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Necrotic Ravaging of Magiks

Labyrinth Circle Necromancy

30 motes

When the spell is cast, a beam of necrotic essence forces its way out of the caster’s outstretched palm and strikes the artifact in the center and begins covering it in death essence. If the roll succeeds the artifact is rendered inert and turns to a mound of unusable dust in the next round as it is consumed by the essence of death. The caster of the spell rolls his Perception + Archery or Occult to hit. If the spell hits an artifact the caster rolls Essence with a difficulty of the artifacts rating, if the roll succeeds the artifact is rendered inert and in the next turn crumbles to dust. The spell does not do any actual damage, simply destroys the magic within an item. This spell cannot target Manses or other magical entities, only artifacts. If the caster botches the Essence roll he takes lethal equal to the twice targeted artifact’s artifact rating, soakable only with natural soak. Soulsteel Artifacts are immune to this spell. This spell can be dodged and parried but if the weapon used to parry is an artifact it will fall under the effects of the spell.


Comments are appreciated, this spell is powerful and not meant to be taken by npcs in games. DayisDawnreaver

Geez. Thats a nice one; good thing none of my players are Abyssals or sorcerers. --Rynel

So this is Celestial-equivalent, yes? Given that, you can fairly reliably destroy Artifact 1, and even Artifact 2. Artifact 3 and higher are going to be slightly tough, at first, but as caster's Essence hits 5+, will become easier. Mmkay. That's ... something like right, I think. My real concern is that warning about "not meant to be taken by npcs...". It's a total balance-flag, because if something is unbalanced for one team, it's unbalanced for the other. My gut reaction is that if you, the author, are hesitant that it's not something 'fair' for one side to use, the other side shouldn't get it either. Perhaps getting rid of the unblockable and undodgeable part, allowing it to be dodged, but parrying it with an artifact is a really dumb idea (as you'll just destroy the artifact). At the same time, parrying a blast meant for your artifact armor with your totally mundane sword seems like a good idea, so should be allowed. That, in my gut opinion, would make it far more reasonable for both teams. The thing, then, is to make it relatively hard to dodge, or, more appropriately, easy (but not automatic) to hit with. Something along the lines of "Aimed using the caster's Intelligence+Archery or Occult (whichever is preferred), with an additional number of automatic successes equal to the caster's Essence, this beam swerves, twists, and seeks out the magic of artifacts, meaning that anything but the largest of motions will still allow the beam to hit. As such, reduce the target's Dodge DV by the caster's Essence for the purposes of resolving this attack." Just some ideas. -- GreenLantern

The biggest reason that I say that the spell is not meant for NPCs is because I heard heard more than a few people say that it would upset a character greatly to have his daiklave popped. It's not a mechnical reason that it is not meant for NPCs but a simple statement to keep people form getting upset. If you play with a good enough group that can handle such a thing then by all mean use it on them =3. As for the Archery or Occult to hit, I will add that, I like it. And I suppose that I will strike the undogeable and unblockable as it does rather make sense although I think I will make it Perception instead of Intelligence. I'm also considering lowering the mote cost down to 25 or 20 since the spell not only has to hit buit can also kill you if you botch the essence roll, though I would like to hear some comments on that before I change it. DayisDawnreaver

You can't play Exalted from the point of view of the bad guys without stepping on a few toes. Just remember that if they paid for that artifact at chargen, it has some plot protection. You can still pop the daiklave, go ahead. If they cry, maybe you should reconsider your playergroup. But you need to find a way to reimburse them, because they paid for that daiklave. Other than that, I like. You've got a thing for messing with artifacts, don't you? - Trithne

I play with an avid disliker of toys and his dislike of artifacts gave me inspiration to make the spells, so they are rather dedicated to him, although I plan on taking them on a few of my own sorcerers if I ever get a chance to hehe. DayisDawnreaver