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Revision as of 18:41, 5 April 2006 by Darloth (talk) (I agree, too cheap)
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Sol's Shielding Hand

Orichalcum Glove
Artifact • • •
Commitment cost: 5 motes

Designed in the First Age and given as a gift to an Eclipse caste lover, Sol's Shielding Hand appears to be a simple leather glove, but with Orichalcum filigree surrounding a hearthstone mount upon the back of the hand. When worn and attuned to, the glove grants the effects of Emerald Countermagic to the wearer, but only on spells directly targeting just him, not working on his allies or spells that include him in an area of effect.

However, by facing the palm of the glove towards an oncoming projectile and spending 2 motes, essence flares outwards from the fingertips and forms a circular field before it, shattering mortal projectiles that strike it and bouncing weapons made of the five Magical Materials away. The mote cost must be spent for every projectile, and the Exalt must be aware of the attack. It also will not work on projectile attacks supplemented with Charms.


Attunement cost may be too low. Considering 8m. - Trithne

I think it is certainly too low. I'd also put this at artifact 4, personally. There's a hearthstone somewhere that's level 4 that has the anti-sorcery effect, and this one -also- has an automatic (although magically fragile) parry effect. Is that always-applicable by the way, or just automatic?
-- Darloth