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... OK, where can I start... right. I was born in this little town in the west about... 18 years ago or so. I don't remember much of my family... nobody in the town knew who my father was, and my mother left when I was 2 years old, for some reason... nobody in the town ever knew why, really. They all said that my mother had been a great woman and a great mother.

Still, she left me in the care of an old friend of hers... Old Man Yin. He told me that she looked really sad that night, when she left me. She also left behind... nearly everything she had. Nobody seems to be quite sure at what time she left, but everybody agrees she must have taken her ship with her.

... What do I think? I dunno. I'm not angry at her, and I'm not really sad. I don't even remember what she looked like. Old Man Yin was a great caretaker too, and the stuff she left behind let me live fairly comfortably. I wonder if she's out there somewhere... the villagers used to say that she was as adventure hungry as I am. Maybe she felt the sea calling out to her... who knows?

Anyway, Old Man Yin took good care of me, as I said. He taught me to write and read, about the ocean and the spirits in it, and the dangers it had... I suppose I could blame him for my sense of adventure, but it seems to be something in the blood, who knows?

Old Man Yin taught me other stuff too... fighting, especially. Rumors around town were that he was either a former pirate, marine, or martial arts master. I don't know, but I could believe any of it... the man could fight like a damn tiger.

When I was 8 or so, I snuck into my first ship. Actually, I went disguised as a boy... I'd been told about that taboo thing for female sailors, and I didn't feel like tattooing my face, I mean, come on. I was discovered on the ship soon enough (hell, it's what I wanted), and promptly set to work in the fine western tradition.

I learned a lot about sailing and repairing ships, but, mostly, I learned a lot about fighting. I'm pretty fond of big sharp things myself!

They actually believed I was a boy until I was 14 years old or so, when it became damned difficult to hide it. Oh, there was some trouble about this... but it didn't amount to anything in the end. Why? Because the captain and the proreus (who was also the master at arms) had become fond of me. Also, a few sailors (the ones that followed the Immaculate philosophy the most) said that my blue hair was a sign of good luck.

I could have -also- taken on near damn anybody on the boat in a straight fight, Sailing gives you muscle! But I never got that chance.

About once per year, the ship came back to my home town, and I dropped by to visit Old Man Yin. He always greeted me with a sandal to the face and then we got into a fight (where I always ended up with my ass kicked. As I said, the old man fought like a tiger!). A couple of days later, I left without saying goodbye and got back on the ship before it set sail.

The last year I saw him; he actually went to the port and saw the ship off. He never said anything, and I didn't say anything to him... it would have broken that tradition we had, you know? When I came back to the town (I was 16), I learned that he had died shortly after I left...

... yeah, I cried. Away from the eyes of the others, but I cried. I guess he knew he was going to die... he was old, after all. I guess that's why he came to see us off that day. He had even left an old sword for me, and some money, as my inheritance...

I haven't gone back home after that day. There is nothing left for me there. I wonder sometimes...

= Exaltation

After Old Man Yin died, I didn't remain much longer with my crew, and said goodbye at the first port we stopped. I thought it was time to stop being on the move so much and actually take some time to know the islands... you know, become an adventurer.

I moved from ship to ship for a while. I had some trouble in a few, with the entire women taboo thing, but I proved what I was made off more than once. Had to break a couple of fingers, but it was otherwise OK (except in Coral. Man, that place sucks).

So, when I hit 18, I stopped in this town for a while... just in time for pirates to come knocking. People raised defenses quickly; non-combatants were ushered into the temple. I stayed out, with the people that would fight to defend the village.

It was a single pirate ship, but a large one at that. There were plenty of pirates... and the ship's weapons created some havoc before they came down. Now, there are many kind of pirates... -this- kind, in particular, was the blood-thirsty one. It was soon evident that the only people that would be left alive in the end would be those sold into slavery... if anybody was left alive at all.

They came from everywhere! I can't believe there were so many men in that ship! It was chaotic... people dying left and right, some pirates, but mostly the town's defenders. I had to fight no less than 3 of them at a time. I actually think they were underestimating me, or maybe they wanted me alive for... whatever. Then, I remember some of them moving to the temple... with torches. They wanted to burn the place down!

And something snapped.

Suddenly, I felt this -rush-... I just -couldn't- let them do it. There was this golden light, and...

... and the next thing I know, the pirates are all dead around me. Their ship? I split it in half.

How? Well... Yin's sword? It was this incredibly large, golden blade now... but it shrunk later. I guess that did it.

And then I heard this great, powerful voice... and it said: "Protect them! Protect the people of this world! For ages I have turned my gaze away from this world, but now I have returned, and you are my chosen!"

The people in the village were treating me with something between awe and a bit of fear... it was fairly overwhelming at first, really. I spoke to the, that's not the kind of thing I want. I'm a sailor, an adventurer, and a fighter... not a leader.

I wonder why I'm a Zenith sometimes, really.

... still, when I saw all the bodies around the village... I discovered I had the ability to burn their bodies. I didn't care much for the pirates, but I know about ghosts, you know? And the dead villagers... well, the first I burned without further ado. The villagers chose to have them go the same way, but with more proper rituals.

... but, still, so much death that day... I made a promise then. I will not take the life of anybody... unless they are completely, truly deserving of such a fate. People think I'm Anathema... and hearing the acts of -some- other Solars, I can see how. I can only strive to set an example.

Besides, who said good things will come from killing anyway?

On Solars

So! I have traveled around the world for a while... trying to buy my own ship, actually. Still! In my travels, I have met other Solars, and I've become part of a circle. They are all great friends too! They are...

Our Dawn is Nilla, and she's a barbarian from the North. She has a bit of a temper, but she's an -incredible- fighter! I'm actually stronger than her (something I think ticks her off), but she's lots, lots tougher by a long shot. We fight a lot, but they are friendly fights, really. I would stand for her, and she would stand for me, and that's the important thing. She's... a -bit- blood thirsty, but... well, I've made her try to not kill any enemy we run across.

She warns me when she thinks somebody is dangerous enough to warrant killing though, and warns me to not stop her. I guess fair's fair.

Our Twilight is Byanka; Cynis Byanka. Yes, she's a Dynast. But, actually? She's a doctor, and a -damned- good one. Her temper is about as bad as Nilla's sometimes though. They don't get along very well... I do my best to calm them down.

Oh, she's a sorcerer too! Not many spells yet, but...

Our Night is Silent Light! I think she's adorable. I mean, the Nights I hear and sometimes dream about are these spooky deadly types. Silent Light -tries- to live up to that, but... well, she's tiny and kinda huggable. She's mute, you know? Had her throat slit when she was a kid, and a Dragon-blooded saved her life. She likes most of 'em, but the Cynis frighten her still (she and Byanka have some ways to go...)

Make no mistake though. Silent Light can use those two swords of her -damned- well... and she's a great cook too!

And... our Eclipse, Tal'na! She's really smart and knows lots of languages and occult stuff. She's also really friendly, and gets along with everybody. Byanka and her sometimes debate about stuff I haven't even -heard- of and which make my head spin.

... and, uh... yeah. Me and Tal'na get along -really- well... ehe.

On Dragon-Blooded

I keep hearing about had bad Dragon-blooded can be. Nilla doesn't like 'em, and I think Byanka's still kinda bitter about em. On the other hand, Silent Light loves most of them, and she keeps... er... writing about her former masters. I think she might be in love, actually.

Tal'na is much like me... she doesn't care. Well, actually, it's not like I don't care... but, really, I'm more than happy to stay out of their way if they stay out of mine.

Most of them are pretty decent, if a bit fanatic. They try to hunt me down, and I'll either run away or beat them around for a bit. There is at least one that is pretty stubborn about getting me, but... hehe, I like her. I hope I'm getting to her too.

... Now, -other- Dragon-blooded... were, there are a few that make me regret my promise. Thankfully, my promise only excludes killing... not beating them senseless.


Rio is an upbeat, cheerful, and charismatic woman. She has a tendency of coming up as a bit rough, thanks to her years as a sailor, but she can be quite charming when she wants to be. While she'll deny this, Rio has a presence that just draws people to her. She's friendly and always up for lending an ear, and while she likes a good brawl, she's just as willing to talk it out. She is deeply compassionate, and cannot stand to see people suffer.

Rio takes her personal promise very, very seriously. She doesn't kill if she can help it at all, and might even save an enemy that is in immediate danger (other than -her-). This is odd, considering the power of her weapon and her strength, but she does her best to deal non-killing blows. Of course, undead and demons get no such consideration. A few people might stretch her patience, but she has yet to kill any... personally.

Finally, Rio appears to have a notorious weakness for women. She will hit on any that is vaguely cute (and gets lucky as often as she gets things tossed at her). She will also hit on women that don't quite fit on the idea of cute for many people (tough warrior women, for example). Rio has, of course, hit on all members of her circle but Silent Light (whom she thinks is too young), but only Tal'na has showed any interest (Nilla, in particular, is quite vocal in her opposition against the very idea).

Not that this weakness will prevent her from beating the hell out of one if the need arises... its just that she'd prefer to lay with them sooner than fight them.


Rio is tall, powerful, and quite beautiful. Her hair is long and a deep blue in color and her eyes are wide and a vibrant blue as well. She's fairly vain (probably explaining why she has steadily refused to become a Tya despite all the trouble it would save her, since it would involve getting tattooed in the face) and likes to take good care of herself. She does not fear to dirty her hands and do hard work, however... quite the opposite.

Rio also favors blue and white loose clothes when not using any kind of armor. While in the sea, she prefers to go unarmored most of the time, wearing only whatever appropriate clothes for the climate she has. On land she's not quite as picky and will wear whatever armor she has at hand.

Finally, Rio usually keeps her sword on her back. Wherever she goes, you can bet she has a dagger close at hand (a sailor custom).

Character Sheet

Name: Rio the Storm
Concept: non-killing fighter
Nature: Caregiver
Caste: Zenith
Anima: Giant Sea Serpent

Strength: 5
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 3

Charisma: 3
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 4

Perception: 2
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 3

Brawl: 1
(x)Melee: 5

(x)Endurance: 2
(x)Performance: 3
(x)Presence: 3
(x)Resistance: 2
(x)Survival: 2

(x)Craft: 2
Lore: 1

(x)Athletics: 5
Awareness: 1
(x)Dodge: 3

Linguistics: 2
(x)Sail: 3

Melee (On the sea): 2

Allies: 2
Artifacts: 4
Resources: 3


Name | Cost
1. Excellent Strike | 1 mote/die (Melee)
2. Retrieve The Fallen Weapon | 1 mote
3. Call the Blade | 3 motes
4. Golden Essence Block | 1 mote/2 die
5. Ox Body Technique (one -1 and two -2) | - (Endurance)
6. Respect Commanding Attitude | 5 motes (Performance)
7. Flawless Handiwork Method | 3 motes per success (Craft)
8. Increasing Strength Exercise | 3 motes/dot (Athletics)
9. Thunder's Might | 2 motes per point
10. Salty Dog Method | 3 motes (Sail)

Willpower: 7

Compassion: 4
Temperance: 1
Conviction: 2
Valor: 2

Virtue Flaw: Red Rage of Compassion

Rio's Anima resembles that of a large golden sea snake.
Burn bodies (1 mote/body
Disrupt undead (5 motes, 10 yards)
Frighten demons and undead (10 motes)

Essence: 2
Personal: 12|12
Peripheral: 29|29

Health: 0x1, -1x3, -2x4, -4, I

Craft: Blacksmith (2), Carpentry (1)

Linguistics: Seatongue, Low Realm, Skytongue


Lamellar: Soak (LTiffa/RioTheStorm/B): 6/8, Mobility penalty -2, Fatigue 1


Dagger: Speed: +3, Accuracy +0, Damage +1L, Defense -2

Heart of the Storm

Greatsword: Speed +0, Accuracy +2, Damage +6L, Defense -1
Daiklave: Speed +4, Accuracy +3, Damage +6L, Defense +3
Grand Daiklave: Speed -2, Accuracy +4, Damage +12L, Defense +1

Expanded Backgrounds

Allies: 2

Rio's mother is quite alive and well.

Luvia Storm left her daughter behind not because she was looking for adventure... she left because, two years after having her daughter, she Exalted into a Sidereal, a chosen of Serenity nonetheless, and had to leave her life behind.

Now, however, Luvia is keeping her eye on her daughter. Imagine her surprise when she learned that Rio had become a Solar! This made Luvia a fairly firm follower of the Gold faction. She does her best to aid Rio... and send her to places where she believes she'll be needed.

For her part, Rio has no idea of this small fact.

Artifacts: 4

Rio wields a powerful Daiklave, which she has named Heart of the Storm. The weapon has passed on its dormant state from mortal to mortal, only looking forward to its rightful owner. The last mortal to own the blade was Rio's caretaker, Yin, who put the sword to good use on his lifetime.

But now, it's back on the hands of a Solar, its rightful master.

Heart of the Storm costs just as much as a normal Daiklave to attune, but it has plenty of nice tricks as well.

First of all, by spending 3 motes, the sword grows into the size of a Grand Daiklave for a number of turns equal to Rio's personal essence. However, the blade is more powerful than a normal Grand Daiklave! After the weapon has reverted (transformation back and forth is reflexive), it cannot take its giant form

When on its large size, the Heart of the Storm can cleave through any mundane object as if it wasn't there. It cannot be used against the living people, however. A character could choose to cut the armor a man is wearing, but in the end it will not hurt the victim himself... the sword will go right past through him without damage. This does not apply to plants as well.

Objects so affected will be neatly bisected. Objects that are very large or very solid require increasing difficulties in the Dex+Melee roll. Thus, cutting leather armor is difficulty 1, while cutting super heavy plate is difficulty 4. Cutting huge things (like, say, a ship) is difficulty 5.

When the sword is not attuned, it looks like a normal, if old, greatsword. The owner may keep the blade in this state but still attuned at the cost of a single mote. When the time comes to take its Daiklave form, the owner spends and commits 6 motes, and the greatsword "breaks" to reveal the Daiklave underneath in a flash of golden light. When revealed, the weapon is -anything- but hard to see.

The Heart of the Storm can fit two Hearthstones (which are hidden and inaccessible while in greatsword form)

Greatsword: Speed +0, Accuracy +2, Damage +6L, Defense -1
Daiklave: Speed +4, Accuracy +3, Damage +6L, Defense +3
Grand Daiklave: Speed -2, Accuracy +4, Damage +12L, Defense +1

Resources: 3

Rio is pretty well off, all in all. Notably enough, she's been saving money to buy her own ship eventually. She kinda regrets having chopped that pirate ship in half that one time... it would have made for a nice ship, and the opportunity to get a ship like that again has not presented itself.


<Coenn> "FILTHY ANATHEMA!" >.< *lanceflail* - DarkheartOne

<Rio> "Ack!" *dogdeparrydodge* "Oh, come on, don't be like that" ^^; - Tiffa