             Performance   **                *Investigation  ****   
Martial Arts                   *Presence     ***               *Lore           *****
Melee                          Resistance    **                *Medicine       ****
Thrown                         Survival      ***               *Occult         *****

--DAY--                        --MOONSHADOW--                     --SPECIALTIES--
Athletics     **               Bureaucracy   *                
*Awareness    **               *Linguistics  **              
Dodge         **               Ride          **                
Larceny       **               Sail                          
Stealth       *                Socialize     ***               

LANGUAGES: Rivertongue (Native), Forestongue, Old Realm
BACKGROUND                      DESCRIPTION

Artifact   ****                 See below
Liege      ***                  Necromancer for Walker in Darkness
Manse      ***                  See below
Necromancy ***
Resources  ***                  Gold and portable goods
Sorcery    ****
TEMPERS                         ESSENCE         *****           VIRTUES
Willpower:   8                  Personal:       23:23           Compassion       ***
O O O O O O O O                 Committed:      None            Conviction      ****
Resonance                       Peripheral:     56:43           Temperance       ***
O O O O O O O O O O             Committed:      13              Valor            ***                                                   
        Initiative:               Soak (LDorchadas/[[GloryCharacter/B]]):    (1/3)            Mobility:         -1
ARMOR:  SS Reinforced Breastplate wDorchadas/[[GloryCharacter/Armor]]:       (13/14)          Fatigue:          1

   -0    -1         -2                    -4    Incapacitated    Negative
    O O   O O O      O O O O               O    O                O O  

Fist                    7(+0)      6(+1)       2B(+0B)  7(+2)    5

Shadow Spark            8(+2)      8L(+5L)     2        350 yards  Broadhead (+2L)

Dodge:  5/7 (+3 Essence bonus)(-1 Mobility Penalty)
CHARM                   COST     DURATION   TYPE           EFFECT
Ox Body Technique       None     Permanent  Special        -1 x 1, -2 x 2 Health Levels

Essence Engorgement     None     Permanent  Special        3 mores for each HL drained
Technique x 2

Morbid Fascination      5 motes  Scene      Simple         Command fear and respect. 
Style                                                      Forces people to listen

Flesh Mending           10 motes One Day    Simple         Ten times normal healing rate

Bloodthirsty Arrow      1/ die   Instant    Supplemental   Die adder for archery

Twisting Spiteful Shaft 3 motes  Instant    Supplemental   +Essence damage, does damage
                                                           for [Essence] turns.

Shadowlands Circle      1 will   Instant    Simple         Cast a Shadowlands spell

Void Circle             3 will   Instant    Simple         Cast a Void spell

Terrestrial Circle      1 Will   Instant    Simple         Allows the casting of one
Sorcery                                                    Terrestrial Circle spell

Raiton's Nimble Perch   3 motes  Scene      Reflexive      Success on balance rolls

Spider Pounce Technique 1 mote   Instant    Reflexive      Move (STR * 3) yards verti-
                                                           cally or twice that horizon-
                                                           tally in place of movement.

Blood Feasting          None     Permanent  Special        Can survive on only blood

Crypt Bolt              1 mote/  Instant    Simple         Dexterity + Athletics, with
                        2L                                 Accuracy = Essence.  Essence 
                                                           x 10 yards range.  Stamina
                                                           + Lore max.

Radiant Blight          5 motes  Instant    Simple         Charisma + Lore.  All plants
Technique                                                  in [sux] yards die.  Animals
                                                           + people take [Essence] 
                                                           dice of damage.

Essence-Scattering      1+ mote  Instant    Simple         See Crypt Bolt, except drains
Blast                   1 Will                             motes of target.  One for 1.

Spirit Sensing          5 motes  One Scene  Simple         Can see spirits.  +5 motes 
Technique                                                  per additional sense.

Through Dead Eyes       6 motes  One Scene  Simple         Can see all Essence, see
                                                           Shadowlands and Abyssals,
                                                           and spells and charms.

Fault-finding Scrutiny  4 motes  Instant    Supplemental   Doubles effectiveness of 
                                                           rolls to make or destroy.

Excellent Inquisitor    1/ die   One Scene  Supplemental   Die adder for Investigation

Contamination of Body   5 motes/ Instant    Simple         Int + Medicine, against Viru-
                        1 Will                             lence - 1 to disease target

Cunning Scrutiny Style  5 motes  Instant    Simple         Can flawlessly reconstruct
                                                           evidence to find out truth

Labyrinth Circle        2 will   Instant    Simple         Cast a Labyrinth spell

Fivefold Sensory        5 motes  One Scene  Simple         Add Essence to all Awareness
Exercise                                                   rolls.

SPELLS                   COST      CIRCLE       EFFECT
Piercing the Shroud      10 motes  Shadowlands  Allows travel to the Labyrinth.  Takes 
                                                (10-Occult) minutes to cast

Raise the Skeletal Horde 5/3 motes Shadowlands  Creates walking dead.  5 motes for 
                                                permanent, 3 for scene-long each

Walking War Machine      Varies    Shadowlands  Creates a undead siege engine.  Costs 5
                                                motes per success needed to build.

Ivory Razor Forest       25 Motes  Labyrinth    Affects (CHA + Occult * 10) yards^2
                                                unblockable 8L to all in area.  Lasts
                                                [Essence] days.

Hundred Shade Breath     Varies    Labyrinth    Summons hungry ghosts, 1 per 2 motes

Flying Guillotine        15 Motes  Terrestrial  18L + Essence + (Perception + Occult) 
                                                roll for damage.

Infallable Messenger     10 Motes  Terrestrial  Sends short message to familiar person
                                                anywhere in creation

Demon of the First       20+ Motes Terrestrial  Opposed Will + Essence.  +5 Essence to
Circle                                          remove one die from demon's pool.  3 sux
                                                summons the demon.

Ravenous Fire            15 Motes  Terrestrial  Fire burns ANYTHING, but only one thing, 
                                                chosen when cast.  Burns for (Essence)
                                                minutes as though dry wood.
ITEM                            QUANTITY                   NOTES
Surgical tools                  1                          For "experiments"
Prayer Strips                   Box of 20                  Mostly prayers for the dead
Clean Clothes                   4                          The blood gets EVERYWHERE
Broadhead Arrows                Quiver of 30               Adds +2L to damage

Reinforced    ***      4 motes         Soulsteel Armor.  

Shadow Spark  ****     9 motes         Soulsteel Long Powerbow.  All arrows fired from
                                       Shadow Spark are invisible, though not immaterial

Stone of      ****     Hearthstone     Can turn any spilled blood into fire, 2L per turn 
Blood to Fire 

Ivory Compass *        NDorchadas/[[GloryCharacter/A]]             For 2 motes, location of the nearest corpse

Soulsteel     **       4 motes         Reduces enemies' soak by 2, one hearthstone 
Bracers                                setting