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Session One, Interlude Three

Diamond has made arrangements for the coming meeting, again using the city map of his new patron's possession to plot possible escape routes. More importantly, he's enlisted a little help. It started with an innocent enough request: "You were pretty swift last night... hey, do you think you could lend me a hand? I could use someone of your talents."

Scarab is leaning on the table with the map, looking a bit disinterested. "Just whatcha got in mind, Diamond?"

Diamond flashes a confident smile, "Oh, just a quick errand--I told that helpful guard I'd meet him today, accross town. Of course, it's more than possible there's a trap waiting for me, which is why I could use a woman with a head on her shoulders for lookout."

Scarab smirks at that comment, straightening up and folding her arms. "Well, I didn't get where I am because of my face. Skill is what earn respect in this world."

Diamond grins, siezing the invitation. "Of course, a face that beautiful can only help. Still, though, you are absolutely right. So do you think you could loan me a couple of hours?"

", I can handle it. There's nothing better to do right now, waiting for Soran."

Diamond claps enthusiastically, coming to a stand. "Great! Just watch my back as best you are able--I trust you to figure out how. Here's where we're meeting, and when..."

Diamond details the arrangement, using the map for a visual aid

Scarab nods and listens, taking stock of the task at hand. Nothing too major. "Consider me your convenient shadow for the arrangement, then."

>> And once everything has been explained and planned as much as possible, you set out to the appointed meeting place. As you head for the the inn on the other side of town, you might notice that there is still a tension in the air, and plenty more soldiers on patrol still. Obviously your little prison breakout has gotten the attention of the local military. You are left alone, except for a few girls pointing and giggling as Diamond walks by up until you arrive at the inn. It isn't as large as the Half Past Inn, but looks servicable.

Diamond smiles and waves--no need to act out of place and draw attention to him, after all.

Scarab is following Diamond, though a fair distance behind as to not even look remotely like she is anything but another face in the teeming crowds of the Lap going about their business.

Scarab focuses her senses to the level of super-human acuity, aware of the slightest sounds, smells and sights that would be out of place...

Diamond, assuming he isn't intercepted by legions of armored dragonblooded who jump from the ceilings, enters the inn looking like a million bucks.

>> A few people pass by you as they walk in and out of the inn. There doesn't seem to be any soldiers sticking around or anything, from what you can see. Meanwhile, everything seems much clearer for Scarab, but nothing seems out of place.

>> When Diamond walks in, he finds himself in the common room of the inn, with a few tables and chairs scattered about. At one of the tables the three guards that ended up helping you near the end of the raid sit, with one of the kid ones glancing up and blinking as he notices you before waving. This of course gets the attention of the other two.

>> They are, for the record, unarmed and unarmored.

Scarab surveys the area several times, satisfied the Realm military presence is minimal. Allowing a few moments to pass by, she enters the inn as well and takes great care to find a seat seperate from Diamond, ordering some refreshment from the staffers as any run of the mill patron would do.

Diamond just walks right over there, as confident and cheerful as a kid on his birthday. Fortunately enough, he recognizes their faces well enough--especially with the 'help' Number Ten Camel provided in marking them. Where are they in the common room? Is it a corner, or right in the middle?

>> One kid is sporting a nice black eye from being punched through a plate, yes. Their seat is in the corner of hte common room. The only man among the three tosses of a slight salute with a grin, as the other kid just nods. Scarab meanwhile is brought her drink quickly enough.

Diamond considers the crowd, the noise, and who might be listening, as he takes a seat and says "Hello" to each in turn, shaking their hands and smiling. What's the best way to have a frank talk without others 'overhearing' their discussion? Hmmm...

Scarab enjoys her drink, examining the patrons and the guards with a keen eye, but not lingering too long as to set them off to an unwelcome stare. Her ears are alive with the conversations of the entire bar shifting through them, most especially eavsdropping on Diamond's chat.

>> The three each nod and respond in kind, grinning slightly. After a few moments the man speaks in a low tone of voice, letting the chatter of other patrons help cover it up. "So, sir, what did you call us here for?" Scarab meanwhile doesn't notice anything that looks like potential trouble.

Diamond takes a seat and smiles, saying bruskly, "Oh, don't be sarcastic with me! I just wanted to hear about the commotion last night--they say there was a fire! Tell me all about it." Diamond makes sure he's looking into a corner when he winks at the man.

>> Scarab hears some idle chatter from a table nearby about someone being dispatched from the Blessed Isle to help get a better picture of the situation in The Lap with a few escorts. Meanwhile, the man nods, catching Diamond's wink as he launches into a nice long winded description of his heroics in the face of impossible odds. Which is actually just a load of hot air that prompts grins from the kids' faces.

Diamond rolls his eyes appropiately, and eventually interrupts to say, "Yeah yeah yeah, old man--just amazing." With a heartfelt sigh, Diamond says, with a smile, "Come on guys, let's blow this place--maybe introduce you to some girls. How long do you have?"

>> The kids just grin from ear to ear as the man glances at then before shrugging. "Ah, what the hell. We've still got plenty of time. Show us the way, kid."

Diamond rises, pays whatever tab they've accumulated, and leads them out of the bar with a slightly racy joke and some raucous laughter. Just a guy and his buddies, that's all... within the hour, they're in another bar, this time with some more curvy companionship. Has Scarab been keeping up?

Scarab hrms to herself at this juicy tidbit, making idle conversation with a nearby fellow about the weather and whatnot. She then pays her tab, and exits the inn at Diamond's prompting. Following him along, she remains watchful, though just goes along as a restless drifter visiting another watering hole.

>> By 'some more' you mean a 'gaggle' of women hanging off them, sure. No one seems to be watching the few boys out for a night on the town, and the men seem to be on the level. The kids are a bit distracted by the compaionship though, so.

Diamond grins and lets them stay 'distracted'. He keeps paying for the rounds, and lets them have a fun night--the least he can do after the last one. Once the party gets started, though, Diamond quietly makes to leave it in their capable hands--pausing only a moment to hug each of the girls in turn, promising his return!

Scarab grumbles to herself about men and their habits. But she's used to this, having caroused with some pretty disreputable characters herself.

Diamond then does the 'spontaneous' thing and grabs the older guard in a great big bearhug too, picking him bodily off the floor and spinning him around. Concealed by the sound of laughter, he whispers, "We'll do this again, until we're sure you're not being watched."

Diamond puts him down and slaps him on the shoulder, "So, when can we do this again?!" He's grinning like he doesn't have a care in the world.

>> The girls return the hugs in a very enthusiastic manner, giggling the entire time before returning to the other two kids. The man meanwhile grins and laughs before replying. "We've got some time off after that bit of action! Tomorrow night?!"

Diamond smiles, as he walks backwards towards the exit, "Absolutely! See you guys then--take care of them for me, ladies!"

>> They don't seem to need any encouragement in the least.

Scarab slips out of the bar ahead of Diamond this time, hanging around the shady side of the place and waiting...

Diamond walks past her, just barely this side of tipsy, oblivious to her presence. He steals a glance this way and that, clumsily, but still misses her.

Scarab flashes out from her hiding place and puts a hand on his shoulder firmly.

Diamond turns, smiling--a woman's hand, so it's either Scarab or someone skilled enough to get past her. He's either very much alive, or VERY much dead, so why not smile? In a somewhat hushed tone, he asks, "Safe to talk?"

"Not much going on, thankfully, other than watching you paint the town red."

>> By now night is beginning to take hold in the town as the sun sets. Of course, it was already blocked out by the rest of the figure carved into the mountainside.

Diamond's smile turns a little lower, only slightly remorseful. His tone becomes quick and apologetic, with shadows of the firm authority that he assumed the night prior audible to she who listens. "Sorry about that--let's talk more, somewhere with a little more privacy."

Scarab nods. "Back to home base, then. I've got some news to impart."

Diamond accompanies her back--if she takes to the shadows once more, so be it. If she doesn't, well, he might just have to look the part as her affectionate boyfriend.

Scarab unfortunately seems more comfortable in the unseen alleyways than at Diamond's side for now. Just being practical.

Diamond's arm remorses in silence, for lack of a waist to wrap itself around.

Diamond somehow makes it to the Half Past Inn, despite the suffering.

>> When the two of you make it back, you find that it is relatively empty, as per the usual. Neither Soran or Syla seem to be present at the moment, however.

Scarab returns to the meeting place with a heavy sigh. Not exactly the most exciting job in the world, that. She relaxing at her favorite table in the corner again.

Diamond sits down accross from her and smiles, quickly asking, "So--where we followed? If so, how many and who?"

Scarab shakes her head, loosening her cotton scarf some. "Not a one. I was disappointed."

Diamond smiles, sighing in relief. "Good. Sorry to put you through that, but I wanted the best--especially for the first night. If you're up to it, I plan to run them through the gauntlet at least one more time before even asking Soran if I can take them here."

"That's the smart thing to do. Can't blame you... trust is in short supply." Scarab leans closer to him. "By the way... The grapevine tells me Realm reinforcements are on their way from the Blessed Isle. An Imperial investigator and his entourage, likely."

Diamond frowns. "Soran probably already knows--but we should still tell him." He perks up, then, and says, "But hey! Now I owe you a favor--have something in mind?"

Scarab chuckles lowly to herself. "Oh, is that right now? I'm not doing this for you though. I'm doing it for Soran as well. So don't feel you owe me anythin'."

Scarab smirks again. "Just promise me next time I don't have to sit through you seducing every bar wench within a mile radius."

Diamond leans back in his chair, and rubs his chin, thoughtfully. "Ah! So difficult a request--but the lady's wish doth bond me!" he says, with no shortage of melodrama, before he plops back down with a smile, elbows on the table. "I'll try, but you're breaking the hearts of those boys, you know."

Diamond pauses for a moment, before a mischevious glint finds its way into his eyes. "Tell me, though, Scarab, what do YOU do for fun?"

Scarab looks a bit stand-offish at that question. "Why do you care?"

Diamond grins, and says, "I look out for the well-being of my friends, Scarab! You're so professional all the time, so if I can help you relax, I aim to do so! I'm pretty good at arranging for liesure, so tell me what I can do for you!"

"Professional you say.. yeah, I guess I am. A professional thief."

Diamond nods, saying, "Naturally." His good-naturedness doesn't skip a beat.

Scarab sighs, looking away. "And hitman... and wanted criminal... just about everything uncooth under the Sun, at some point or another."

Diamond's smile fades only a little. "Hey now, no ducking the question--you're still human, after all, so what's your vice?" He says, conspiratorially, "Come on, there's no need to be shy!"

Diamond's a southeasterner--he honestly doesn't believe there to be one.

Scarab turns her green eyes back to face him, looking a little torn. She's admitted way too much already. Instead of answering him directly, she takes out a handful of random gems from her pack -- opals, topazes, rubies -- and starts juggling them from one hand to another.

Diamond raises an eyebrow and asks, his smile faint, "Diamonds are a girl's best friend?" Pun intended.

Scarab catches them in a swift motion, giving him a long stare. "'re persistant, I'll give you that."

Diamond smiles back at the stare. "You don't get anywhere by giving up early." He rises to a stand, and says, "I'll tell you if I stumble accross... something. You tell /me/ if other little pleasures come to mind. No need to save the Lap without having a little fun along the way, eh?" He winks, and turns, saying to no one in particular, "Now where's Soran?"

Scarab hides the jewels swiftly, thoughts turning towards the unique one that rests safely in her posession as he mentions Soran's name.

Scarab mutters, loud enough for Diamond to hear, "Fun... lounging around here sure isn't my idea of fun. Give me some danger with a shiny reward anyday."

>> Someone speaks up from the corner. "Over here." Lo and behold, there he is, sitting in a corner of the room with an amused look on his face as he rests his gloved hands on the table. "So how are you two doing?" He raises an eyebrow at Scarab before grinning slightly. "All in due time, Scarab."

Scarab perks up as she realized Soran caught that gripe. "Eh... Don't worry about it."

Diamond grins, and holds out a seat for her, accross from Soran. "We've got some things to discuss, Soran. News, plans, all that ominous stuff."

>> Soran nods slightly. "I'm all ears, Diamond." He grins at Scarab. "I understand how it is. We'll be making another move very soon."

Scarab responds, "You might want to reconsider those moves, boss. The word on the street is a Realm investigator is on his way with a small contingent of escorts."

Diamond is left holding that seat out, like an idiot, but takes it in stride and continues. "Just a little something overheard while watching for watchers. There's a few more guards I'd like to introduce into your organization, but we're taking steps to make sure they aren't followed first."

>> Soran nods slightly. "I've heard about the observer they are sending. Syla's friends already managed to ferret out the route he's taking and an estimate on troops. I'm considering ambushing and trying to capture them, but they've got a Dragon Blooded with them as well." He nods to Diamond, grinning. "Excellent. Once you're sure, bring them here and I'll meet them. Rastov seems be settling in nicely. He's the one who told me about the investigator they are sending."

Diamond smiles at that news. "Excellent. These three probably will not be quite /as/ useful, but they're good kids, and not bad with a blade. I'd rather have them on the winning side."

Scarab nods in agreement with that.

>> Soran nods, and soon enough something comes along to distract him. The joys of running a rebellion.

Diamond meets up with the three guys two more times before his and Soran's lookouts confirm their safety. By the end of the week, they've been introduced and inserted into the organization, smiles on their faces. The two younger boys especially. You'd have to get a crowbar to peel the smiles off their faces.


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