Creatures/Titans, Primordials, And Greek Myth

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Although Exalted is most definitely an anime-inspired game, drawing heavily on the themes and visuals of the best of Japanese animation, it also draws quite heavily on Greek myth. The Primordials are the titans, vast cyclopean beasts that shaped the world and ruled over it as alien kings. The Exalted are the tools by which the Unconquered Sun (i.e., Zeus) can overthrow his parents, the titans.

This theme of the lesser supplanting the greater is all throughout Exalted. The gods displace the Primordials. The Dragon-Blooded displace the Solars and Lunars. Soon, if the game stays thematically true to itself, an even lesser and more numerous force will either supplant the gods, or else the Exalted themselves will be undone.

(Nero's Boot)

The "Elder-Gods-Replaced-By-Rebellious-Younger-Gods" is not a strictly Greek trope by any means. The same situation shows up in mythologies around the world. There are Norse, Aztec and Chinese myths which are remarkably similiar to the story of the Titans and Olympians. -LiOfOrchid