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Creations of the Exalted in the First Age, Slender yet well-formed and beautiful in general, Windians tend to have a varied coloration, just like the birds they are often likened to. Their large, bird-feathered wings can be any color ranging from black to white, although white (followed by brown and dull/light versions of more lively colors) are more prevalent. Black is thought of as an evil omen, and there are legends about the black-winged, so many in fact that they are given the label Accursed, and shunned, abused, and often killed by those who fear what their fates may bring. Windian eyes range from green to violet – although some may have black, red, or brown eyes, such things are rare.

Windians tend to be frail types, with the hollow-boned bloodlines being even frailer then the most. As a rule, they are taller then the human norm, although they don’t surpass 6 feet (183 cm) in height very often since it would make weight prohibitive for flight. As a whole they tend to not to be physically powerful either, with the exception being the muscles in the back, especially on the wings themselves and near/around the wing roots (which are roughly inside the shoulder blades). The wing muscles in particular are easily able to match the strength output of those of a strong human, since they must be strong enough to enable the wings to lift the Windian off of the ground without the aid of wind but compact enough to avoid weighing it down. With their hollow bones, this makes the Windians able to make great long-distance flights if they possess enough Endurance.

They are at all stages of their life aware of their appearance, and can seem slightly vain to outsiders, but they see it rather differently (the specific reason is different among individuals but all tend to have a marked concern about their appearance). They will groom and clean themselves meticulously, and are known to spend up to an hour or more oiling their wing feathers to a sleek, refined state (they lack the preening glands of birds, and have to use a special light oil for that). Windians who fail to do this are often referred to from other Windians as having no pride. Most common Windians can’t afford to do that as much as nobles and rich ones, so their feathers tend to acquire a certain coarseness. And finally, they love open spaces, and high ones. Their capital city of Windia only enhances this fact, as it is located on a mountain far to the north, surrounded by the green, gently rolling plains of their homeland. They like cold weather (although not arctic), and prefer it to hot climates (especially the desert), since they are from the northern part of the world. They downright dislike enclosed spaces, and don’t like caves at all. Caging a Windian is a good way to unbalance her, although insanity takes months of imprisonment and abuse to bring to the surface.

Mechanically, the Windians possess the following benefits.

  • Flying Wings
    • Their great wings allow them to fly, ascending at a rate equal to their running speed, and diving at a speed equal to 10 times their running speed. They do not need tomake Dexterity+Athletics rolls to pull out of dives in normal circumstances.
  • Acute Sense(Sight)
    • The Windian's eyesight is sharp as that of hawk, able to catch a mice in endless fields of grass... they have two extra dice in any Perception or Awareness roll. However, it is much easier to hurt such a keen eyesight - when faced with great lights, they need to make a Wits+Awareness roll with a difficulty varying depending on how great the light, or receive a 1 dice penalty in all rolls for as long as the light persists or until they suceed the roll. They can be easily distracted by beautiful, but weaker shiny lights or objects - the effect is the same.
  • Vice(Valor - enclosed spaces)
    • Born to fly, to be free in the air, Windians feel uneasy in enclosed spaces. They have a hard time going within, and when in them, feel irrationally more fearful and pliable. To cage a Windian for a long time is a sure way to unbalance her, something that will surely end in insanity. They lose two dice from all Valor rolls while in such enclosed spaces.
  • Frailty
    • The hollow bones and lithe complexions make their flight possible, but hinder them in many ways. Most serious blows will hinder them, and serious wounds kill them much easier. They do not possess their 'Bruised' Health Level - any actual damage will give them penalties, and with only six total health levels, they die much easier. Exalted Windians can circumvent this with normal purchases of Ox-Body Technique, however. But only Solars, Abyssals and Sidereals can buy 'bruised' Health Levels. In general they tend to not be too strong or resilient, but this has no mechanical effect.
  • They are also vain, brighter, with a knack magics mortal and Exalted alike, but not to the extent of needing a mechanical respresentation.

  • The total cost to play a Windian is 3 bonus points.


In the Capital of Winlandia, Windia, stands The Kaleidoscope, a great Solar Manse, which holds its Magic University. Within, mystic arts Mortal and Exalted alike are taught. How to deal with gods, how to command the weather, how to enchant and ward... and to the Exalted among them, the ability to shape the very fabric of the world with their hands and minds. And, to the greatest of its Mortal students, it offers a priceless gift - the ability to do the same. The best students, thirteen every year, are given that chance. Some decline, but for most the power is worth the risk.

Those that take the chance are taken to special classes, where they learn more than simply magic - they learn philosophy, they learn to control their breath, to understand their bodies. All in preparation for what will come. When the time is right, they receive their tatoos through an area of their body - usually over their able arm and up to their neck, although some crawl up to the faces, and some few who care not for the Immaculate order have it be as a circlet and making a 'caste mark' of sorts. There are at least three main school of designs for the tatoos - their choice is mostly aesthetic, but can say much about the individual. Some of its artisans make it as runes, others as swirls, others as vines and roses. But the choice of the specialist that will make them is crucial - an error in their perfection can ultimately doom the student. There is little room for bribing, however - the sorcerer-artist will be the one held accountable even if the mistake is not his', so they can only be bribed for a price that covers their life, pride, and reputation. When the tatoos and the lessons are done, they are taken to the top of the great building... where their old life ends.

In an open room, sorceries the masters of the academy have learned channel the spirits of all winds... and within the room, seeing the skies and clouds of Windia at all sides, the student sees the winds. They become visible, in a multitude of colors, within the room, as they begin to take the student up... and he sees the room, the sculptures in the walls moving, as the energy suffuses his self... and he is carried up... in a tower that reaches to infinity where the roof of the Manse should be. There, he is stripped of his Self as essence breaks his body... held only by the tatoos as his self is remade with power. Greater mistakes on the making of the tatoos can doom a student forever there, and there are even a few who are unable to cope with the experience - coming back... less than mentally healthy. But those are rare cases. Most of the time, the student returns... able to feel the flows of Essence all around him. Able to hold the fabric of the world in the tip of his hand and work the Emerald Circle of Sorcery.

When a graduate of The Kaleidoscope uses such sorceries, his tatoos shine like an Exalt's Anima - in the same pattern, but it stops at the 8-10 motes range of motes spent. The color of the tatoos depend entirely on the individual - and say much about him.

Mechanically, a graduate of The Kaleidoscope...

  • Is considered a Mortal, albeit never an Extra, for all purposes. She bleeds, heals, soaks, and rolls everything else as a Heroic Mortal would. They are not immune to disease, infection, or able to soak lethal damage with half their stamina as Exalted are.
  • Receives a Permanent Essence of 3, the ability to attune to Artifacts, Manses and Hearthstones, but is never able to harmonize wih the 5 Magical Materials. Receives a Personal Essence Pool equal to [Essence]+[Willpower] and a Peripheral Essence Pool equal to [Essence x4] + [Willpower] + [Sum of Virtues]. This Peripheral pool is only the shine of the tatoos and ends at the 8-10 range as stated above.
  • Receive 3 Charm Slots, and Terrestrial Circle Sorcery. They only need Occult 3 and Essence 3 to possess it, and the Occult prerequisite is easily filled by being chosen for the proccess. The Slots can only be spent in Spells or the God-Blooded Ox-Body, but they can learn Terrestrial Martial Arts with Bonus or Experience points.
  • From there, they can pick Mortal Merits and Flaws, but not a God-Blooded's.

Windian Sorcerers who Exalt have their traits superceded by an Exalts. Little changes for them in game. At Character Creation, they are simply a normal Exalt with Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, three of their charms spent on spells, at least, and the tatoos, which shine still, and count as a 1-point unusual feature. Lunar tatoos take the place of this unusual feature, but the Moonsilver Tatoos do receive a tinge of the original tatoo's colors.

The Magic University allows the purchasing of the Sorcery Background up to 3.

However, it is not required of such graduates - that represents special training.