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The Forsaken

In the beginning, the Dawn caste were created as the champions of the Unconquered Sun. Their mastery of arms was legendary, and by their hands Primordials themselves were slain, and they had no greater powers but the gods themselves. They turned their hand to fighting the bestial behemoths that scourged the Age, and they had no equals but each other. They brought their strength to bear on the fey, on dissenters, on simple malcontents.

But still, their warrior-spirit was not sated and they sought to drive out impurity in their own ranks. They turned against their fellows with deluded vigour, forsaking their bonds of celestial kinship. It was in this moment of weakness that the Solars were slain, and it was the Solar Essences of this time, those that had Forsaken their brethren, that the Yozis captured.

In this time of conflict, there are those possessed of the same vigour and spirit as those old heroes, but with all of their corresponding failings. Vengeful souls, corrupt arbiters, unprincipled generals and other such champions of the foul fight are spurned for the same flaws that pull them into the Demon Princes’ grasp. Their wont of turmoil brings them to the lords of Malfeas, and it is this that the Yozis use to enslave them.

And so they are taken. Subjecting their captives to endless drudgery, a million meaningless tasks and exercises in futility seemingly without end, the Demon Princes watch as the mortals’ enthusiasm wither away to passivity, their purpose destroyed. At this moment they offer a blind child for slaughter, and with the act a rush of excitement comes upon their deprived captive like a euphoric beyond estimation.

They offer an eternal battle against the gods and a line of victims that encompasses all of Creation. Without fail their slave accepts, and their Essence is united with that of the Solars - they become Infernal Exalted, the marred conjunction of the most volatile divine energy and the worst of mortal strength. Now, they slay the enemies of the Yozis and wreak havoc in their name across Creation.

Anima Banner: Forsaken Infernals are marked by a sickly green sunburst that adorns the center of their brow. Their animas are dark iridescent clouds interlaced with tendrils of green light writhing about the centre.

Anima Effects: By spending 10 motes of Essence, the character can appear horrendous and foul for the remainder of the scene (or untils he chooses to let the effect dissipate). The change is quite dramatic, as the character appears grander than their size would permit, their gaze instilled with madness and malice, their body writhing beneath their skin.

Mortal creatures attempting to face the Exalted must make Valor checks or be unable to look directly at the character or strongly oppose her, subtracting 2 dice from all attempts to attack the character. Characters who botch their Valour rolls (and most natural animals) with flee in terror from the ungodly apparition that confronts them. Golems and automata, demons and the undead and other creatures that do not know fear cannot be affected by this power.

Caste Abilities: Members of the Forsaken excel in the means and tools of pain and slaughter, and bringing them to bear on those around them. They have a natural affinity for the Abilities of Archery, Brawl, Martial Arts, Melee and Thrown.

Associations: The season of spring, the colours of pus and bruised purple, the eastern direction and the cult of The Ebon Dragon

Sobriquets: Ascending Madness, Children of Strife, Chaosbringers, Verdigris Talons, Hands of Malfeas, the Forsaken

Concepts: Ruthless general, vengeful murderer, heartless mercenary, serial killer, sadistic bandit, deluded gunslinger, maniacal butcher


A godling was born

And war was his birthright

He had to abstain

No more

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One note: The Forsaken are so named because they were abandoned by their patron, tUS, and their bretheren, the rest of the Anathema, according to Immaculate philosophy. (cf Main Rules p.119, summary of the Dawn Caste) -Suzume

Well noticed, but this was a deliberate deviation: the Immaculate philosophy is incorrect about many things, though it possesses a kernel of truth; such is the case here. The Forsaken were written as they were here to explain how valiant generals can turn into infighting, paranoid despots, at least in my opinion...DeathBySurfeit