Okay, this obviously doesn't deserve it's own page, I just had no idea of where else to stick it, so here it shall be.
See, I have a problem. I just recently picked up the Autochthonian book, and I love it. Through a convoluted series of story suggestions and on-knees pleading sessions, I managed to convince my ST to let me play an Alchemical Exalt, a Starmetal Caste Adjudicator named Synergy of Perpetual Motion in Silence.
But there's a problem.
Maybe I'm just on the drugs, or maybe it's nine AM and I've been up all night trying to figure this out, but I have scoured the Autochthonians book front to back, and I cannot for the life of me find any mention of their base rate for regaining Essence. I know it tells me that Alchemicals eat to synthesize Essence, and that if they don't eat, there is a cumulative negative added to their hourly rate of regaining that Essence, but I cannot find the actual rate ANYWHERE in the book.
Am I insane? Is it in there? Can someone enlighten me as to what this information is, where I might find it, and whether I've utterly lost my mind?
~ WeepingStar
AFIAK the rate of essence regeneration does not vary between exalt types. All exalted regenerate essence at the rate presented in the core (Solar) book - the only difference is how much maximum essence they can have and the conditions under which they can do it at all. (So, Abyssals - no essence regeneration in creation, Everyone else no regen in the underworld, etc.). The hourly rate of respiration is the same for all exalts, Godbloods and spirits but different for mortals. Gamlain
Seconding Gamlain - It's not specified because it's constant, and a function of where you're at. (Manses, for example, boost the rate). I wish you the best of luck on your Alchie, and if you need any advice, or merely to point out how cool the Synergy is, feel encouraged to post!
-- GregLink
Not sure if Synergy of Perpetual Motion in Silence fits as an Alchemical name. Although rules are there to be broken, I guess. ^_^ -- Trithne, who likes the Adverb-Adjective-Noun style Alchies use.
- I agree with you, actually. I'm flaunting the Alchemical naming in this case because it isn't her real name. She's kind of been... damaged, a little, in the little convoluted story the ST put together to bring her into Creation by herself in the first place, and the first folks she ran into in Creation were a pair of pretentiously-titled newly-made Abyssals, and and she attempted to translate her name (Perpetually Synergystic Quiescence) into what she assumed was the nomenclature convention common to the alien environment that she's in.
~ WeepingStar