Each god has the ability to empower their champion to a greater level. Blessings are charms that are granted by the Champions patron for deeds done. The god can only grant a Blessing from the Purview that they possess. Purviews are concept of creation that the god has influence over. She can convey that influence to their champions at a lesser level.
A God can impart a Blessing upon a Champion only when they have the required experience points and the basic requirements of the Blessing. They must also be in the presence of the patron’s purview or in their temple to receive the Blessing.
A champion can learn purviews from other gods but only with their patron’s permission.
Finally the Champion's must not forget that his blessing's are not permenant. If he displeases his Patron the Patron can "turn off" his blessings or do more if the Patron is inclined too.