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Back to FrivYeti/Dragons

Session One: IC Chat Log

(Note: My initial chat log got wiped by aforementioned internet problems, so the very opening is absent. The group reports to Sesus Kaijin.)

WillCoon[6:11:29 PM]: :following, glancing at his to-be-teammates with an appreciative grin::
Friv[9:14:17 PM]: The office of the general still contains many of Sesus Ujiro's old memorabilia, but most have been taken home to his family. Kaijin clearly hasn't had time to move her own keepsakes in yet, and the office is fairly spartan.
ambisinister[6:13:33 PM]: ::Hailey lets the others file in first and takes the last spot in line::
Friv[9:15:18 PM]: Kaijin is currently sitting at her desk, looking over what appear to be army requisition forms. A stack of personnel folders sit on the table next to her, and she glances up tiredly as the group enters.
Friv[9:15:41 PM]: Astute characters will note that there only appear to be two chairs.
Dakura[6:15:06 PM]: Errant Tiger enters the room, following after Ladash, and then stands at attention when he gets to the middle of the room in front of Kaijin's desk.
Moonsword[6:15:15 PM]: ::Valeria stays near the back of the group, compassionately leaving a chair for someone else.::
WillCoon[6:16:26 PM]: ::walks over to the side of the desk, raises an eyebrow when no one takes the seat, then turns to Kaijin::
ambisinister[6:16:26 PM]: ::Hailey remains standing at a parade rest::
Friv[9:17:59 PM]: As the troupe enters, Kaijin looks up and nods to them. "At ease." She smiles faintly. "I'm sure you know why you're here, but I will explain regardless."
Friv[9:18:31 PM]: "As you are aware, the situation that our city has found itself in for nearly a hundred years has just changed drastically. We are badly in need of accurate intelligence before we can determine our current course of action."
Friv[9:19:39 PM]: "After looking over those who volunteered to travel the passage opened by the recent Wyld quake, I have decided that the four of you, plus Errant Tiger's squad, will be a suitable initial scouting force. The force will be led by Errant Tiger, and I expect you to defer to his ultimate judgement, but I understand that you are not all military personnel, and will not demand full military procedures."
Friv[9:20:00 PM]: "I trust that you will find a proper medium amongst yourself." She pauses, glancing down at the desk, and then smiles faintly.
Friv[9:22:49 PM]: "Now, your primary goal here is to recover contact with the Scarlet Empire." Kaijin pauses, and grimaces. "Unfortunately, we have no idea what the situation on the other side of the pass is.
Friv[9:23:10 PM]: "If you cannot make contact with Realm forces, accurate understanding of what is happening is the secondary objective."
Friv[9:23:28 PM]: "Any questions about the objectives?" She pauses, looking over the four of you.
Moonsword[6:22:54 PM]: ::Valeria looks reflective for a moment.::
WillCoon[6:23:18 PM]: Makes sense.
Dakura[6:23:43 PM]: "How can we verify ourselves if we do encounter Realm troops? None of us, let alone most of our parents, would have been born at the time Scarlet Haven was cut off."
Moonsword[6:23:44 PM]: ((Softly, very softly.)) Yes. If we encounter Anathema, such as the Silver Beast that chased our founders here, do you have any particular recommendations on how to proceed, ma'am?
ambisinister[6:24:33 PM]: ::Pauses in her thoughts for a moment to listen to the commander's response to Valeria's question::
Friv[9:25:41 PM]: "With extreme caution." Kaijin's answer is blunt. "You are four junior Exalts, and if the monster that drove us here still lurks in the area, it will be far outside your ability to combat."
Moonsword[6:25:04 PM]: ::Nods.::
ambisinister[6:25:29 PM]: Sir, I also have a question. Do we possess any maps of creation from the time of the Legion's arrival into Scarlet Haven?
Friv[9:27:21 PM]: Kaijin considers for a moment, and then nods again. "Yes, we had some with us, and they should still be in the archives. Ladash will furnish you with one; as long as that Wyld quake didn't echo too far into Creation, it should remain accurate outside this Wyld zone.
Friv[9:28:15 PM]: She pauses, and grimaces. "If it isn't, we may have more problems than I'd imagined."
WillCoon[6:28:06 PM]: Good thinking! As long as it's accurate that'll be a big help.
Friv[9:29:52 PM]: "In answer to your question, Lieutenant Tiger, you will be provided with military insignia identifying you as 46th legion."
Friv[9:30:31 PM]: "Anyone who recognizes them are probably going to be surprised as hell, but they're still accurate Legion insignia. Failing that, you have authorization to bring Realm forces back to Scarlet Haven for a rendevous."
ambisinister[6:29:32 PM]: As far as re-establishing contact is concerned, should we head for the closest realm controlled satrapy, or should we attempt to return the to the 46th Legion's base of operations?
Friv[9:31:37 PM]: "Nearest is best." Kaijin shrugs. "Whatever that entails, now. The 46th legion's original base is most likely re-assigned by now, and we aren't precisely certain where Scarlet Haven is relative to where our legion went off-course.
Friv[9:32:03 PM]: "Plotting a direct route would likely be nearly impossible, and I imagine that anyone Realm-related would be interested to hear from us."
Dakura[6:31:22 PM]: The Wood-aspect nodded. "Aside from establishing contact and scouting, should we try to find any supplies or arms?"
Friv[9:33:18 PM]: Kaijin considers that question for a few moments before replying. "If you could get ahold of thaumaturgical supplies for our warstriders, it wouldn't hurt, but our supply situation isn't any worse off than before the quakes, so consider that a tertiary priority."
Moonsword[6:33:39 PM]: ::Nods.::
Friv[9:35:02 PM]: "Major Ladash will be handling your supplies, and I believe he has those well in hand, but if you have any requests in specific, inform him. You will be leaving tomorrow morning, to give you time to prepare."
Friv[9:36:21 PM]: Seeing that there don't appear to be further questions, Kaijin nods to the four of you. "Dismissed. And may the Dragons bless your journey."
Dakura[6:37:33 PM]: "One last question, General... In the event that we aren't able to find anything, how long should we continue before heading back to Scarlet Haven?"
WillCoon[6:38:20 PM]: Just get the lay of the land and report back, no?
Friv[9:39:40 PM]: The general considers the question seriously. "If you find nothing at all, turn back after four days. We'll send further parties out to spread out farther.
Friv[9:40:18 PM]: "However, if you find evidence of nearby habitation, and just miss the habitations themselves, don't feel entirely restricted by the timeframe. We won't start worrying unless the whole trip takes over two weeks."
Friv[9:40:48 PM]: Kaijin smiles tiredly, nodding to the four of you. "Dismissed. And may the Dragons bless your journey."
WillCoon[6:40:28 PM]: Thank you, General.
Moonsword[6:40:41 PM]: ::Nods respectfully, saying nothing.::
Dakura[6:40:54 PM]: Errant Tiger salutes, then turns to leave the room.
ambisinister[6:41:01 PM]: ::Once again, Hailey will follow the others out::
Friv[9:42:53 PM]: Ladash waits until all four Dynasts are out before following them, closing the door softly behind them. He nods to the group. "We can spare a pack mule for your supplies; unfortunately, as you know, we have few other animals here.
ambisinister[6:42:34 PM]: I'd like to take a look at what maps are available at your earliest convenience, sir. Friv[9:44:22 PM]: Ladash nods firmly. "Very good, Lieutenant. I will take you to the armoury at once." He looks to the others. "Do you have any special equipment requests aside from food and ammunition?"
WillCoon[6:43:21 PM]: Yes, let's go through our supplies.
Dakura[6:45:20 PM]: "I would like to see the maps as well," said Errant Tiger. "As far as equipment, if possible I would like to request at least minor anti-Wyld talismans for my men, just in case."
Friv[9:47:00 PM]: Ladash nods in response to Tiger. "We will pull together what we have."
Friv[9:49:49 PM]: Ladash considers briefly. "In addition to maps and talismans, we are going to supply you with some extra silver in case the locals aren't Realm, and need extra encouragement."
Friv[9:50:24 PM]: "It's been sitting in the armoury, since no one around here uses it."
Moonsword[6:49:30 PM]: ::Valeria smiles faintly at his wording.::
Dakura[6:50:37 PM]: Nodding, Errant Tiger asks, "I don't suppose we have any idea what the rate of exchange would be, roughly? I doubt it will matter, but..."
Friv[9:52:06 PM]: Ladash shrugs. "We know what it was a hundred years ago, but currencies fluctuate. I'll have one of the scholars write it up for you."
ambisinister[6:51:14 PM]: ::Once the group leaves the building, Amarranth gets up and trots along beside Hailey::
Moonsword[6:51:38 PM]: ((Softly.)) I suspect that the rate of exchange will vary depending on where we are, at any rate.
ambisinister[6:52:25 PM]: Maybe it would be better to bring goods for bartering?
Dakura[6:52:51 PM]: "I wouldn't doubt it," Tiger says in response. "It would be good to know just so we don't end up wasting more than we need to, if possible."
WillCoon[6:53:24 PM]: Surely we'll have enough to parlay into information.
Moonsword[6:53:27 PM]: ::Frowns.:: We do not know what goods to bring, Hailey.
Moonsword[6:53:38 PM]: It may wind up being better to trade on our skills for a short time.
Dakura[6:54:14 PM]: "We can't afford bring trade goods in any case. Too much weight."
Friv[9:55:23 PM]: Ladash considers the group's words, and then nods. "Besides, you'll probably want to travel lightly, given that you'll be carrying most of your own supplies.
WillCoon[6:54:22 PM]: Quite. We'll have some time.
Friv[9:57:11 PM]: Ladash leads those who are interested to the armoury, where Hailey and Tiger are led to the map room by an archivest. The others can follow Ladash to the actual supplies, or look around for something else.
Friv[9:57:45 PM]: The archivest is a young, nervous-looking man, who hands you a rolled-up piece of parchment. "This is a direct reproduction of the original map. If you want to compare, you can, but the original is a bit frail."
WillCoon[6:56:45 PM]: ::Skein follows Ladesh to check out the maps and supplies
Dakura[6:57:37 PM]: "This will do for the moment, I'm sure." He unrolls the parchment to get an initial look at it. ambisinister[6:57:59 PM]: I have faith that is was transcribed accurately. Can you point out for me on the map the Legion's last known location in Creation?
Friv[10:00:26 PM]: The scholar nods, leaning over to point out a spot on the east-middle of the map.
ambisinister[7:00:32 PM]: ::Hailey quickly and efficiently begins looking over the map and calculating distances and routes::
ambisinister[7:01:53 PM]: ::Glances over at Tiger:: Hopefully we'll emerge somewhere in the east.
Friv[10:14:17 PM]: The area that the 46th went into the Wyld is heavily forested, with a large lake lying just to the south. According to the map, a city called "Topaz Harbour" sits on the lake, and it is marked in the colours of a Realm tributary.
Friv[10:18:15 PM]: The area to the west of Topaz Harbour is mostly listed as forest and hills, until you reach the southern edge of the Haslanti League.
Friv[10:19:06 PM]: The scholar leaves Hailey and Tiger to look over the map, returning to his own duties, while Ladash oversees gathering the supplies for the expedition.
ambisinister[7:18:49 PM]: Well, at least it will be cool. Our gear should be adequate for most of the terrain in the area...
Dakura[7:19:19 PM]: "Assuming we come out in this rough area... Should try to find a good area to set up camp away from the Wyld, and send out a few scouts for the immediate area..."
Moonsword[7:19:20 PM]: ::Nods.::
ambisinister[7:20:29 PM]: It would appear that Topaz Harbour would be a good point of contact, assuming it's still there.
Dakura[7:21:15 PM]: "Assuming we're even near it."
Moonsword[7:21:23 PM]: Valeria's gathering her things together, completed one last smithing job, saying goodbye to her father, and then resting, gathering her energy for the task ahead.
WillCoon[7:21:47 PM]: (Skein will look at the map for a bit, then get distracted and wander off. He'll spend the rest of the day seeing people off and making his gear look presentable.::
Dakura[7:23:25 PM]: Handing the maps over to Hailey for the time being, Errant Tiger goes to relay the details of the mission to the men and women under his command. The rest of the day he spends preparing his gear, as well as seeing to it that the soldiers' is in travelling condition as well.
ambisinister[7:24:46 PM]: ((Hailey's primary concern will be making sure her replacement is caught up on the details of her patrol route. She'll also swing by the Quartermaster's to top off on any supplies she may need. The rest of her time will be spent with the maps, calculating routes and learning he land as best she can. As an afterthought she'll head back to the archivists and try and find astrological texts))
Friv[10:26:37 PM]: Everyone gets their things together, and prepares. By the time you finish at the armoury, it seems as though half the town has already heard that each of you is leaving, and even Valeria gets smiles and well-wishes from the townsfolk she passes.
Friv[10:28:27 PM]: They don't pause to talk much to Valeria, but they do give her well-wishes.
Friv[10:29:43 PM]: The next morning, the group gathers at the southern gate. The day has dawned bright and clear, the sun is shining, and all in all it looks like a gloriously auspicious day for a journey to begin.
WillCoon[7:30:07 PM]: ::Skein is obviously excited and anxious, he's pacing and making practice-flourishes with his sword::
Friv[10:31:29 PM]: In addition to the four Dynasts, Errant Tiger's five soldiers have arrived on time, ready to go.
ambisinister[7:32:05 PM]: ::Hailey checks all the straps and buckles on her tack and on Amaranth's harness ::
Dakura[7:34:01 PM]: Walking up and down in front of his soldiers, Tiger nods at them as he inspects their readiness and condition.
Friv[10:35:58 PM]: Sesus Ladash is also on-hand in case of last-minute emergencies, and he salutes the troop as they prepare to move out.
Moonsword[7:34:54 PM]: ::Valeria waits patiently for the others to start the journey.::
ambisinister[7:35:36 PM]: ::approaches Tiger, her helm under her arm:: What is your intent for a marching order? Moonsword[7:35:41 PM]: ::Valeria returns the salute.::
Dakura[7:40:08 PM]: "Standard patrol formation, but pulled in more tightly. We'll be ranging farther than we normally have troops, so I expect there will be some degree of attention."
WillCoon[7:40:59 PM]: ::Continues pacing:: So this is it, eh?
ambisinister[7:41:06 PM]: Is it your intent to have advance scouts?
WillCoon[7:41:25 PM]: We're the first of our city to venture back into the world...
Moonsword[7:41:55 PM]: ::Valeria glances at Skein.:: Yoy make it sound as if we're heading off to die, instead, and you no longer wish to live.
WillCoon[7:42:27 PM]: You misunderstand!
WillCoon[7:42:44 PM]: I think it's a wonderful opportunity.
WillCoon[7:42:52 PM]: Naturally we have to be /careful,/
Dakura[7:42:57 PM]: The lieutenant nods. "I plan to go a bit ahead, and take two of my archers with me. So long as we keep in sight, I don't think anything will go horribly wrong... Though things have in the past..."
ambisinister[7:43:59 PM]: Might I reccommend that you stay back with the core and allow me to scout ahead? You will likely be able to control the situation better from the main group.
WillCoon[7:45:32 PM]: Aren't you excited?
WillCoon[7:45:50 PM]: Assuming all goes well..
WillCoon[7:46:16 PM]: We'll meet /new/ people... see the world our progenitors fled from...
Dakura[7:46:51 PM]: He looked in the direction they would soon be heading. "I suppose so... I would prefer to do so myself, but you have a point."
Moonsword[7:48:06 PM]: ::Valeria smiles.:: I suppose so. Still, I'm concerned with the risks than the reward.
Dakura[7:48:22 PM]: Tiger turned back to face Hailey again. "Keep in sight of the rest of us, watch each others' backs. Standard procedure... though not standard circumstances..." He gave a slight grin.
Moonsword[7:48:53 PM]: As a wise man once said, "You can't go home again and even if you do, it won't be the same as when you left."
WillCoon[7:49:15 PM]: "You can't step in the same river twice."
Mambisinister[7:49:25 PM]: Of course. Sir. ::she nods and heads over to Val and Skein::
Moonsword[7:49:57 PM]: ::Nods in greeting as Hailey approaches.::
WillCoon[7:50:05 PM]: ::flashes an encouraging smile:: As long as we watch each otehrs' backs, we should be fine.
ambisinister[7:49:25 PM]: Of course. Sir. ::she nods and heads over to Val and Skein::
Moonsword[7:49:57 PM]: ::Nods in greeting as Hailey approaches.::
WillCoon[7:50:05 PM]: ::flashes an encouraging smile:: As long as we watch each otehrs' backs, we should be fine.
Dakura[7:50:42 PM]: Errant Tiger walks over to the two archers who were going to be doing the advance scouting, to inform them as to the slight change in plans.
Moonsword[7:51:00 PM]: ::Valeria raises an eyebrow.:: I'm already watching.
Moonsword[7:51:25 PM]: I expect that you're right, Skein, but I'd prefer to make sure of it with vigilance.
ambisinister[7:51:34 PM]: ::reaches over and squeezes Val's shoulder encouragingly:: How are you doing this morning?
Moonsword[7:51:52 PM]: Well, thank you.
Moonsword[7:51:55 PM]: And you?
Friv[10:53:06 PM]: The archers salute Tiger, and prepare to travel ahead with Hailey. They seem a bit nervous, but are also as excited as anyone.
WillCoon[7:52:39 PM]: ::Skein nods:: Then I'll be vigilant.
ambisinister[7:52:41 PM]: To be honest it feels just like another day on job, save that I won't be coming back to the Haven at the end of the day.
ambisinister[7:53:28 PM]: I'm reluctant to let myself get to eager about the expedition.
Moonsword[7:53:42 PM]: Hardly my usual day, though. ::She raises the maulstaff she carries.:: It should be interesting, though.
Friv[10:56:41 PM]: Everything seems to be prepared; the supplies are packed, the soldiers are ready, and the outdoors beckon.
Friv[10:57:44 PM]: To the south, beyond the fields, lie the Tainted Lands; from here, you can see the silvery tint to the dirt as the lands stretch.
ambisinister[7:57:35 PM]: Hope the trip treats both of you well. ::smiles at Val:: See you at the afternoon break
Moonsword[7:58:13 PM]: ::Valeria nods back, smiling.:: Take care, my friend. And good luck and keen eyes to your companions.
ambisinister[7:58:30 PM]: ::turns and walks over to the two archers, locking her helmet on as she goes. With the helmet in place her armor mutes its color to inconspicuous mottled earth tones::
ambisinister[8:00:32 PM]: ::Hailey beckons and Amarranth lopes over. She crouches down in front of her:: I want you to range ahead. Be careful and if you notice anything out of the ordinary, come back and let me know, Ok? ::she lovingly ruffles the creature's ears::
Dakura[8:00:40 PM]: "Form up! Prepare to move out!" Errant Tiger shouts.
ambisinister[8:01:57 PM]: Remember, you've got your pack on so you're not as mobile as you're used to. No stupid risks, got it? ::she gentley grabs Amarranth's muzzle as she speaks::
Moonsword[8:02:21 PM]: ::Valeria moves into step beside either Skein or Tiger, using her staff as a walking stick. Where it hits the ground, the grass is very, very flat. It's a very heavy staff.::
Friv[11:04:14 PM]: The soldiers form up to march, and the townsfolk cheer as the scouts move out. Sesus Ladash stands by the gates, watching you leave, until he's out of sight.
ambisinister[8:04:03 PM]: ::she touches her forehead to her companion's:: Alright, off with you now. ::she stands and looks over at the two archers:: Alright, I'm going to range out directly ahead of the party. I'd like you to cover the western flank ::to one:: and you to take the eastern ::to the other::

And the party ventures into the Wyld...