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A place to put the characters for my Rohan Empire campaign.

CrownedSun/Ashmere :: Our Zenith, whose quest is to bring order and peace to the Spirit Courts. She's also addicted to Ghost Flower.
CrownedSun/Kalasi :: Our Dawn, and the newest addition of the group; former member of the Harbourhead Royal Guard.
CrownedSun/Nasingor :: Our Night, a 'Chikee' assassin -- the Chikee are a family of assassins, secret police, and such in my campaign setting.
CrownedSun/Noris :: An Outcaste Dragon-Blooded, one of many in the Rohan Empire. Wood aspected, in charge of the Silas' laborers.
CrownedSun/Sonja :: A Changing Moon Lunar Archaeologists and Snake-totem; curious and hoarding, with a relationship with Nasingor.
CrownedSun/Tarker :: Our Twilight, and general Wise-Cracking Solar Craftsman.