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Domaru Mikoshi

NAME                                            HOMELAND
Domaru Mikoshi                                  Lookshy
ASPECT                                          ANIMA POWER
Wood                                            Add [Essence] to Dodge and Athletics
NATURE                                          EXPERIENCE
PHYSICAL                        SOCIAL                          MENTAL
Strength        3               Charisma      4                 Perception      3
Dexterity       3               Manipulation  3                 Intelligence    3
Stamina         3               Appearance    5                 Wits            4

--AIR --                        --EARTH--                        --FIRE--
□Linguistics   * * *            □Awareness     * * *            □Athletics     * * *
□Lore          * * *            □Craft                          □Dodge         * * *
□Occult        * * *            □Endurance     * * *            ■Melee         * * * *
□Stealth       * *              □Martial Arts                   □Presence      * * *
□Thrown                         □Resistance    * * *            ■Socialize     * * *

--WATER--                       --WOOD--                         --SPECIALTIES--
□Brawl         *                ■Archery       * * * *     Bureaucracy (Lookshy +2)
□Bureaucracy   * * * *          ■Medicine      * * *
□Investigation * *              ■Performance   * * * *
■Larceny       * * * *          ■Ride          * *
□Sail                           ■Survival      * * *

Languages: Native: Rivertongue, High Realm, Old Realm, Skytongue
TEMPERS             ESSENCE      ***             VIRTUES
Willpower:   7       Personal:   11:11           Compassion   *** 
O O O O O O O        Committed:     0            Conviction   **
                     Peripheral: 15:27           Temperance   *
                     Committed:     12           Valor        ***
NAME                   RATING   DESCRIPTION
Arsenal                **       Exalted Shock Pike
Artifact               ***      Ashigaru Armor and Jade Short Powerbow
Breeding               **       From his father and his mother's blood
Backing (Lookshy)      *****    Daimyo of Lookshy
Retainers              ****     Daimyo's Personal Staff
Sorcery                ****     Lookshy Officer Training
NAME                 COST    DESCRIPTION
Enchanting Feature   +2      Beautiful hair.  +1 to Social dice pools when appropriate

Eidetic Recall       +1      Smell

Tactical Instincts   +3      Wits + Lore to build pool for strategy or command rolls
        Initiative:    7        Soak (L/B):    (1/3)            Mobility:         -1
ARMOR:  Ashigaru Battle Armor   w/Armor:       (11/12)          Fatigue:           1

   -0    -1         -2           -4    Incapacitated    Negative
    A A   A L L L O  O O O O O    O    O                O O 

WEAPON                  SPEED      ACCURACY    DAMAGE     DEFENSE   RATE
Fist                    7(+0)      5(+1)       3(+0L)     6(+2)     5
Exalted Shock Pike      7(+0)      8(+2)       10L(+7L)   7(+1)     3

RANGED                  RATE       ACCURACY    DAMAGE   RANGE   AMMO
Exalted Shock Pike      2          9(+3)       12L(+9L) 70      20 shots
Jade Powerbow           3          9(+2)       9L(+3L)  300     20 Broadhead arrows (+2L)

Dodge:  6/8 (-1 Mobility Penalty)(+3 Permanent Essence)           
CHARM                     COST      DURATION   TYPE         EFFECT
Ox-Body Technique         None      Permanent  Special      Grants bonus -1 and -2
(Earth) * 3                                                 health levels

Elemental Bolt Attack     1 Mote    Instant    Simple       Blasts aspect element at
(Air)                     /2L                               enemy.  Spend up to STA motes

Terrestrial Circle       1 Will     Instant    Simple       Allows the casting of one
Sorcery (Air)                                               Terrestrial Circle spell

Wind-Carried Words       1 per      Instant    Simple       Send message 100 feet away
Technique (Air)          sentence                           Double cost, x10 distance

Strength of Stone        2 motes/   One Scene  Simple       +1 STR/STA, must link hands
Technique (Earth)        person                             to use on others

Unsleeping Earth         1 mote     One Day    Simple       No need to sleep for 24 hours
Meditation (Earth) 

Flickering Candle        1 per 2    Instant    Reflexive    Die adder for Dodge
Meditation (Fire)        dice

Dragon-Graced Weapon     1 mote     Instant    Supplemental +2 Damage from thorns

Stoking Bonfire Style    1 per 2    Instant    Supplemental Die adder for Melee

Deadly Wildfire Legion   1 per 2/   One Scene  Simple       Up to [Essence] people, die
(Fire)                   1 per                              adder for scene.  Each person
                                                            must be paid for separately

Loquacious Courtier      1 per 2    One Scene  Simple       Die adder for Socialize
Technique (Fire)         dice

Sweeten the Tap          2 motes    One Scene  Simple       Makes drunken revels have
Method (Fire)                                               better quality alcohol

Warm-Faced Seduction     1 mote     Instant    Supplemental Double one Socialize roll
Style (Fire)                                                to seduce a target

Benevolent Master's      1/1 per    One Scene  Simple       Grant assistants bonus dice
Blessing (Water)         2 dice                             or divide own Bureaucracy
                                                            rating among untrained

Thrashing Carp           3 motes    One Scene  Simple       Bring Bureaucratic functions
Serenade (Water)                                            to a halt in vocal range

Testing the Waters       3 motes    Instant    Simple       Allows user to instantly 
(Water)                                                     know how a vote will go

Observer Awareness       1 mote     Instant    Reflexive    PER + Larceny, each success
Method (Water)                                              after 1 locates an observer

Ears of the Snowy Owl    1 mote     One Minute Simple       Eliminate penalties due to
(Water)                                                     barriers to listen in

Spring Follows Winter    2 motes    Instant    Reflexive    Reroll DEX + Archery

Swallow Defends the      1 mote     Instant    Extra Action Fire extra arrows  
Nest (Wood)              per EA

Harvest of the           2 motes    Instant    Simple       Creates [Essence] arrows from
Hunter (Wood)                                               any wooden object

Weapon-Destroying        4 motes    Instant    Simple       Makes wooden weapons useless
Blossom (Wood)                                              Dice action to stop.  Affects
                                                            [Archery] targets

Infection-Banishing      1 mote     Instant    Simple       Removes all chance of infect-
Prana (Wood)                                                ion from one wound

Madness Analyzing        3 motes    Instant    Simple       Diff 2 PER + Medicine, see
Stare (Wood)                                                external influences on target

Memorable Performance    1 per 2    Instant    Supplemental Die adder for Performance
Technique (Wood)         dice

Talented Improvisation   2 motes    Instant    Reflexive    Reroll a Performance roll

Wild-Wandering Forester  1 per 2    Instant    Supplemental Die adder for Survival
Charm (Wood)             2 dice 

SPELLS                  COST      CIRCLE       EFFECT
Emerald Countermagic    10/20     Terrestrial  Countermagic.  Personal shield costs 10
                        Motes                  Ranged dispell costs 20

Infallable Messenger    10 Motes  Terrestrial  Sends short message to familiar person
                                               anywhere in creation

Ritual of Elemental     30 Motes  Terrestrial  Enchant objects with various effects
Empowerment                                    See [[Bo3C]] page 43.

Flight of the Brilliant 10 Motes  Terrestrial  Wits + Occult to hit, Perception + Occult
Raptor                                         damage + [Essence] automatic sux. Roll
                                               STA + Resistance or penalty = to caster's
                                               Essence.  10' radius, 1600 yard range

Exalted Shock Pike    3        4           Two motes to attack at range, +2 difficulty to
                                           parry.  Counts as a Melee attack

Ashigaru Battle Armor 2        4           No penalties except in utter blackness, +2 to
                                           Awareness, +2 to resist poisons, resist air
                                           toxins for an hour, +2 to Stealth when moving,
                                           +3 when stationary.

Jade Short Powerbow   2        4           Just a powerbow.

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