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Tobelous, Layers of Bricks and Blood

The Tobelous were born from the more straightforward urges of Ketizo, the urge to make a place that is your home and that you are bound up in the concept of - an urge not at all foreign even to most men.
They appear in many different guises, not because they can shift shapes but because each is unique; each is perfectly suited to one project which will be their nature. Some have come as nests of willow switches, some as porcelain dolls in kimonos, some as half-dissected hounds. In all their shapes, they are recognizable; none know what aspect of them it is that can be known, but once a character has seen one Tobelous, they infallibly know another on sight, even if they have no apparent similarities.
Each one of them is born with a project engrained in their spirit, and from the first day that their flesh moves they construct. They have been born with and as the schema for great cathedrals, baubles concentring complexities beyond the comprehension of eyes, and for mighty weapons; sometimes, several are born with the same dream at once, and they make something together that is spectacular beyond compare.
They spring from the ground spontaneously, it appears; some demons have suggested that they are born wherever there is some thing great fated to be built, but then they laugh for fate is not so steadfast in the demon city and it is only by the whim of themselves and their parent that they come to be.
They lay in every brick that they place and every scratch that they etch a fragment of their souls; they expend themselves with the last such act, and in their passing transcend their existence into nothingness. This is their joy, and they eagerly await serving it.


Attributes: 6/6/6, 2/2/4, 1/1/4

Abilities: crafts (all) 6, martial arts 3, integrity 3,

Essence: 3
Willpower 6
Compassion 2
Conviction 4
Temperance 1
Valor 5

Supernatural powers:
Making Great Things
The Tobelous craft perfectly and efficiently; they each count as 15 men (or 3 other first circle demons) for purposes of large scale crafting.

Design Most Beneficient
Whenever working from a design, whether the one they are born with or one they are given, the Tobelous are unable to botch. If the design is flawed (i.e., a botch in the design stages), they flaw is exemplified and perfected by the Tobelous, making it equivalent to three botches.

Transcendent Completion
The Tobelous, when they finish a project that they have worked on, become permanently immaterial, although still visible as a shimmering iridescent image of their former self. They may not interact with either the immaterial or the material, although attacks that can strike the immaterial still hit them. They never willingly interact with themselves or others again, and any order to do so is unacceptable. If they are forced material, they evaporate in a puff of dust and are destroyed.
If a project they've worked is completed and they are not able to aid in the completion, they lose a point of permanent essence. If they reduce to 0, they die.

Sorcerors may impose a new design on the Tobelous.