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Act IV

Damn; I thought I got all those Zeals:P I apparently got /one/, and promptly stopped looking. Heh. Anyway, thank you DG:D I hope everyone likes this part in any event, I think I did a fairly good job and managed to move the story along while keeping some of the mystery. Now, someone else sign up for the next part :::D -- CrownedSun

I liked it. Nice bit with the burdens. -- SandJack

I should have commented last night, but I was sleepy. I really like the feel of that scene, very well written. :) --dissolvegirl

I was sleepy also, but very very nice... I liked the spirits, appropriate and tasty. - haren

Act III, Scene 4

OK. So I'm all for making the inheritance the job that H'D has been charged to do, and I have a way to make it happen. I'm not going to flesh out all the details, but unless I hear any strenuous objections, I'm going to solidify the connection between the two while keeping the exact details somewhat up in the air. Thoughts? --SandJack

OK, i've changed my mind. I still have a good way of doing it that I may well put into effect. What I have chosen to do with this section, however, is to write a SINGLE SCENE. It's a long scene, and it's going to bring act 4 to a close. What I'm going to suggest is that subsequent chapters, unless otherwise specified, follow suit. I think a lot more can be sqeezed out of a scene of this Drama than has been happening, with myself included, and the writing of ONE SCENE at a time can really get some interesting bits going on. This is, of course, just a suggestion, but as a measure of good will, I'm going to write a scene, give myself a deadline of 5 days instead of 10, and post it by the 5th. --SandJack

It's up. I like it, I like the once scene format. It worked for me. I'm not saying it'll work for everyone, but believe me it's a fun thing to try. --SandJack

I gotta say that I like this. Very, very cool. I was going to say wasn't sure if that was all his inheiritance. But, I totally figured that the books were to keep history from repeating. ^_^ - haren

Ahhh, but they may not be. Whatever physical inheritance he might have had would, presumably, be in the second book -- and thus totally forgotten ^_^ In all seriousness, I framed his inheritence as 'his burden', thus opening the door to potentially have it be that whatever H'D's obligation was, it is potentially shouldering / taking care of Zael's burden. Also, his burden could well be some Artifact. Or more. It could grant him great power. But you all know what Peter Parker realized came with great power. - SandJack

Very nicely done. I enjoyed it. --dissolvegirl

Gracias. --SandJack

I like the way you think. Though I also was trying to keep it in the vein of Comedy. I figured that Zael has a big duty supposedly. And the inheiritance is part of that, and HD is supposed to make sure he's ready, prepared and able to do it. And that he will. - haren

Yeah, the way I figure it, HD is the only one who remembers what has been lost/ knows how to recover what has been lost. I don't quite have a mechanism for it yet, save that perhaps IF he carries the burden he is the only one who knows what it is by virtue of, yknow, having it :-) --SandJack

Well, the book is still around. And it's both a powerful weapon, and horribly tempting thing that Darkness can dangle in front of Cailus. But, to see what CrownedSun does. - haren

That is, of course, ASSUMING that the book Darkness has is the Second Volume. I don't believe it's been stated outright yet. --SandJack

I guess I didn't say it outright, but that's what I definately envisioned. - haren