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Back toCharms/NailRat

These are high Essence Solar Martial Arts Charms(though really Sidereal Charms).

Solar Martial Arts Charms by NailRat

Perfection: Five Pillars of the Sun Style

Five Pillars of the Sun Style is a Sidereal Martial Art, one of the Secret Styles. It was developed by the Chosen of the Maidens in the First Age for their Solar rulers, who they had no reason to distrust at the time. The Gold Faction supposedly has yet to teach any Solars Sidereal Martial Arts, but when it does, it’s almost certain that they will not be teaching them this style first – the style is too powerful to be trusted in the hands of Solars in the opinion of all but the most radical Solar sympathizers. In fact, those who would teach it to Solars are unlikely to even know it – only level 5 Sifus can even have a chance of knowing the style. The style does have Sutras which the Sidereals can benefit from in the same way they can with other Sidereal styles – however, in addition to being designed to harmonize with their connection with the Maidens, the style is designed to harmonize with Solars and their Castes. Solars gain specific benefits when in either of the style’s Form type Charms, dependent upon their Caste. Non-Solars can learn the style, but they will never receive the greatest benefits of it, which are available only to the Children of the Sun.

Additionally, Solars find it easier to initiate into this art than others. They learn it at the same rate as Sidereals, and the Charms cost the same amount of Experience as normal Celestial Charms to them.

Five Pillars of the Sun Style is incompatible with the use of weapons or armor.

The Student’s Sutra of Perfection:  “Once, there were Maidens…
Their names were Xiao, Shang, Xun, Ye, and Shi.”

Furious Pillar of the Dawn

Cost:  10 motes
Duration:  Five Turns
Type:  Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts:  5
Minimum Essence:  4
Prerequisite Charms:  None
“Xiao’s wrath was terrible.”

Channeling the unmatched battle fervor of the Dawn Caste, the character becomes a terror upon the battlefield. His Physical Attributes are enhanced by an amount equal to his permanent Essence, and if operating as a solo unit in Mail and Steel combat, his effective Magnitude is increased to 3.

While this Charm is active, the character’s eyes glow a bright lavender color, burning with the fury of the Unconquered Sun.

Righteous Pillar of the Zenith

Cost:  5 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration:  Five Turns
Type:  Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts:  5
Minimum Essence:  4
Prerequisite Charms:  None
“Shang’s words were as honey.”

The character channels the Zenith Caste’s uncanny force of personality, becoming more persuasive and magnificent. The character’s Social Attributes are all increased by an amount equal to her permanent Essence, and the character doubles any successes on Performance or Presence rolls – even if these successes are automatic successes, no matter their origin.

A character with low Appearance is effectively made unbelievably ugly by this Charm, appearing intimidating – while a character with high Appearance becomes terrifyingly and awe-inspiringly beautiful. The character’s skin deepens to a golden hue.

Meticulous Pillar of the Twilight

Cost:  5 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration:  Five Turns
Type:  Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts:  5
Minimum Essence:  4
Prerequisite Charms:  None
“Never did Xun act without thought.”

The character has learned to control the weave of Essence as delicately as the most masterful Twilight Caste Solar. All Charms the character uses have their costs reduced by 5 motes, to a minimum of 1 mote.

While using this Charm, a character’s supernatural nature is anything but a secret – she fades into a translucent, though still extremely bright, form of pure orange and black light.

Silent Pillar of the Night

Cost:  10 motes
Duration:  Five Turns
Type:  Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts:  5
Minimum Essence:  4
Prerequisite Charms:  None
“Subtle in all she did was Ye.”

The character calls upon the peerless stealth and of the Night Caste, disappearing and moving without impediment. So long as the character does not attack, he is completely invisible, and unhindered by material objects. He may freely move through ground, walls, trees, etc. If on any turn he attacks, he flickers and appears, during which time his enemies may attack him without penalty until his next turn.

This Charm is not illusory; the character is truly becoming immaterial in every sense of the word. However, it’s more than simply being dematerialized – his Essence is becoming as one with the Essence of Creation itself. Thus, not even Charms that show dematerialized spirits will reveal the presence of the Exalt so long as he doesn’t attack. Effects that can affect dematerialized spirits can strike the Night Caste, but suffer penalties for his invisibility.

While this Charm is active, the character is, under ideal situations, invisible. He flickers as he disappears or reappears, be it from the Charm beginning or ending or the result of an attack. His skin glows with a faint, ghostly white light.

Calm Pillar of the Eclipse

Cost:  5 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration:  Five Turns
Type:  Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts:  5
Minimum Essence:  4
Prerequisite Charms:  None
“Shi’s reason had halted wars.”

The character can replicate the unmatched diplomacy of the Eclipse Caste Solars. The character’s enemies constantly wonder if violence is the proper recourse for the situation as they attack. Mechanically, this adds a bonus equal to the character’s Essence as a difficulty to hit her.

While this Charm is active, a brilliant silver halo surrounds the character’s head.

Five Pillars of the Sun Form

Cost:  10 motes
Duration:  One Scene
Type:  Simple
Minimum Martial Arts:  5
Minimum Essence:  5
Prerequisite Charms:  Furious Pillar of the Dawn, Righteous Pillar of the Zenith, Meticulous Pillar of the 

Twilight, Silent Pillar of the Night, Calm Pillar of the Eclipse

“The Maidens held a council,
For the land was full of strife.” 

The character mimics the power and influence of the Solar Exalt, transforming the battlefield into his own realm of influence. The character’s effective Essence is increased by 10 only for purposes of Power Combat(that is, minimum damage, minimum dice pools, and dodge bonuses are increased by 10; nothing else changes). Every level of Ox-Body Technique that the character possesses temporarily becomes a level which grants three -0 Health levels. Finally, while it does not add to actual successes, the character adds bonus “phantom successes” to her attacks that is equal to her permanent Essence; these “phantom successes” are what defenses must penetrate first.

Additionally, the Chosen of the Sun enjoy specific benefits while in this Form. A Dawn Caste Solar always benefits from Furious Pillar of the Dawn. A Zenith Caste Solar always benefits from Righteous Pillar of the Zenith. A Twilight Caste Solar always benefits from Meticulous Pillar of the Twilight. A Night Caste Solar always benefits from Silent Pillar of the Night. An Eclipse Caste Solar always benefits from Calm Pillar of the Eclipse. Someone emulating these Castes through Charms or other effects does not receive these benefits; only the true Chosen of the Sun may channel these effects.

While this Charm is active, vibrant auras of gold and white wreathe their way around the character’s body.

A character may not benefit from more than one Martial Arts Form-Type Charm at a time.

Burning Palm Strike

Cost:  5 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration:  Instant
Type:  Supplemental
Minimum Martial Arts:  6
Minimum Essence:  6
Prerequisite Charms:  Five Pillars of the Sun Form
The Elder Sutra of Perfection:  “Xiao would act with unmitigated fury…”

The character focuses his Essence into his fists, striking with the merciless power of the Dawn. An attack enhanced by Burning Palm Strike deals Aggravated damage, which can only be healed over time, and cannot be sped by sorcery or Charms. Moreover, three turns after the attack lands, the burning Essence left by the attack becomes inflamed as the Essence flames spread. Every level of damage caused by the attack initially becomes two levels of damage.

When using Burning Palm Strike, the Exalt’s fists are surrounded by lavender plumes of Essence, which smolder and linger on the target for several turns.

Unmatched Tiger Fury

Cost:  25 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration:  One Scene
Type:  Simple
Minimum Martial Arts:  7
Minimum Essence:  7
Prerequisite Charms:  Burning Palm Strike
“And slay those in progress’s path.”

The Dawn is able to cut down mortal foes as though they were bamboo saplings. While this Charm is active, every success achieved on a Martial Arts attack automatically slays a single Extra. A character may split for as many such attacks as he desires; these must be attacks that specifically target groups of Extras.

While this Charm is active, an orb of saffron light appears over his head, emanating brilliant rays.

Purification of the Soul Discipline

Cost:  10 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration:  Instant
Type:  Simple
Minimum Martial Arts:  6
Minimum Essence:  6
Prerequisite Charms:  Five Pillars of the Sun Form
“Shang believed in the good of the people…”

Quickly and without pain, the compassion of the character flows as the purest Zenith, allowing her to soothe the mind and soul of another. The Charm must be targeted on someone other than the Exalt utilizing it. All derangements are instantly cured, even those caused by the Wyld. If the target character wishes it, his Nature may be changed, though it must be to one appropriate to what an iconic Zenith would do. On those who lack Willpower, any Mental Attribute or any Virtue, it bestows a free dot of every such appropriate Trait, which can even turn those Ravished by the Fair Folk back into thinking, feeling beings. It cannot purify an Infernal Exalt, but it can erase a Celestial Exalt’s Throwback Flaw due to a past Infernal Exaltation. It can do nothing to purify Abyssals. The target must be willing in all cases.

While using this Charm, the character must place his hand on his target’s body. Several quick, bright pulses of white energy flow down his arm and spread quickly throughout the target’s body, cleansing his Essence.

Purity of Being Method

Cost:  1 mote
Duration:  Instant
Type:  Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts:  7
Minimum Essence:  7
Prerequisite Charms:  Purification of the Soul Discipline
“That their faults could be overcome.”

Incorruptible and righteous is the Exalt who utilizes this Charm. This Charm allows any Willpower or Virtue roll (they cannot be a combined Attribute + Willpower or Attribute + Virtue roll or any other such combined roll) to be rerolled. The Exalt need not accept the new result; he may keep activating this Charm and rerolling the same roll over and over again until he achieves the results he desires. As a side effect that the Celestials are not aware of, this Charm alleviates much of the danger associated with the Great Curse – though not all of it, for there it offers no way to keep from gaining Limit for going against your Nature, for instance.

Use of this Charm causes the character’s Anima to flare briefly as though at the 3-7 range, regardless of whether Personal or Peripheral Essence is being used to power it.

Glorious Sorcerer’s Mantra

Cost:  5 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration:  Five Turns
Type:  Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts:  6
Minimum Essence:  6
Prerequisite Charms:  Five Pillars of the Sun Form
“Shang trusted in her magics…”

At this level of mastery, the Exalt possesses a fine understanding of sorcery akin to hat of the greatest Twilight. While this Charm is active, the Exalt reduces the cost of all Spells by 10 motes. Additionally, all sorcery takes one less turn to complete – Terrestrial Circle Sorcery can be performed as a Reflexive action(which uses the character’s Charm usage for the turn), Celestial Circle Sorcery can be performed in one turn, and Solar Circle Sorcery can be performed in two turns.

While this Charm is active, a great pillar of Essence, colored by the individual spells the sorcerer chooses to cast, gathers from the ground around her and shoots skyward. This pillar can be visible from miles away.

Resuscitation of Life Rote

Cost:  35 motes, 3 Willpower
Duration:  One hour
Type:  Simple
Minimum Martial Arts:  7
Minimum Essence:  7
Prerequisite Charms:  Glorious Sorcerer’s Mantra
“And their valuable gifts to Creation.”

The greatest gift that the Twilight can offer her subjects is the gift of life. This Charm allows the resurrection of a character who has been slain, snatching his soul from Lethe and/or the Underworld. This must be performed within a day of the character’s death, and the target must be willing to return to life. All characters return to life as Essence 1 characters. Only the actual soul of the person is returned to life; Soul Shards of Celestial Exalts have reentered the cycle of reincarnation, though Lytek may very well Exalt the same individual again with the same Soul Shard. In such a case, the character receives a fresh Exaltation, likely resulting in a drastic reduction of power. Non-magical traits are retained. The character who is brought back to life returns to life as an adult of about twenty years; many First-Age Celestials who knew this Charm used it to extend the life spans of mortal loved ones indefinitely, resurrecting them soon after their deaths repeatedly.

While she performs the Charm, the Exalt’s play of Essence causes a vibrant visual display. Within yards equal to (100 * Essence), bright flowing ribbons of orange energy coalesce in a gigantic vortex around the Exalt.

Undetectable Wrath of Heaven

Cost:  5 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration:  Instant
Type:  Supplemental
Minimum Martial Arts:  6
Minimum Essence:  6
Prerequisite Charms:  Five Pillars of the Sun Form
“Ye believed in silent reform…”

The strikes of the Night are undetectable to all but the most trained eyes. A Martial Arts attack enhanced by Undetectable Wrath of Heaven counts as an attack the defender is unaware of – and thus generally unable to defend against.

As the character strikes, her arm fades into a translucent object of violet Essence. However, the target does not see the attack.

Decree of Heaven Technique

Cost:  15 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration:  Until released
Type:  Simple
Minimum Martial Arts:  7
Minimum Essence:  7
Prerequisite Charms:  Undetectable Wrath of Heaven
“Of systematic displacement of their enemies.”

The Exalt brings down the decrees of the Solar Deliberative, placing a curse upon an enemy that will keep her in line. The character makes a Dexterity + Martial Arts attack at a difficulty of the target’s Essence. If the attack is successful, the Exalt now holds his target’s life in his hands. At any time the Exalt wills within the next number of decades equal to his Essence, he may reflexively deal twice his Essence in unsoakable aggravated damage to the target. It may only be countered by effects that allow the target character to defend against attacks she is not aware of.

This Charm causes the Exalt’s eyes to turn grey, and the spot he touches the target character will glow with a grey-white light so long as its effects linger.

Friend to All Trance

Cost:  8 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration:  Five Turns
Type:  Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts:  6
Minimum Essence:  6
Prerequisite Charms:  Five Pillars of the Sun Form
“Shi said the secret lay in bargaining…”

The ability of the Eclipse to persuade his enemy that he means him no harm – even as he strikes – is remarkable. Any character within (Essence * 10) yards wishing to attack the Exalt must first succeed at a reflexive Conviction test at a difficulty of three.

While this Charm is active, traces of silver Essence spark from the character’s mouth, especially when he speaks.

Essence of Civilization Flow

Cost:  35 motes, 3 Willpower
Duration:  One Scene
Type:  Simple
Minimum Martial Arts:  7
Minimum Essence:  7
Prerequisite Charms:  Friend to All Trance
“That this would bring about a better Creation.”

The power of the Eclipse to smooth over relations is beyond compare at this state. The Exalt spends a scene speaking to others who are not immediately hostile to him. They will stop what they are doing to listen to him, even if it means stopping attacking one another. At the end of the scene, any and all of those with an Essence lower than the Exalt using the Charm will be convinced to cooperate with one another, regardless of previous hatreds.

There is a chance that reason for the affected characters to fight once more will come up, but they must be new reasons, not reasons that already existed. Those hatchets are forever buried.

While this Charm is active, the entire immediate area glows with a bright, blinding silver light that emanates from the Exalt.

Perfection of Everything Form

Cost:  20 motes
Duration:  One Scene
Type:  Simple
Minimum Martial Arts:  8
Minimum Essence:  8
Prerequisite Charms:  Unmatched Tiger Fury, Purity of Being Method, Resuscitation of 

Life Rote, Decree of Heaven Technique, Essence of Civilization Flow

“Together, the council of maidens planned the state of all,
And enforced their doctrines,
Allowing Creation to flourish.”

The character’s being is able to be formed to flawlessly match the perfection of the Unconquered Sun himself. While this Charm is active, the character’s player need not roll any dice; any dice that would be rolled, for any reason, are converted into automatic successes.

Additionally, the Chosen of the Sun enjoy specific benefits while in this Form. A Dawn Caste Solar always benefits from Furious Pillar of the Dawn and Burning Palm Strike. A Zenith Caste Solar always benefits from Righteous Pillar of the Zenith and may, by virtue of perfect knowledge of Purity of Being Method, opt to ignore successes on Virtue and Willpower rolls. A Twilight Caste Solar always benefits from Meticulous Pillar of the Twilight and Glorious Sorcerer’s Mantra. A Night Caste Solar always benefits from Silent Pillar of the Night and Undetectable Wrath of Heaven. An Eclipse Caste Solar always benefits from Calm Pillar of the Eclipse and Friend to All Trance. Someone emulating these Castes through Charms or other effects does not receive these benefits; only the true Chosen of the Sun may channel these effects.

While this Charm is active, the character’s hair and clothing glow brightly, seeming to become objects of pure, bright white and yellow Essence.

A character may not benefit from more than one Martial Arts Form-Type Charm at a time.


Umm... I was just gonna say that "Perfection of Everything Form" doesn't really have a ring to it. I'd go with something more like "Perfection of Creation" or "Universal Harmony" or "Perfection of Unity". Plus, of course, the Charm is so ridiculously powerful I find it hard to believe it could ever even be conceived that it would be used in a game, or that it costs so relatively little, even if it is an Essence 8 Charm. Maybe add some Willpower, a health level or two, and some experience points into the activation cost; I dunno, balance isn't really my forte. It is cool though. Very cool. - DigitalSentience

Three words, DigitalSentience: Essence-Shattering Typhoon. - Technogeek