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Nymph Who Dances in the Shadowed Moonlight

Nymph Who Dances in the Shadowed Moonlight, more often called Shadow Nymph, was once a married prostitute in the city of Thorns. One night, when she had joyfully told her husband that she was expecting a baby, he became convinced it was not his and beat her nearly to death. He would have killed her had not Mask of Winter stepped in to claim his next Death Knight. Shadow Nymph ate her husband when she Exalted. Her baby had been murdered during her beating.

Shadow Nymph's training was extremely brief. Mask of Winters was using her as an experiment to see if seduction, not often a tactic used among the undead would be useful. Because of her extensive training in such arts during her life, there was no need to train her much farther than understanding that she served Mask and the Malfeans. This was really unnessecary since her loyalty to Mask is unwavering.

Shadow Nymph would probably have been a highly successful experiment, able to get in to any Deathlord's holding through any Deathknight that could as well, and using a tactic that only the Lover would probably recognize immediatly. However, she was introduced to Alabaster Chimes. She was told to "make him comfortable" by Mask when Alabaster came with Walker to Juggernaut during a Calebration festival. Despite the Nymph's Blood Perfume and other Charms, Alabaster Chimes refused Shadow Nymph, although just barely. To get revenge, Shadow Nymph arranged a spar, and cheated using pure Nymph's Blood powder directly to his face. While he was...pre-occupied, Shadow Nymph beat him nearly unconcious with her chain whip. Since then they have loathed one another.

Shadow Nymph is undeniably beautiful. Her black hair hangs over one eye and the exposed eye is a watery ice blue, decorated with three red tear streaks that she paints on herself. She dresses in clothing meant to inspire thoughts of lust, but when she is traveling or is not focusing on seducing someone, she wears Demon Embracing Robes for protection. Her pale skin, ruby lips, red painted nails, and natural aura of lust and passion all come together to create a very tempting speciman of an Abyssal.