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Revision as of 15:23, 13 March 2005 by Odin (talk) (*Reply to Darloth's ?)
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Window Lens (Artifact 1) This ten inch disk, made of enchanted adamant and traced with blue jade edges, is every spy’s dream and every unfaithful spouse’s nightmare. By placing the disk against a wall and feeding it 2 motes, the user may see through, as though the disk were a small window through the wall. The window provides no illumination in dark rooms and transfers no sound, but provides a crystal clear image of whatever lies beyond the wall. The disk may me moved along the wall to provide a better point of view, so long as contact is maintained. If the disk at any time is completely removed from the wall it must be reactivated. The window will not work on magically warded walls.


Does this work the other way, or is it one-way sight only? Also, is there any chance to notice it if it's one way?
-- Darloth

One way only, otherwise there'd be no real point. I would imagine that charms or abilities that allow one to notice observers (ie DB Larceny charms) to an extent but beyond that there's no real way to know who might be watching. Odin