= The Chosen Of The Archangels =
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== The Chosen of the Archangels (soon to be) Hardback ==
just kidding, i doubt this will even be looked at by any of the white wolf team.
Chapter 5: Charms and (their soon to be named magical ability)
===== Comments =====
Angels seem a bit Judeo-Christian for Creation but I'm somewhat interested in how this turns out- Enchantress
Yeh, how are you integrating the whole monotheism thing with Angels and the very, very integral polytheistic/animistic nature of Creation? Or are you scrapping the whole idea that Creation is polytheistic and working in a monotheistic Creation with lesser servants of the One True God? Or what? Cause angels are badass and all but they don't seem to fit into Creation that well. Except, ya know, as Exalted. Because the chosen servants of the gods are Exalted. - Telgar