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The End of the World | Introduction | Characters | House Rules | Missions | Player Notes | Disposition of the Sidereal Shards | Storyteller notes

The Tower of Thirteen Thoughts =

The Tower of Thirteen Thoughts: Level 5 Celestial Manse (Sidereal Aspected)

Yu-Shan bursts with power, that of the gods, the Sidereals, the enlightened Dragonbloods, and the veritable flood of prayers from the mortal world. It is of little wonder that the geomancy of the place brims with powerful manses that do not require the massive area similar places would in Creation. One point of power is almost that, a grand point that rises high into the sky reaching, perhaps even straining to touch the sky dome and be ever nearer the siguls of the winner at the games of divinity.

This is the Tower of Thirteen Thoughts, and it has been located in a small suburb of Yu-Shan since the time of the primordials. The common joke is that the Ebon Dragon used to use it for a back scratcher. It rises, a great spindle from a small plot of landroughly twenty feet in diameter. It sweeps up gracefully into the sky, and at thirteen points along its vast length, there are spherical chambers. To reach the chamber, one has merely to be attuned to the structure or in the presence of another who is, and speak the name of the chamber one wishes to enter while touching the side of the tower.

Only seven of the Chambers names are known: Aphonai (Peace), Selendris (Prosperity), Ylanstir (Hope), Jestrad (Terror), Whyhendal (Lust), Rawnistra (Focus), and Dhallan (Idleness). The other six have been lost to time. Fortunately this has not prevented attunement, and Aphonai is the hearthstone chamber, so the stones have been available as well. The structure is one of the few manses designed to create gems of shared voice. It may create five such gems in its current form.

Gem of Shared Voice: These gems are never created singly, for they operate as a group. The gem is roughly the size of an acorn, and all are linked to a master stone of the set. The master stone must be worn by an individual attuned to the manse, the other stones may be given out to other people and used by any individual. The stones may be placed into an item containing a setting, or they may simply be placed against the ear of the individual who wishes to use them. Either mode will allow their use. If placed in ones ear, the stone melts and reforms inside the ear, causing no loss of hearing, and virtually indetectable, as it also changes color. (Per + Awareness Diff 5 to detect.)

The gems are linked, and when activated, they allow the wearers to communicate at will with the other wearers of the gems, regardless of their location in Yu-Shan or Creation. Indeed, the stones even allow for the users to converse Between Heaven and Earth. A single mote of essence must be given to the stone to activate its power for a scene. If the stone is inactive and an incoming conversation is directed, the stone will give the wearer a quiet signal that they should activate the stone. Interestingly, these signals seem to vary dependant upon the personality of the user. All messages mass through the primary stone, and thus the attuned person may monitor all conversations held with the stones.