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Tirah; the Violet Goddess

Graceful and deadly as her Panther Totem, Tirah had fought hard and savagely in the war against the Enemies of the Gods, so much so that it was said the single slash of red that formed her Tell was in fact a streak of blood from one of the Primordials she faced in battle. She initially railed at the idea of marrying one of the Solars on little more than the wishes of two Gods, but was even more shocked and surprised when Zhakain turned down the proposed match and cursed the entire institution. Out of a mixture of responcibility and curiosity, she followed the great Zenith of her own free will and eventually (once he stopped trying ot get rid of her) came to act as his right hand in all things -- the two fighting side by side, close companions and true friends. They eventually even became lovers, though due to pride would not give the Deliberative the satisfaction of actually being wed.

When Zhakain recieved word of the destruction of the Solar Deliberative by the treacherous Dragon-Blooded, she tried to restrain his anger and the two came to violence over the matter of vengeance. Injured and bleeding, Tirah cursed her mate and spit in his face before turning to leave even as he began to gather his great host of peasants. Much later, countless miles away, she somehow still heard his spark as it was snuffed out and even though the pain of their parting she could not help but fall to her knees and cry for what had befallen such a bright soul. Yet, she went on.

Note: Tirah's Godspark is incarnated in the form of Ozmathon Cahlash.

Associates of Tirah

CrownedSun/ZhakainSunfire :: The First Age Husband of Tirah

The Spawn of the Violet Goddess\\ Though a splendid and charismatic warrior-Goddess by renown, Tirah was also known for her maternal skill, in particular regarding the upbringing of her catlike Beastmen children. Under her expert guidance, the Violet Goddess Tribe became an unusually well-educated and crafty peoples established on the edges of Creation. Though considered barbaric, the trappings of civilization were evident in many of the panther people's ways - even down to having an organized bureaucracy and optional occupation system. After the fall of Tirah, of which her people know next to nothing (thinking her merely vanished), her firstborn took the reigns of the Tribe and led them onward in her stead for centuries to come. This firstborn was unique amongst the tribe, in that he had not had a panther father or mother, but rather was shaped as a human, possessing his mother's, and father's, divine blood intermingled. This mingling took shape so powerfully that none of his lesser siblings dared challenge him throughout his reign. He was known as Aetinas the Heavenly Prize, he who dwelt unborn in his mother's womb even as she left the Solar father he would never know.