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Temple of Salt

The Temple of Salt is an Immaculate temple located close to 200 miles northeast of what was once Thorns. This is considered by all in the Realm as the frontline defense versus the Mask of Winters. Sidereals are common here as they keep a keen eye on this temple, the Mask of Winters dealings and the stars governing the fate of this area. The Temple of Salt is a keystone to detecting the Deathlords next march upon Creation.

Using an existing demense a large manse is erected upon the site of the temple. The Immaculates keep constant vigil over the area and treat all intruders with hostility not knowing who is working with the Deathlord. Its name is derived from the large amounts of salt rings that have been placed around the area and in several key areas within the great outer circle. Anyone caught tampering with the cricle is dealt with swiftly and harshly without being questioned.

Once the manse is completed the Immaculate temple shall reside within it and harness all of the Essence from the demense and those who come to worship the Immaculate text to fuel unknown defenses to further protect the inhabitants from the growing shadowland. The salt rings will remain in place throughout the temple area and sentry posts to prevent any malicious spirits from attacking. There are several other defenses being put into place to ward against demons and undead attacks and are heavily guarded to ensure their completion. Many of the living residents of Thorns fled here once it was being built many for safe refuge, others to offer thier sweat into errecting the temple. All were put through many rigorous trials before being trusted with even the most mundane of chores to ensure no sabotage efforts were underway.

The Immaculates that protect this area are amongst the most experienced and seasoned veterans the Realm has to offer. Some of them may even border on the edge of psychotic in their devotion, but all of them volunteered to be here to defend Creation from the Deathlord and hopefully prove themselves worthy of retrieving Mela's Tear and be able to finally run back the Mask of Winters.

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