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Heartbreakingly Dismissive Word

Cost: 5m or 10m, 1wp
Mins: Performance 5, Linguistics 4, essence 2
Prerequisite charms: Sagacious Reading of Intent, Heart Compelling Method
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Social
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
The solar laughs at the words and charms of his opponents, and with a word disregards the imprecations of others. The solar uses this charm in response to an attempt at mental influence, be it natural or unnatural. This charm perfectly negates that attempt at influence.
In addition, if the solar spends an additional five motes and a willpower, his counterargument becomes clear and manifest; instead of protecting him from one social attack, the charm causes one social attack to simply fail.

Oration Style

These are a series of linguistics, performance, and occasionally other abilities combined into a tree based around fancy speechifyin'.

Epizeuxis In Deed

Cost: 4m per action
Mins: Performance 4, linguistics 3, essence 2
Duration: instant
Type: extra actions
Prerequisite Charms: Truth of Foreordained Thought, Heart Compelling Method
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
The solar speaks and his words strike home in many different ways, in many different directions. The solar may spend four motes per attack to make multiple social attacks simultaneously. This is a magical flurry of social attacks which has the speed of the slowest and the highest single MDV penalty.

Because the solar is attacking on different points simultaneously, this may avoid the 2 willpower per scene cap if the solar is using natural mental influence.

Heart of the Crowd

Cost: 4m, 1wp
Mins: Performance 5, linguistics 5, essence 5
Keywords: Social, Combo-OK, Compulsion
Duration: The solar's Charisma in days
Type: Supplemental
The solar understands the very essence of what it is that his audience wishes to hear, and his words resonate in their being. A solar might use this charm to supplement a social attack to make an opposing army join him; their commander would find that his attempts to argue back would be considered unacceptable orders by his troops.

This creates an instant commitment to the solar's argument and goals. The target cannot begin breaking faith until the charm expires. The mental influence remains until they have fully shaken off the loyalty, and costs one willpower per day to resist.

This charm supplements a spoken social attack. Each target who hears the speaker and has an MDV lower than or equal to the Exalt's Linguistics takes the goal of the social attack to heart as a second motivation as the social attack is rolled, with all of the benefits and drawbacks of such with the exception of one - it may not be completed to gain permanent essence. In many cases where the charm is successful, this means that the opponent chooses not to resist; in those where they do choose to fight the influence, they are at -3 MDV for fighting their new motivation.

Targets who wish may instead choose to make the motivation enforced by this charm their true, first motivation; if they do so, they pay no cost for switching goals.
