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#Creation Current Events

This page is dedicated to recording the events of the IRC game #Creation. Logs might be posted here eventually; for now, though, it will explain events of sessions in summary format. Hopefully this will make it easier for people to follow the events of the game as they unfold.

The West:

  • Solar sailors Marxis Begman and Zim Storm meet up in a port town in the western Blessed Isle, both looking for work. As they converse by the docks, they meet Mareva, a frail-looking teenage girl who proclaims that she also wants work and insists that she can take care of herself. (Marxis remains skeptical.) The three are hailed by Jamik, the mate on a fishing ship looking for sailors; he explains that they fish in the Deep West and thus encounter Wyld threats and other dangerous things frequently. Nonetheless, all three of the job-seekers are willing to sign on.
  • After securing their work on Jamik's ship, Marxis takes Mareva shopping for new clothes and gear she will need. (Marxis also wants to make Mareva look like a boy, although Mareva repeats that she can take care of herself.) Just after Mareva finishes her shopping, the Changing Moon Jarik Sanras saunters into town from the sea, tattoos and Caste Mark clearly visible. Marxis is offput (although he is quick to explain to Jarik that it isn't him, Marxis just doesn't like people) and Mareva is startled (nearly to the point of using the A-word -- ed.). Mareva attempts to explain to Jarik that the Wyld Hunt will be chasing him, but he doesn't seem to comprehend the idea. Zim arrives shortly thereafter, and after more banter and inquiries on Jarik's part, Jarik decides to sign on with the ship on a whim. The others are relatively accepting, although Mareva still has misgivings.
  • Master Wing and Vorian embark on a training trip to the Western island of Calveo, there to attend the seventeenth birthday party of the village girl Matea. Wing gives Vorian his assignment -- to fight with the drunken village toughs while wearing the Resplendent Destiny of the Ewer and to never land a blow on them, instead dodging away from theirs in a purely defensive style. Master Wing would observe in the destiny of the Gull, watching particularly for the Exaltation of Matea and for her possible death. Vorian balked (particularly at the idea that Matea might die) but played his part well, enacting the Ewer when interacting with the drunken village ruffians. A surprise was the appearance of the Fair Priestess, deathknight of the Bodhisattva Anointed By Dark Water, who gave a speech extolling the virtues of death before the party began. Upon Matea's entrance, the drunken crowd became rowdy, but thanks to Vorian's distraction (and Matea's caution) the situation failed to escalate to a point of eiter severe violence or Exaltation, ensuring that Vorian and Wing would remain on the island for a few days longer. A while later, Wing outlined his further plan to Vorian: Vorian, retaining his Resplendent Destiny, would make a clumsy and ultimately stressing attempt to court Matea, culminating in an attempted break-in to her bedroom which would hopefully force Matea to Exalt. Vorian agreed reluctantly, even though the plan was far from his first choice.
  • Zim and Mareva head ashore, hoping for a relatively quiet day of sightseeing in a quiet port city, only to find Caith and Autis at the docks with their own ship. Mareva startles, but Zim engages Caith in banter that eventually culminates in a brawling match. Things get fierce, especially as Caith finds the "mortal" Zim to be putting up much more of a fight than anticipated, and eventually Zim reveals her nature as Solar Anathema (and manages to break Caith's arm doing it). The fight breaks up, and Caith speaks to Mareva, to her great discomfort; it is revealed that the two are cousins and that he, while surprised to see her there, accepts her and lets her go about her way. Mareva explains to Zim that her full name is Peleps Shinoko Mareva and that she has run away from home, promising to explain more fully on the ship.
  • A short while later, on the ship, Mareva explains more of her story to Zim: while she is a Water-aspected Dragon-Blooded, she feels strange and "wrong" in a way that has driven her to the West to help her understand herself. She is remarkably inarticulate about it, but to explain, she flares her anima -- a strangely and eerily empty ocean -- to Zim and, later, Jarik, who enters looking for someone to talk to. Zim and Jarik are both unnerved, but they agree to help Mareva however they can. (Mareva is not particularly clear on how they are going to go about doing this -- she thinks the answer may lie in her father, but she's never met him and doesn't even know his name.) They all agree to break for dinner, a seagull that Jarik caught (and Heart's-Blood-ed -- ed.)


  • As he goes about his daily business, the wandering Anklok journeyman Dune is approached by a well-dressed woman. She explains that she is Akesha Mera and that she deals in rarities for the Southern noble Aziz ibn Hammad of Chiaroscuro, and she needs a guide to antiques dealers who might carry starmetal, which apparently is a favorite of Lord ibn Hammad. Dune leads her to a curio shop in Firewander owned by Morgan (played by Ben-San, but I'm not sure if Ben wants to keep this guy around for later -- ed.), a curio dealer of strange mien. Morgan hears Akesha out and turns out to have a fragment of starmetal -- a single thread, allegedly taken from the cloak of a defeated Immaculate -- which Akesha decides to purchase. Upon hearing that Morgan only deals in barter for other curiosities, she offers an ivory-and-soulsteel comb and explains that Lord ibn Hammad came into possession of it from an unknown deathknight, but that she does not know its lineage well. Morgan accepts the trade of this comb and a fee in jade for the starmetal strand, and money and curios change hands. After Morgan politely asks Dune about selling his crystal books and Dune declines, Dune escorts Akesha back to her lodgings.
  • Dune spends another afternoon in the market and, while purchasing and consuming a fairly unpleasant dumpling from a street vendor, encounters a young woman who seems to recognize the symbols on his Necklace of Solar Charisma. Dune and Aurora have a fairly tentative conversation, not helped by the dumpling-seller and the crowds. While they attempt to have a discreet conversation, Marcellus the dumpling-seller is approached by another figure, who manages to engage him in a conversation about Nexus and "odd jobs"; the new arrival, "Tomaso Too-Tall," is a bit vague about his origins but seems nostalgic enough about Nexus to eat two of the fairly miserable dumplings, even after Dune and Aurora (who seemed to have captured his attention) retreat to somewhere quieter.
  • Once Dune and Aurora get far away from the madding crowd, they have a more formal introduction in Aurora's home. They speak for a while and discover that they both have similar interests -- teaching and educating children about the way of the world. Dune volunteers to help Aurora in her education of the city's children, and Aurora agrees -- as long as Dune does nothing that might incite the parents to violence (such as, say, Anathema-tales about the Unconquered Sun). Thus, a pact is made.

The Scavenger Lands:

  • Somewhere in the Scavenger Lands, the militant Dusk-caste deathknight Bloodied Jade Serpent encounters his (nominal) comrade, the wandering Midnight-caste funerist Preacher of the Ivory and Crimson Testaments. The two have a chat about "business" in various forms, particularly about the value of death and killing (both for the killer and for his client/victim). Things are kept generally casual, although there is friction between the two (Serpent is militant and ruthless, Preacher is remarkably cheerful).
  • The port city of Braern, closed due to an epidemic of a flesh-eating virus, is the site of a conversation between two Dragon-Blooded: the pirate-fighter Peleps Caith, in port listlessly with his ship, and the semi-outcaste doctor Tepet Durban Autis, there to attempt to treat the epidemic. The two discuss their duties to their houses and the relative disconcent thereof.
  • Not too far from the infamous city of Nexus lies a farm owned by the 'simple' farmer Gallad Blueback, who's busy preparing for planting when he encounters one wandering warrior by the name of Ruby. After a bit of talk and revelations regarding their shared Lunar nature, Gallad spots a weary man who refers to himself as Patient Mantis, who's carrying a seriously injured young woman with him. Taking them both to his home, Gallad binds the girl's wounds and half-insists the sleep-deprived and extremely edgy Mantis rest, while Ruby goes outside to scout for trouble. Later on, with Mantis rested and refreshed, Gallad and Ruby (over tea) ask a bit about how he and his female companion came to be on the run; Mantis admits not knowing how they survived. Ruby heads out to scout again and runs into a man who refers to himself as Brilliant Shadow... and then Bloodied Jade Serpent after Ruby and Shadow talk a bit. Serpent riles Ruby up in a hurry, and needless to say the two try to kill each other very dead, while Brilliant Shadow leaves in the direction of Gallad's farm. A subsequent roar from the transformed Ruby calls Gallad into action, but the fight is cut short when Serpent uses a fair amount of firedust to blow Gallad out of the sky and set a number of trees on fire before leaving. Gallad and Ruby proceed to take care of the fire before it spreads. (Entry by the infamous DarkheartOne)
  • On the road to Jades, the capital city of the holdings of the Solar warlord Rannath the Spear, the Preacher of the Ivory and Crimson Testaments busily builds a pyre to fishermen killed by a fish-borne plague. He meets a traveler on the road, a pretty young girl who asks to join his rites and seems very comfortable with his presence. The two converse for a while, and then, quite unexpectedly, the glorious figure of Rannath the Spear himself approaches the pyre. He joins their death-celebration, and in the parley, it is revealed that the girl's name is Remnant, that the two are both planning visits to the capital city of Jades, and that Rannath will allow such a thing as long as nobody gets eaten.
  • The murder of a few families in a Scavenger Lands village has caused panic among the populace, so when the traveling Eiyaza Tarok arrives to seek rest for the night, he is turned away at the inn. A villager named Verdant Silt offers Tarok rest in his home instead; there Tarok makes the acquaintance of the pleasant Verdant Silt, his somewhat-irritable wife Merin, and their listless, strangely hesitant son Swiftwater. In the middle of the night, Tarok is awaken by crashing from the house; inside, he finds Silt and Merin beaten to death, apparently by Swiftwater, who flees. As Tarok gives chase, "Swiftwater" reveals himself to be a shapeshifter and shifts shape multiple times, forcing Tarok to burn Essence to catch up with him. Finally, the shapeshifter escapes and Tarok, his anima banner burning iconic, is forced to flee as the village begins to rouse.


  • Mar, Vorian, Songbird and Wing meet in an upscale restaurant. They spend most of the meal talking shop. Vorian expresses dissatisfaction with Yu-Shan's operational methods, and Wing lectures a little on Sidereal best practices. Vorian is introduced to the system of sifu favors, and after some calculation of who owes who what is initiated into the system by becoming Wing's student in martial arts. Ben-San wrote this entry.

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