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Seventh Promise of the Wind (“Windy” to his friends-)
Game: Windy Originally Appeared in The Fate of a Kingdom, GMed by Voidstate
Caste: Eclipse
Nature: Explorer
Concept: Magistrate Captain
Picture: [[1]]
Anima: Wind and the Scent of Jasmine

Str 3
Dex 4
Stm 2

Chr 5
Man 3
App 3

Per 3
Int 3
Wts 2

Linguistics 3 (Native: Seatongue, High Realm, Low Realm, Riverspeak)
Sail 4 (Mantis Maiden +2)
Socialize 3
Presence 3
Investigation 4
Lore 3 (Cultures +2)
Martial Arts 4
Awareness 2
Athletics 1
Dodge 1
Occult 1

Artifact 5 (The Mantis Maiden)
Artifact 2 (Paired Warfans)
Followers 3 (His crew)
Resources 2

Merits & Flaws:
Eternal Vow (+3): Ascyllia, Cobra-totem Waxing Moon (Windy has no *clue* who this person is at this point in time-)
Rival (-1): Peleps Takamuri, former owner of the Mantis Maiden. (Takamuri knows him as Tauari’i Pelikai)
Known Anathema (-1): On the Islands of the Summer Moon
Dark Fate (-1): Death by Insane Former Lunar Spouse, per the ‘Kingdom’ end-game.

Essence 2
Willpower 5

Compassion 3
Conviction 2
Temperance 2
Valor 2

Break: Compassion
Flaw: “I have to get away from you people!” (A wanderer’s take on ‘Heart of Tears’)

Ten Magistrate’s Eyes
Crafty Observation Method
Judge’s Ear Technique
Excellent Emissary’s Tongue
Mastery of Small Manners
Wise-Eyed Courtier Method
Graceful Crane Stance

Mantis Martial Arts
Leaping Mantis Technique
Iron-Arm Block
Mantis Form

His Artifacts
The Mantis Maiden- The Mantis is Windy's ship. She's *always* been Windy's ship. She was build for him by his circle's Twilight back when Creation was young, and finding her again was one of the first things he did after his Exaltation... Although it's a point of debate if he actually found her, or if SHE found HIM. Crunch-wise, she's a relatively small First Age ship (Crew of about 10-), built for speed rather than combat. She's an Artifact 5. The extra dot of artifact went into her one exceptional ability. She can fly. 8D

Most of the time she stays on the surface and is used as an ordinary sailing ship to avoid attracting too much attention, and landing and taking off again on solid ground isn't easy, so Windy prefers to set down on the water… but in a pinch he can land her almost anywhere.

Brother Sea & Sister Sky- A pair of jade and orichalcum folding fans. Stats as the jeweled fans listed in CB: Eclipse. Brother Sea is black, and Windy tends to use it as his left-hand weapon. Sister Sky is white and favored as his right-hand weapon.

His History & Background
Seventh Promise of the Wind... "Windy" to his friends... was born Tauari'i Pelikai, youngest son of the leader of the Pelikai’i Merchant Clan of the Islands of the Summer Moon. From their home port in the Western islands, the Pelikai’i make a living trading exotic goods from all over Creation with the merchant houses of the Realm. They are not members of the Guild. They support and helped form the budding Western Trade Alliance.

Windy grew up aboard his family's ships, visiting strange places, bartering with odd people, and then moving on to the next port of call when he'd seen all there was to see. He's adaptable, curious, well versed in the ways of many cultures… and more than a little restless. He's never been content to stay in one place for very long... not when there are still so many other places he hasn't seen!

He Exalted during an encounter with an Eastern tribe that had turned inexplicably hostile in the middle of negotiations. His Exaltation didn't make much of a difference to his family, who were used to seeing some pretty odd things, but he still took his ship and left them soon after. He isn’t willing to risk sinking their trade with the Realm through association with an anathema.

He still keeps in contact with his family and occasionally visits Summer Moon, but Windy has no permanent residence or base of operations. He considers Summer Moon to be the Mantis’ home port, but he's never been inclined to stay there. "Home" is fine for a few days, but once he's spoken to everyone, recounted all the news and good gossip, and caught up on everything that's changed since his last visit, the familiarity of the place starts to feel like a cage and he sets off again.

Windy's curiosity and wanderlust caused conflict more than once with the more predictable (Some would say "more responsible"-) members of his family even prior to his Exaltation... He always had a bad habit of "wandering off" on his own if the fleet stayed in the same location for too long. He always came back, of course, and he was always there when they really needed him... but there have been times when his friends were sorely tempted to tie him up and put him on a leash.

A strong sense of justice and powerful affinity for freedom have also made Windy a dedicated abolitionist. He finds the whole idea of slavery disturbing, and neither trades with known slavers nor transports “hard goods” himself. Their role in the slave trade is the root of his disdain for the Guild and his hatred of the Lintha.

The crew of the Mantis Maiden:
Chunn, An-Teng master seaman. Windy's second-in-command
Mihet, a sailor (Topsman)
Mhin'ahi, purser of the Mantis Maiden, Windy's steward
Lannis, a sailor (Bowsman)
Joona, Weapon's Master
… and several others who were never given names…

Other background people of note:
Peleps Takamuri, Water Aspected Dynast. Captain of the Goddess of Whitewater. Former owner of the Mantis Maiden.
Heia Pelikai, Captain of the Crown of Eyes and Fern, Merchant of the Western Trade Alliance. Windy's brother.
Mana’un, a priestess of Red Orchid's volcano god. Strongly resembles Nihani, who was one of Ascyllia’s incarnations.
Loras White Raven, Windy’s last First Age incarnation (and inner bitch, apparently-)
Ascyllia, cobra totem waxing moon. Windy’s First Age Lunar spouse.  
Sananjae and Kulikadevi: Windy and Ascyllia's original incarnations. (Sananjae is the one who made those seven promises.)