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(Note: Not all of these rules are actually going to be applicable for the early chronicle, but it'll be nice to know they exist. ;) )

General Rules

Appearance: In Social Combat, the character with the higher Appearance adds one success to their attacks, their MPDV, and their MDV. Additional dots do not provide additional successes. Appearance may also be rolled outside of social combat, for such events as posing (Appearance + Presence), causing a distraction (Appearance + Stealth or Socialize), or similar effects.

Speed: In any combat, Speed cannot be reduced below 3 except by Charms of high Essence (generally 4+, but they would be custom Charms anyway so it's a moot point). Any normal effect that would reduce Speed below 3 instead raises Rate by 1 for every point that Speed would be reduced below 3.

Unskilled Penalties: If an Exalt does not have any dots in an Ability, she takes a -1 die penalty to her roll. Mortals take the normal -2 die penalty.


Crafts: When a character first purchases Crafts, they choose one of the Crafts areas as normal. After this, any additional Crafts area purchased has the same cost and training time as a specialty, and then allows the character to apply her full Crafts rating to the new Craft. These do not count towards maximum specialties allowed.

Linguistics: Purchasing the Linguistics ability does not inherently grant new languages; instead, it grants facility with writing, and is rolled for speech-writing, cryptography, riddles, and attempts to translate languages you do not know. New languages may be purchased as Linguistics specialties, granting full fluency; the character may use her full Linguistics rating with all of these languages. These languages do not count towards a character's maximum specialties in linguistics.

Specialties: Favoured specialties cost only 2 experience and do not require training time.

Equipment and Artifacts

Shortswords: Shortswords increase their Speed to 5, and reduce their Accuracy to +1.
Straight Swords: Straight swords increase their Speed to 5, and increase their Damage to +4L.

Armor: Reinforced Breastplate is Artifact 3, rather than Artifact 4. Superheavy Plate is Artifact 4, rather than Artifact 5.

Starmetal Armor: Starmetal armor reduces post-soak damage by 1 die, not one level. This can reduce damage below Essence ping, however.

Merits And Flaws

Merits and Flaws from the First Edition Player's Guide will be allowed, subject to Storyteller approval. The Flaw limit will be either 5 pts maximum, or 2 Flaws maximum, player's choice (That is, one or two Flaws may be chosen that, combined, total more than five points; otherwise, only 5 pts may be taken). Characters may take above the maximum number of Flaws with no benefit, subject to ST approval. In addition, a few Merits and Flaws deserve special mention:

Jack of All Trades: This is a 2 pt Merit for Exalts.

Lucky: This Merit costs 2 pts/reroll.

Mutation: This Merit or Flaw will be heavily subject to ST approval. In addition, Mutations that simply provide Attribute dots and benefits (I'm looking at you, Tough) will not be approved.

Destiny and Dark Fate: These are not allowed.

Priest: The 7-pt version of this Flaw is automatically disallowed. The 1-pt version is going to need hella explaining.

Vice: This Flaw may be a Merit or a Flaw, depending on whether the Storyteller considers it to be advantageous to the character to have it. Vice may also raise a character's Virtue by two for unpleasant situations (for example, having increased Valor only for responding to insults); in this case, the increase does not apply to bonus dice from Virtue channels or for Charm effects. A character may have one Vice per Virtue.